姚建华更新时间:2020-08-27 14:55:49
最新章节:Prospects for Trade Unions and Labour Organisations in India’s IT and ITES Industries封面
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I Digital Labour: Class Digital Divide and Gender
The Underpinnings of Class in the Digital Age: Living Labour and Value
Laboring Under the Digital Divide
Gendered Futures? Women the ICT Workplace and Stories of the Future
II Digital Labour in the Manufacturing Industry
Foxconned Labour as the Dark Side of the Information Age: Working Conditions at Apple’s Contract Manufacturers in China
‘The Future’s Bright the Future’s Mobile’: A Study of Apple and Google Mobile Application Developers
III Digital Labour in the Services Industry
The Subterranean Stream: Communicative Capitalism and Call Centre Labour
Prospects for Trade Unions and Labour Organisations in India’s IT and ITES Industries
更新时间:2020-08-27 14:55:49