Music book 音乐书屋
听众不仅在音乐厅内,更在音乐厅外 The Audience is not only inside but also outside the Concert Hall
探访底特律交响乐团首次中国巡演背后的故事 The Stories behind Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s First China Tour
我相信是人们之间的合作让一支乐团歌唱 I Believe It is the Collaboration among People that Makes an Orchestra Sing
Inter view采访
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回归古典,却不局限于古典 王 与他的《舒伯特》Want Tao and His New AlbumSchubert
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Spot review听乐记
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她手里的中提琴像一支画笔 听刘 元演奏龚天鹏中提琴协奏曲有感 She is Mastering the Viola like a Painting Brush
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桃李不言,下自成蹊 观首届“沪江杯”上海才艺钢琴大赛 The 1st“Hujiang Cup”Piano Contest ofCollege Students in Shanghai
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Music sea乐海博览
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陈银淑:“爱丽丝”你是谁? Unsuk Chin: Who are You Alice?
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德沃夏克的“另一首”大提琴协奏曲 Dvorak’s Another Cello Concerto
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跨越“古稀之年”的音乐节达姆施塔特音乐节 Darmstadt Music Festival: Over 70 Years Old
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左手独秀 Left-Handed Drive
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亨塞尔特的二十四首钢琴练习曲 Adolf von Henselt’s 24 Piano Etudes
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Music talk音乐漫话
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二十位最伟大的小提琴家(上) The 20 Greatest Violinists Ⅰ
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一生追求精神归宿的作曲家:马勒 Mahler the Musician Seeking Spiritual Home
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Music travel音乐之旅
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Music book音乐书屋
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时代与个体:琴声中的二部复调 A Music Autobiography of Madam Zi Zhongyun
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CD of the month附片档案
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华尔兹在法兰西荡起 The French Waltz of Emile Waldteufel
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更新时间:2019-08-08 18:50:29