更新时间:2020-06-02 09:58:10
最新章节:第12章 Containing the third part of the reign of Peter the Headstrong - his troubles wi完结共12章
第1章 Introduction
第2章 The author's apology
第3章 W.I. Notices
第4章 Account of the author
第5章 To the public
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第7章 Treating of the first settlement of the province of Nieuw Nederlandts.
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第8章 In which is recorded the golden reign of Wouter Van Twiller.
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第9章 Containing the chronicles of the reign of William The Testy.
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第10章 Containing the first part of the reign of Peter Stuyvesant and his troubles wit
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第11章 Containing the second part of the reign of Peter the Headstrong and his gallant
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第12章 Containing the third part of the reign of Peter the Headstrong - his troubles wi
更新时间:2020-06-02 09:58:10