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Section 1: First Steps and Basic Configuration
Chapter 1: Understanding the Core Technologies
Technical requirements
Understanding the zone-based firewall
Understanding App-ID and Content-ID
The management and data plane
Authenticating users with User-ID
Chapter 2: Setting Up a New Device
Technical requirements
Gaining access to the user interface
Adding licenses and setting up dynamic updates
Upgrading the firewall
Hardening the management interface
Understanding the interface types
Section 2: Advanced Configuration and Putting the Features to Work
Chapter 3: Building Strong Policies
Technical requirements
Understanding and preparing security profiles
Understanding and building security rules
Creating NAT rules
Chapter 4: Taking Control of Sessions
Technical requirements
Controlling the bandwidth with quality of service policies
Leveraging SSL decryption to break open encrypted sessions
Redirecting sessions over different paths using policy-based forwarding
Chapter 5: Services and Operational Modes
Technical requirements
Applying a DHCP client and DHCP server
Configuring a DNS proxy
Setting up high availability
Enabling virtual systems
Managing certificates
Chapter 6: Identifying Users and Controlling Access
Technical requirements
User-ID basics
Configuring group mapping
Setting up a captive portal
Using an API for User-ID
User credential detection
Chapter 7: Managing Firewalls through Panorama
Technical requirements
Setting up Panorama
Device groups
Setting up templates and template stacks
Panorama management
Section 3: Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Chapter 8: Upgrading Firewalls and Panorama
Technical requirements
Documenting the key aspects
Preparing for the upgrade
The upgrade process
The rollback procedure
Special case for upgrading older hardware
The downgrade procedure
Chapter 9: Logging and Reporting
Technical requirements
Log storage and forwarding
Configuring log collectors and log collector groups
Logging Service
External logging
Configuring log forwarding
The Application Command Center
Filtering logs
z: VPN and Advanced Protection
Technical requirements
Setting up the VPN
Custom applications and threats
Zone protection and DoS protection
Chapter 11: Troubleshooting Common Session Issues
Technical requirements
Using the tools at our disposal
Interpreting session details
Using the troubleshooting tool
Using maintenance mode to resolve and recover from system issues
Chapter 12: A Deep Dive into Troubleshooting
Technical requirements
Understanding global counters
Analyzing session flows
Debugging processes
CLI troubleshooting commands cheat sheet
Chapter 13: Supporting Tools
Technical requirements
Integrating Palo Alto Networks with Splunk
Monitoring with Pan(w)achrome
Threat intelligence with MineMeld
Exploring the API
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更新时间:2021-06-11 18:34:28