Cardboard VR Projects for Android
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Chapter 1. Virtual Reality for Everyone
Why is it called Cardboard?
The spectrum of VR devices
A gateway to VR
The value of low-end VR
Configuring your Cardboard viewer
Developing apps for Cardboard
An overview to VR best practices
Chapter 2. The Skeleton Cardboard Project
What's in an Android app?
The Android project structure
Getting started with Android Studio
Creating a new Cardboard project
Adding the Cardboard Java SDK
The AndroidManifest.xml file
The activity_main.xml file
The MainActivity class
Chapter 3. Cardboard Box
Creating a new project
Hello triangle!
3D camera perspective and head rotation
Repositioning the triangle
Hello cube!
Lighting and shading
Spinning the cube
Hello floor!
Hey look at this!
Chapter 4. Launcher Lobby
Creating a new project
Adding Hello Virtual World text overlay
Using a virtual screen
Responding to head look
Adding an icon to the view
Listing installed Cardboard apps
Highlighting the current shortcut
Using the trigger to pick and launch the app
Further enhancements
Chapter 5. RenderBox Engine
Introducing RenderBox – a graphics engine
Creating a new project
Materials textures and shaders
The Math package
The Transform class
The Component class
The RenderObject component
The Cube RenderObject component
Vertex color material and shaders
The Camera component
RenderBox methods
A simple box scene
Cube with face normals
The Light component
Vertex color lighting material and shaders
Time for animation
Detect looking at objects
Exporting the RenderBox package
Chapter 6. Solar System
Setting up a new project
Creating a Sphere component
A solid color lighted sphere
Adding the Earth texture material
Day and night material
Creating the Sun
Creating a Planet class
Formation of the Solar System
A starry sky dome
Fine tuning the Earth
Changing the camera location
Possible enhancements
Updating the RenderBox library
Chapter 7. 360-Degree Gallery
Setting up the new project
Viewing a 360-degree photo
Viewing a regular photo
Putting a border frame on the image
Loading and displaying a photo image
Loading and displaying a photosphere image
The image gallery user interface
Displaying thumbnails in a grid
Gaze to load
Enable scrolling
Stay responsive and use threads
An explanation of threading and virtual reality
Launch with an intent
Showing/hiding the grid with tilt-up gestures
Spherical thumbnails
Updating the RenderBox library
Further possible enhancements
Chapter 8. 3D Model Viewer
Setting up a new project
Understanding the OBJ file format
Creating the ModelObject class
Parse OBJ models
Model extents scaling and center
I'm a little teapot
I'm a little rotating teapot
Thread safe
Launch with intent
Practical and production ready
Chapter 9. Music Visualizer
Setting up a new project
Capturing audio data
A VisualizerBox architecture
Waveform data capture
A basic geometric visualization
2D texture-based visualization
FFT visualization
Trippy trails mode
Multiple simultaneous visualizations
Random visualizations
Further enhancements
Onward to the future
更新时间:2021-07-16 10:54:32