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Chapter 1. JMeter Fundamentals
Executing a test script
Recording a script via HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Recording scripts via the Chrome browser extension
Converting HTTP web archives (HAR) to JMeter test plans
Viewing and analyzing test results
Feeding data into a script
Using timers
Managing HTTP user sessions
Testing Single Page Applications (SPAs)
Testing AJAX-centric applications
Chapter 2. Handling Responses
Using Regular Expression Extractor
Using Regular Expression Tester
Using CSS/jQuery Extractor
Using XPath Extractor
Dealing with file downloads
Handling XML responses
Handling JSON responses
Handling HTML responses
Using Response Assertion
Using Duration Assertion
Uploading files with your scripts
Chapter 3. Building Robust Test Plans with Controllers
Using Transaction Controller in test plans
Using Loop Controller in test plans
Leveraging ForEach Controller in test plans
Using Interleave and Random Controller in test plans
Using Runtime Controller in test plans
Chapter 4. Testing Services
Testing REST web services
Testing SOAP web services
Testing FTP services
Testing relational databases
Testing NoSQL databases
Testing JMS services
Chapter 5. Diving into Distributed Testing
Testing applications with JMeter's master-slave setup
Testing internal applications using JMeter and Vagrant
Testing external facing applications using JMeter Vagrant and AWS
Testing external facing applications using Flood.IO
Testing external facing applications using BlazeMeter
Chapter 6. Extending JMeter
Using REST Sampler
Using Ultimate Thread Group
Using Throughput Shaping Timer
Using Console Status Logger
Using Dummy Sampler
Developing custom JMeter plugins
Testing WebSocket-enabled applications
Chapter 7. Building Debugging and Analyzing the Results of Test Plans
Using the View Results Tree listener
Using the Aggregate Report listener
Debugging with Debug Sampler
Using Constant Throughput Timer
Using the JSR223 postprocessor
Analyzing Response Times Over Time
Analyzing transactions per second
Using User Defined Variables (UDV)
Chapter 8. Beyond the Basics
Continuous Integration with JMeter
Testing with different bandwidths
Using the HTTP Cache Manager component
Using script languages within test plans
Writing Test scripts through Ruby DSL
Understanding JMeter properties
Monitoring servers while executing tests (using VisualVM)
Monitoring servers while executing tests (using YourKit Profiler)
Monitoring servers while executing tests (using New Relic)
Performance tips to scale JMeter
Appendix A. Installing the Supporting Software Needed for this Book
Installing JMeter
Installing Java Development Kit (JDK)
Installing JMeter plugins
Installing Vagrant
Installing VirtualBox
Installing Maven
Installing Git
Obtaining AWS keys for EC2
更新时间:2021-08-05 17:36:44