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- 金钱不能买什么
- (美)迈克尔·桑德尔
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- 2015-08-04 12:18:31
[13].Robyn Hagan Cain,“Need a Seat at Supreme Court Oral Arguments?Hire a Line Stander,”FindLaw,September 2,2011,http://blogs.findlaw.com/supreme_court/2011/09/need-a-seat-at-supreme-court-oral-arguments-hire-a-line-stander.html;www.qmsdc.com/linestanding.html.
[14].www.linestanding.com/.Statement by Mark Gross at http://qmsdc.com/Response%20to%20S-2177.htm.
[15].Gomes quoted in Palmeri,“Homeless Stand in for Lobbyists on Capitol Hill.”
[17].David Pierson,“In China,Shift to Privatized Healthcare Brings Long Lines and Frustration,”Los Angeles Times,February 11,2010;Evan Osnos,“In China,Health Care Is Scalpers,Lines,Debt,”Chicago Tribune,September 28,2005;“China Focus:Private Hospitals Shoulder Hopes of Revamping China’s Ailing Medical System,”Xinhua News Agency,March 11,2010,www.istockanalyst.com/article/viewiStockNews/articleid/3938009.
[18].Yang Wanli,“Scalpers Sell Appointments for 3,000Yuan,”China Daily,December 24,2009,www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2009-12/24/content_9224785.htm;Pierson,“In China,Shift to Privatized Healthcare Brings Long Lines and Frustration.”
[19].Osnos,“In China,Health Care Is Scalpers,Lines,Debt.”
[20].Murphy,“Patients Paying for Extra Time with Doctor”;Abigail Zuger,“For a Retainer,Lavish Care by ‘Boutique Doctors,’”New York Times,October 30,2005.
[21].Paul Sullivan,“Putting Your Doctor,or a Whole Team of Them,on Retainer,”New York Times,April 30,2011,p.6;Kevin Sack,“Despite Recession,Personalized Health Care Remains in Demand,”New York Times,May 11,2009.
[22].Sack,“Despite Recession,Personalized Health Care Remains in Demand.”
[25].Samantha Marshall,“Concierge Medicine,”Town &Country,January 2011.
[26].Sullivan,“Putting Your Doctor,or a Whole Team of Them,on Retainer”;Drew Lindsay,“I Want to Talk to My Doctor,”Washingtonian,February 2010,pp.27–33.
[27].Zuger,“For a Retainer,Lavish Care by ‘Boutique Doctors.’”
[28].Lindsay,“I Want to Talk to My Doctor”;Murphy,“Patients Paying for Extra Time with Doctor”;Zuger,“For a Retainer,Lavish Care by ‘Boutique Doctors’”;Sack,“Despite Recession,Personalized Health Care Remains in Demand.”
[29].A recent study found that,in Massachusetts,the majority of family physicians and internal medicine physicians were not accepting new patients.See Robert Pear,“U.S.Plans Stealth Survey on Access to Doctors,”New York Times,June 26,2011.
[30].N.Gregory Mankiw,Principles of Microeconomics,5th ed.(Mason,OH:South-Western Cengage Learning,2009),pp.147,149,151.
[31].N.Gregory Mankiw,Principles of Microeconomics,1st ed.(Mason,OH:South-Western Cengage Learning,1998),p.148.
[32].Blain,“Attorney General Cuomo Cracks Down on Scalping of Shakespeare in the Park Tickets.”
[33].Richard H.Thaler,an economist,quoted in John Tierney,“Tickets?Supply Meets Demand on Sidewalk,”New York Times,December 26,1992.
[34].Marjie Lundstrom,“Scalpers Flipping Yosemite Reservations,”Sacramento Bee,April 18,2011.
[35].“Scalpers Strike Yosemite Park:Is Nothing Sacred?”editorial,Sacramento Bee,April 19,2011.
[36].Suzanne Sataline,“In First U.S.Visit,Pope Benedict Has Mass Appeal:Catholic Church Tries to Deter Ticket Scalping,”Wall Street Journal,April 16,2008.
[37].John Seabrook,“The Price of the Ticket,”New Yorker,August 10,2009.The $4million figure comes from Marie Connolly and Alan B.Kreuger,“Rockonomics:The Economics of Popular Music,”March 2005,working paper,www.krueger.princeton.edu/working_papers.html.
[38].Seabrook,“The Price of the Ticket.”
[39].Andrew Bibby,“Big Spenders Jump the Queue,”Mail on Sunday (London),March 13,2006;Steve Huettel,“Delta Thinks of Charging More for American Voice on the Phone,”St.Petersburg Times,July 28,2004;Gersh Kuntzman,“Delta Nixes Special Fee for Tickets,”New York Post,July 29,2004.