- 冯成志编著
- 190字
- 2024-12-21 14:57:06
4.3 函数示例
function playnoisef(sf,duration,lowfreqs,highfreqs,loops) %Play some noise :) %First generate the beep with random freq, %then play it with function sound %The meaning of the parameter as follows: %playnoisef(sf,duration,freqs,loops) %sf:samplerate,such as 44100 %duration:the duration of each noise in secs. such as 0.5 %freqs:the range of the freqs, such as [100 1000] %loops:the number of loops %We with the MakeBeep to generate the noise for i=1:loops %循环播放 r=randi([lowfreqs highfreqs]); %从范围中随机频率 s1=MakeBeep(r,duration,sf); %生成噪音 sound(s1,sf); %播放 end end