- 剑桥BEC真题词汇记忆必备手册(初级)
- 李金山编著
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- 2024-11-02 22:27:11
database ['deɪtəbeɪs]
[英文释义]a large amount of in-formation stored in a computer system in such a way that it can be easily looked at or changed
[记忆方法]data(数据)+ base(基地)→数据的基地→数据库
[真题例句]Alexandra runs a suc-cessful international translation agency and she thinks her com-puters need upgrading because her database is now so large.(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)
[参考译文]亚历山德拉经营一家国际翻译机构 ,由于现有数据库过于庞大的原因 ,她准备对电脑设备进行更新换代。
[真题例句]Although it is essen-tial for effective CRM(Customer Relationship Marketing)to record customer information on a good computer database,the real skill is interpreting what your customers tell you and knowing what promis-es they think you have made.(剑4,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)
deadline ['dedlaɪn]
n. 最后期限,截止日期
[英文释义]a time or day by which something must be done
[记忆方法]dead(死)+ line(线)→死期→最后期限
[真题例句]Richard Masters was recently promoted and would like to improve his ability to meet deadlines.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)
[真题例句]I now have a better understanding … and am more aware of my colleague's deadlines.(剑3,Test 2,Reading,Part 5)
deal [di:l]
v. 做生意,出售;经营;买卖
[英文释义]to do business
[固定搭配]deal with 处理,动手解决(剑 2,Test 1,Reading,Part 2/剑3,Test 1,Reading,Part 5/剑4,Test 3,Listening,Part 3)
[商务用语]Dealing with customer complaints 处理顾客投诉问题(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)
[真题例句]Office manager Helen Turner needs to deal with com-plaints from staff about some col-leagues' use of email.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)
[真题例句]Before I started,I thought running my own business would be similar to my previous job,but straight away I had prob-lems I'd never dealt with before …(剑2,Test 2,Reading,Part 4)
[参考译文]在创业之前,我原以为经营自己的公司同我以前的工作应该没有两样 ,但是 ,很快我就面临了我以前不曾应对过的问题……
[真题例句]Jackman believe in developing his staff,but business deals come first.(剑 2,Test 4,Reading,Part 5)
[参考译文]杰克曼虽然很重视培养自己的员工 ,但是对他而言 ,完成交易还是第一位。
[真题例句]Staff development matters less than the success of a deal.(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 5)
[真题例句]… but it is a weakness of Conway's book that it does not deal with the costs that ineffective interviewing techniques can tend to.(剑3,Test 4,Reading,Part 4)
[真题例句]The final part of the course then looks at different things,like how to deal with prob-lems and how to time a talk.(剑4,Test 3,Listening,Part 3)
[参考译文]课程的最后侧重其他不同方面 ,比如如何处理问题 ,如何控制讲话时间。
[dɪ'sɪʒn 'meɪkɪŋ]
n. 决策 adj. 做决定的
[商务用语]decision-making at board level 董事会级决策(剑 2,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)
decline [dɪ'klaɪn]
[英文释义]to gradually become less,worse,or lower
[记忆方法]de(向下)+ cline(倾斜)→向下倾斜→下降;衰落
[真题例句]High Street sales and Internet sales reached their peak in the middle of the period,but In-ternet sales declined more sharply at the end.(剑2,Test 2,Reading,Part 3)
[真题例句]Fewer employees were recruited through newspaper ad-verts this year than the previous year and online recruitment also declined.(剑 3,Test 1,Reading,Part 3)
[真题例句]Both turnover and market share showed an increase this month,while operating profit suffered a decline.(剑 4,Test 1,Reading,Part 3)
[真题例句]Despite the fact that market share fell and there was a decline in turnover,operating profit was equal to that of the previous month.(剑 4,Test 1,Reading,Part 3)
[真题例句]Grant International's share price experienced an up-turn,while the share price for both HDC Union and the Lindel Group declined.(剑 4,Test 2,Reading,Part 3)
[参考译文]Grant International 的股票价格呈上升趋势,但 HDC Union和Lindel Group 的股票价格都下跌。
delay [dɪ'leɪ]
n. 延迟,延误;延期;延迟(或延误)的时间
[英文释义]when you have to wait longer than expected for some-thing to happen,or the time that you have to wait
[记忆方法]de + lay(放下)→放下不管→推迟;耽误
[派生词汇]delayed adj. 延误的 ,延迟的;延期的(剑 4,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)
[真题例句]Because of the delay,we'd like to suggest a fee reduc-tion.(剑 2,Test 1,Listening,Part 2)
[真题例句]Peter will arrive at the 11 am meeting late because his train is delayed.(剑 4,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)
delegate ['delɪɡət]
[英文释义]a person chosen or elected by a group to speak,vote etc for them,especially at a meet-ing
[记忆方法]de(出去)+ leg(任命)+ ate(动词词尾)→任命派遣出去→委派……作代表
[派生词汇]delegation n. 代表;委托(剑4,Test 3,Reading,Part 5)
[真题例句]We advise delegates to reserve places well in advance of the course start date.(剑 2,Test 1,Writing,Part 2)
deliver [dɪ'lɪvə(r)]
v. 运送;递送,投递
[英文释义]to take goods,letters,parcels etc to people's houses or places of work
[记忆方法]de(离开)+live(举起)+ r →举起拿走→送交
[派生词汇]delivery n. 递送 ,交付(剑 3,Test 1,Listening,Part 1/ 剑3,Test 4,Speaking,Part 2/ 剑 4,Test 1,Listening,Part 2/剑4,Test 4,Listening,Part 2)
[商务用语]quick delivery 快速送货(剑3,Test 4,Speaking,Part 2)
[真题例句]We could deliver the new desk next Thursday,the fourteenth,or the following week on the nineteenth.(剑 4,Test 1,Listening,Part 2)
[参考译文]我们可以下周四即 14 日送货,也可在那之后一周的19日送货。
[真题例句]Swan believes that success requires an equal mix of market research,delivering what the customer expects,finding any weak areas in the system and asking customers for their af-ter-sales opinions and suggestions.(剑4,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)
[真题例句]But Excel Products wouldn't give us any discount and A-Grade Service want cash on delivery,so lets's just leave things as they are.(剑3,Test 1,Listen-ing,Part 1)
[参考译文]但是Excel Products 没有折扣,A-Grade Service 要求现金支付,所以还是维持现状。
demonstrate ['demənstreɪt]
v. 显示;表明
[英文释义]to show; to make clear
[记忆方法]de(表加强)+ monstr(显示)+ate(做)→显示,表露
[真题例句]HDC Union equaled previoushigh in its share price,and Grant International and the Lindel Group also demonstrated an in-crease.(剑 4,Test 2,Reading,Part 3)
[参考译文]HDC Union 的股票价格与前期的高点持平 ,Grant Interna-tional 和Lindel Group的股票价格也有所增长。
department = Dept
[英文释义]a part of an organiza-tion such as a school,business or government which deals with a particular area of study or work
[商务用语]department to invoice 报销费用的部门(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 7)
[真题例句]Staff in all departments should attend the meeting.(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 1)
[真题例句]Job swapping also helps you to understand the way other departments work and gives you ac-cess to other teams within your firm.(剑3,Test 2,Reading,Part 5)
[真题例句]Not before I'd checked it first. If you've made mistakes in it,it won't be very good for the depart-ment.(剑4,Test 1,Listening,Part 1)
departure(from…) [dɪ'pɑ:tʃə(r)]
n. 离开;离去
[英文释义]departing; going away
[真题例句]Sandersley's two re-cent departures from its main ac-tivity are the acquisition of restau-rant chains in Spain and in Turkey.(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 5)
[参考译文]Sandersley 公司近期推出的两项新业务不同于其主要的旅游经营项目,即获得在西班牙和土耳其连锁餐馆的经营权。
[真题例句]With twenty-five daily departures,you have more choice …(剑2,Test 4,Listening,Part 1)
[参考译文]每天有 25 架次的航班 ,你有更多的选择机会。
deposit [dɪ'pɒzɪt]
n. 预付款,定金
[英文释义]a sum of money which is given in advance as part of a total payment for something
[记忆方法]de(向下)+ posit(放置)→放置于下方→沉积
[真题例句]Your goods will be sent when you have paid a deposit.(剑4,Test 3,Reading,Part 1)
desktop ['desktɒp]
[英文释义]a view on a computer screen which is intended to repre-sent the top of a desk and which contains ICONS(=small symbols or pictures)that represent files,programs and other features of the computer
[商务用语]desktop publishing 桌面排版 ,桌面出版(剑 2,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)
[真题例句]Sue is setting up a company magazine and wants all the new staff involved to become skilled at desktop publishing.(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)
despatch [dɪ'spætʃ]
v. 发送,派送
[英文释义]to send something,especially goods or a message,somewhere for a particular pur-pose
[真题例句]Due to stock reloca-tion,others already places will not be despatched between Jane 3 and June 10.(剑3,Test 1,Read-ing,Part 1)
despite [dɪ'spaɪt]
prep. 不管,尽管,无论
[英文释义]without taking any no-tice of or being influenced by; not prevented by
[真题例句]At the close of this day's trading,shares dipped just below 630 pence,despite achiev-ing higher levels throughout the rest of the day.(剑 2,Test 1,Reading,Part 3)
[真题例句]Despite increasing its turnover,this company was unable to keep its strong market share,which,like its share price,ended below its 1999 level.(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 3)
[真题例句]Despite the size of the business,Campell still enjoys touring with orchestras.(剑 3,Test 1,Reading,Part 5)
destination [ˌdestɪ'neɪʃn]
n. 目的地;终点
[英文释义]the place where some-one is going or where something is being sent or taken
[记忆方法]de(离开)+ stin(站)+ation(名词词尾)→站到远处的地方→目的地
detail ['di:teɪl]
n. 消息;细节
[英文释义]a single piece of infor-mation or fact about something
[记忆方法]de(分开)+ tail(剪,切割)→切割成一片一片→细节
[真题例句]We'll need to change details every month,I expect.(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 7)
[真题例句]I can only get as far as the first 80% of an idea,but I know this weakness,so I leave it to ev-eryone else to finish my ideas,to make sure details aren't forgotten.(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 5)
[真题例句]Consult the book for details before using this machine.(剑3,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)
dip [dɪp]
v. 下降,下落
[英文释义]to go down to a lower level
[真题例句]At the close of this day's trading,shares dipped just below 630 pence,despite achiev-ing higher levels throughout the rest of the day.(剑 2,Test 1,Reading,Part 3)
[真题例句]Although Internet sales started higher than High Street sales,they lost that lead when both dipped in the middle of the period.(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 3)
[真题例句]Both Internet and High Street sales dipped in the middle of the period,with the Internet al-ways achieving fewer sales than the High Street.(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 3)
[真题例句]After a dip in the middle of the year,orders rose steadily,even though our customer base didn't increase.(剑4,Test 4,Lis-tening,Part 1)
diploma [dɪ'pləʊmə]
n. 学位证书;大学文凭
[英文释义]a document given by a college or university to show that you have passed a particular ex-amination or completed a course
[商务用语]Diploma in Business Studies 商科文凭(剑 2,Test 4,Speaking,Part 3)
direct [də'rekt]
adj. 直通的,直达的
[英文释义]going in a straight line towards somewhere or someone without stopping or changing di-rection
[记忆方法]di(离开)+ rect(正,直)→使送到正确的道路上→指导
[商务用语]direct line 直通的线路(剑2,Test 1,Listening,Part 2)
[真题例句]Use my direct line,987413.(剑 2,Test 1,Listening,Part 2)
[真题例句]Office furniture direct from the manufacturer Free deliv-ery.(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 1)
director [də'rektə(r)]
n. 经理,管理者,主任,董事
[英文释义]a manager of an orga-nization,company,college,etc
[真题例句]We provide indepen-dent directors to many troubled companies,including those that we have already provided venture capital for.(剑4,Test 2,Reading,Part5)
directory [də'rektəri]
n. 簿,册,名录,指南
[英文释义]a book which gives a list of names,addresses or other facts
[商务用语]internal telephone di-rectory 内部电话号码簿(剑2,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)
[真题例句]If any numbers need to be changed in this directory,please inform Extension 8286.(剑2,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)
disadvantage [.dɪsəd'vɑ:ntɪdʒ]
n. 劣势,不利因素
[英文释义]a condition or situation which causes problems,especially one which causes something or someone to be less successful than other things or people
[记忆方法]dis(表否定,不)+ ad-vantage(优点,优势)→劣势
[真题例句]Are there any disad-vantages for companies in pro-viding staff facilities?(剑4,Test 2,Speaking,Part 3)
disappointing [ˌdɪsə'pɔɪntɪŋ]
adj. 令人失望的,让人沮丧的
[英文释义]making you feel disap-pointed
disaster [dɪ'zɑ:stə(r)]
n. 非常失败,极为糟糕
[英文释义]to be very unsuccess-ful or extremely bad
[记忆方法]dis(离开)+ aster(星)→原意是注定命运的星宿已离开,人就要遭不幸→灾难
[真题例句]That can be a recipe for disaster.(剑 3,Test 1,Read-ing,Part 5)
discount ['dɪskaʊnt]
n. 减价,打折
[英文释义]a reduction in the usu-al price
[真题例句]And we will still get five per cent discount on orders from you,won't we?(剑2,Test 3,Lis-tening,Part 2)
[真题例句]This desk is cheaper,it's a hundred and seventy-nine pounds ninety-nine … so that'll be … a hundred and sixty-two pounds with your normal ten-per-cent discount.(剑 4,Test 1,Lis-tening,Part 2)
[参考译文]这张桌子便宜些,179.99英镑,正常折扣10 %之后是162英镑。
[真题例句]20% discount on print-ing orders of 150 items and above.(剑4,Test 2,Reading,Part 7)
[真题例句]Well,we've increased the number of special discounts we offer on product lines from twenty-eight to fifty-two.(剑 4,Test 3,Listening,Part 2)
dismiss [dɪs'mɪs]
[英文释义]to remove someone from their job,especially because they have done something wrong
[记忆方法]dis(分开)+ miss(送,放出)→解散,遣散
[真题例句]Jim considered dis-missing Alec,but recruiting him had taken a long time because there had been so many suitable people to interview.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)
[参考译文]吉姆考虑过解雇亚历克的可能性 ,但是 ,这个亚历克可是从众多满足面试条件的应聘者中经过了层层筛选才雇佣到的。
distribution [ˌdɪstrɪ'bju:ʃn]
n. 分发,分配;分送
[英文释义](instance of)giving or being given to each of several people,etc
[商务用语]Distribution Services 送货服务(剑 3,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)
[真题例句]Agent required for na-tionwide distribution.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)
[真题例句]… how did their man-agement system affect distribu-tion?(剑4,Test 1,Listening,Part 4)
[真题例句]… so Distribution's go-ing to get around half the budget,and Production will get twenty per cent for their new computer sys-tem,and Sales will have nearly thirty per cent.(剑4,Test 4,Lis-tening,Part 1)
divide into [di'vaid 'ɪntuː]
[英文释义]separate …into
[真题例句]Zhon Mei Feng's com-pany wants her to learn to divide the market into groups,which it can target with different brands.(剑4,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)
[参考译文]Zhon Mei Feng 的公司想要她学习市场分类,以便将不同的品牌定位于各目标市场。
division [dɪ'vɪʒn]
n. 部门,处,室,科
[英文释义]a separate part of an army or large organization
[派生词汇]divisional adj. 分裂的,部门的(剑 4,Test 4,Reading,Part 5)
[真题例句]Our pipe systems di-vision has just held a successful two-day training course for new sales staff from all over the world.(剑4,Test 4,Reading,Part 5)
[真题例句]Manfred Wirsing is a divisional manager who wants to set appropriate production targets for the coming year.(剑4,Test 4,Reading,Part 5)
[参考译文]Manfred Wirsing 是一位部门经理,他想为明年设定一个合理的生产计划。
do business with
[du: 'biznis wið]
[真题例句]Louise uses local sup-pliers and expects them to come to her if they want to do business with her.(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 4)
[参考译文]路易丝与当地的供应商合作 ,并希望他们能来她的公司谈生意。
document ['dɒkjʊmənt]
[英文释义]a paper or set of papers with written or printed information,especially of an official type
[记忆方法]docu(=doc教)+ ment(名词词尾)→用来教的东西→文件
domestic [də'mestɪk]
adj. 本国的,国内的
[英文释义]relating to a person's own country
[记忆方法]dome(房屋)+ stic(形容词词尾)→家里的
[真题例句]Although there was a drop in foreign sales,domes-tic sales continued to rise,which resulted in profit levels holding steady.(剑 3,Test 2,Reading,Part 3)
[参考译文]尽管国外销售量有所下降 ,但国内销量有所上升 ,这样的盈利水平仍保持平稳态势。
[真题例句]While domestic sales rose slightly on the previous month,foreign sales fell,and this led to a slight drop in profits.(剑3,Test 2,Reading,Part 3)
[参考译文]国内销量与上一月相比稍有上升 ,但国外销量下降 ,从而导致盈利下降。
[真题例句]Despite a downturn in both domestic and foreign sales,profit levels experienced a slight increase.(剑 3,Test 2,Reading,Part 3)
[真题例句]Nicolas Perez,owner of an insurance company,wants to change his company's image to attract more customers in the domestic market.(剑 4,Test 3,Reading,Part 2)
download ['daʊnləʊd]
vi. & vt.(计)下载(文件)
[真题例句]Or visit our website for more information and to download an application form.(剑4,Test 1,Reading,Part 4)
downturn ['daʊntɜ:n]
n. 衰退,渐入低迷
[英文释义]a reduction in the amount or success of something,such as a country's economic ac-tivity
[真题例句]Despite a downturn in both domestic and foreign sales,profit levels experienced a slight increase.(剑 3,Test 2,Reading,Part 3)
[真题例句]While turnover experi-enced a downturn,both operating profit and market share showed signs of recovery.(剑 4,Test 1,Reading,Part 3)
dramatic [drə'mætɪk]
adj. 骤然的;戏剧性的;激动人心的
[英文释义]very sudden or notice-able,or full of action and excite-ment
[记忆方法]drama(戏剧)+ tic(形容词词尾)→戏剧般的→令人吃惊的
[派生词汇]dramatically adv. 突然地,戏剧性地(剑2,Test 1,Listen-ing,Part 3)
[真题例句]In both years,declining sales were followed by a dramatic recovery in the fourth month.(剑4,Test 4,Reading,Part 3)
[真题例句]Recent investment in our furniture department has re-sulted in great improvements in sales: this includes children's,gar-den and,more dramatically,office furniture,which doubled its sales volume last year.(剑 2,Test 1,Listening,Part 3)
draw attention to
[真题例句]Doing something else,even for one day,can highlight your abilities and talents.(剑 3,Test 2,Reading,Part 5)
drop [drɒp]
n. 下降
[真题例句]There was a slight drop in the use of newspaper ad-verts on the previous year,while both agency and online recruit-ment continued to rise.(剑3,Test 1,Reading,Part 3)
due to [dju: tu:]
[英文释义]because of
[真题例句]Item 20 in the cata-logue is withdrawn until further no-tice ,due to supply problem.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)
[真题例句]Your managers are already so busy due to the recent expansion…
[真题例句]The competitor's suc-cess was due to a higher standard of service and facilities.(剑 3,Test 2,Reading,Part 4)
[真题例句]Please note that,due to higher fuel costs,charges for our express delivery service have now increased.(剑 3,Test 3,Reading,Part 1)
[真题例句]All goods transported by Fera Carriers are insured,but our policy excludes damage due to poor packaging.(剑 4,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)
duly ['dju:lɪ]
adv. 恰当地;适时地;应当地
[英文释义]in the correct way or at the correct time; as expected
[真题例句]We've duly received the telephone complaint by Mr. White about the late deliveries caused by shipping problems.(剑2,Test 2,Writing,Part 1)