
"That is a question I have never been able to decide,"said the Scarecrow's head."When my body is properly stuffed I have animation and can move around as well as any live person.The brains in the head you are now occupying as a throne, are of very superior quality and do a lot of very clever thinking.But whether that is being alive, or not, I cannot prove to you; for one who lives is liable to death, while I am only liable to destruction.""Seems to me," said the grasshopper, rubbing his nose with his front legs, "that in your case it doesn't matter -- unless you're destroyed already.""I am not; all I need is re-stuffing," declared the Scarecrow; "and if Pon and Trot escape the witch, and come back here, I am sure they will do me that favor.""Tell me! Are Trot and Pon around here?" inquired the grasshopper, its small voice trembling with excitement.

The Scarecrow did not answer at once, for both his eyes were staring straight upward at a beautiful face that was slightly bent over his head.It was, indeed, Princess Gloria, who had wandered to this spot, very much surprised when she heard the Scarecrow's head talk and the tiny gray grasshopper answer it.

"This," said the Scarecrow, still staring at her, "must be the Princess who loves Pon, the gardener's boy.""Oh, indeed!" exclaimed the grasshopper -- who of course was Cap'n Bill -- as he examined the young lady curiously.

"No," said Gloria frigidly, "I do not love Pon, or anyone else, for the Wicked Witch has frozen my heart.""What a shame!" cried the Scarecrow."One so lovely should be able to love.But would you mind, my dear, stuffing that straw into my body again?"The dainty Princess glanced at the straw and at the well-worn blue Munchkin clothes and shrank back in disdain.But she was spared from refusing the Scarecrow's request by the appearance of Trot and Pon, who had hidden in some bushes just over the brow of the hill and waited until old Blinkie had passed them by.Their hiding place was on the same side as the witch's blind eye, and she rushed on in the chase of the girl and the youth without being aware that they had tricked her.

Trot was shocked at the Scarecrow's sad condition and at once began putting the straw back into his body.Pon, at sight of Gloria, again appealed to her to take pity on him, but the frozen-hearted Princess turned coldly away and with a sigh the gardener's boy began to assist Trot.

Neither of them at first noticed the small grasshopper, which at their appearance had skipped off the Scarecrow's nose and was now clinging to a wisp of grass beside the path, where he was not likely to be stepped upon.Not until the Scarecrow had been neatly restuffed and set upon his feet again -- when he bowed to his restorers and expressed his thanks -- did the grasshopper move from his perch.Then he leaped lightly into the path and called out:

"Trot -- Trot! Look at me.I'm Cap'n Bill! See what the Wicked Witch has done to me."The voice was small, to be sure, but it reached Trot's ears and startled her greatly.She looked intently at the grasshopper, her eyes wide with fear at first; then she knelt down and, noticing the wooden leg, she began to weep sorrowfully.

"Oh, Cap'n Bill -- dear Cap'n Bill! What a cruel thing to do!" she sobbed.

"Don't cry, Trot," begged the grasshopper."It didn't hurt any, and it doesn't hurt now.But it's mighty inconvenient an' humiliatin', to say the least.""I wish," said the girl indignantly, while trying hard to restrain her tears, "that I was big 'nough an' strong 'nough to give that horrid witch a good beating.She ought to be turned into a toad for doing this to you, Cap'n Bill!""Never mind," urged the Scarecrow, in a comforting voice, "such a transformation doesn't last always, and as a general thing there's some way to break the enchantment.I'm sure Glinda could do it, in a jiffy.""Who is Glinda?" inquired Cap'n Bill.

Then the Scarecrow told them all about Glinda, not forgetting to mention her beauty and goodness and her wonderful powers of magic.He also explained how the Royal Sorceress had sent him to Jinxland especially to help the strangers, whom she knew to be in danger because of the wiles of the cruel King and the Wicked Witch.