- Jack London
- 811字
- 2016-03-02 16:32:06
"That will do for China.I do not know China.This is Hawaii, and in Hawaii the customs of all foreigners change.""She is nevertheless my ancestress," Ah Kim protested, "the mother who gave me birth, whether I am in China or Hawaii, O Silvery Moon Blossom that I want for wife.""I have had two husbands," Li Faa stated placidly."One was a pake, one was a Portuguese.I learned much from both.Also am I educated.I have been to High School, and I have played the piano in public.And I learned from my two husbands much.The pake makes the best husband.Never again will I marry anything but a pake.But he must not take me by the ear--""How do you know of that?" he broke in suspiciously.
"Mrs.Chang Lucy," was the reply."Mrs.Chang Lucy tells me everything that your mother tells her, and your mother tells her much.Solet me tell you that mine is not that kind of an ear.""Which is what my honoured mother has told me," Ah Kim groaned."Which is what your honoured mother told Mrs.Chang Lucy, which iswhat Mrs.Chang Lucy told me," Li Faa completed equably."And I now tell you, O Third Husband To Be, that the man is not born who will lead me by the ear.It is not the way in Hawaii.I will go only hand in hand with my man, side by side, fifty-fifty as is the haole slang just now.My Portuguese husband thought different.He tried to beat me.I landed him three times in the police court and each time he worked out his sentence on the reef.After that he got drowned.""My mother has been my mother for fifty years," Ah Kim declared stoutly.
"And for fifty years has she beaten you," Li Faa giggled."How my father used to laugh at Yap Ten Shin! Like you, Yap Ten Shin had been born in China, and had brought the China customs with him.His old father was for ever beating him with a stick.He loved his father.But his father beat him harder than ever when he became a missionary pake.Every time he went to the missionary services, his father beat him.And every time the missionary heard of it he was harsh in his language to Yap Ten Shin for allowing his father to beat him.And my father laughed and laughed, for my father was a very liberal pake, who had changed his customs quicker than most foreigners.And all the trouble was because Yap Ten Shin had a loving heart.He loved his honourable father.He loved the God of Love of the Christian missionary.But in the end, in me, he found the greatest love of all, which is the love of woman.In me he forgot his love for his father and his love for the loving Christ.
"And he offered my father six hundred gold, for me--the price was small because my feet were not small.But I was half kanaka.I said that I was not a slave-woman, and that I would be sold to no man.My high-school teacher was a haole old maid who said love of woman was so beyond price that it must never be sold.Perhaps that is why she was an old maid.She was not beautiful.She could not give herself away.My kanaka mother said it was not the kanaka way to sell their daughters for a money price.They gave their daughters for love, and she wouldlisten to reason if Yap Ten Shin provided luaus in quantity and quality.My pake father, as I have told you, was liberal.He asked me if I wanted Yap Ten Shin for my husband.And I said yes; and freely, of myself, I went to him.He it was who was kicked by a horse; but he was a very good husband before he was kicked by the horse.
"As for you, Ah Kim, you shall always be honourable and lovable for me, and some day, when it is not necessary for you to take me by the ear, I shall marry you and come here and be with you always, and you will be the happiest pake in all Hawaii; for I have had two husbands, and gone to high school, and am most wise in making a husband happy.But that will be when your mother has ceased to beat you.Mrs.Chang Lucy tells me that she beats you very hard.""She does," Ah Kim affirmed."Behold! He thrust back his loose sleeves, exposing to the elbow his smooth and cherubic forearms.They were mantled with black and blue marks that advertised the weight and number of blows so shielded from his head and face.