
A contract for dynamite with the San Tome mine, and then, perhaps, later on, other mines, which were sure to-- The little man from Esmeralda was ready to enlarge, but Charles interrupted him. It seemed as though the patience of the Senor Administrador was giving way at last.

`Senor Hirsch,' he said, `I have enough dynamite stored up at the mountain to send it down crashing into the valley' -- his voice rose a little --`to send half Sulaco into the air if I liked.'

Charles Gould smiled at the round, startled eyes of the dealer in hides, who was murmuring hastily, `Just so. Just so.' And now he was going. It was impossible to do business in explosives with an Administrador so well provided and so discouraging. He had suffered agonies in the saddle and had exposed himself to the atrocities of the bandit Hernandez for nothing at all. Neither hides nor dynamite -- and the very shoulders of the enterprising Israelite expressed dejection. At the door he bowed low to the engineer-in-chief.

But at the bottom of the stairs in the patio he stopped short, with his podgy hand over his lips in an attitude of meditative astonishment.

`What does he want to keep so much dynamite for?' he muttered. `Any why does he talk like this to me?'

The engineer-in-chief, looking in at the door of the empty sala , whence the political tide had ebbed out to the last insignificant drop, nodded familiarly to the master of the house, standing motionless like a tall beacon amongst the deserted shoals of furniture.

`Good night, I am going. Got my bike downstairs. The railway will know where to go for dynamite should we get short at any time. We have done cutting and chopping for a while now. We shall begin soon to blast our way through.'

`Don't come to me,' said Charles Gould, with perfect serenity. `I shan't have an ounce to spare for anybody. Not an ounce. Not for my own brother, if I had a brother, and he were the engineer-in-chief of the most promising railway in the world.'

`What's that?' asked the engineer-in-chief, with equanimity. `Unkindness?'

`No,' said Charles Gould, stolidly. `Policy.'

`Radical, I should think,' the engineer-in-chief observed from the doorway.

`Is that the right name?' Charles Gould said, from the middle of the room.

`I mean, going to the roots, you know,' the engineer explained, with an air of enjoyment.

`Why, yes,' Charles pronounced, slowly. `The Gould Concession has struck such deep roots in this country, in this province, in that gorge of the mountains, that nothing but dynamite shall be allowed to dislodge it from there. It's my choice. It's my last card to play.'

The engineer-in-chief whistled low. `A pretty game,' he said, with a shade of discretion. `And have you told Holroyd of that extraordinary trump card you hold in your hand?'

`Card only when it's played; when it falls at the end of the game. Till then you may call it a-a--'

`Weapon,' suggested the railway man.

`No. You may call it rather an argument,' corrected Charles Gould, gently.

`And that's how I've presented it to Mr Holroyd.'

`And what did he say to it?' asked the engineer, with undisguised interest.

`He' -- Charles Gould spoke after a slight pause -- `he said something about holding on like grim death and putting our trust in God. I should imagine he must have been rather startled. But then' -- pursued the Administrador of the San Tome mine -- `but then, he is very far away, you know, and, as they say in this country, God is very high above.'

The engineer's appreciative laugh died away down the stairs, where the Madonna with the Child on her arm seemed to look after his shaking broad back from her shallow niche.