第22章 The Letter.(10)
- Incognita
- William Congreve
- 1088字
- 2016-03-02 16:34:47
But since I've seen the real Swain,And try'd to fancy him again,I'm by my Fancy taught,Though 'tis a Bliss no Tongue can tell,To have Alexis,yet 'tis Hell To have him but in Thought.
The Song ended grieved Hippolito that it was so soon ended;and in the Ecstacy he was then rapt,I believe he would have been satisfied to have expired with it.He could not help Flattering himself,(though at the same Time he checked his own Vanity)that he was the Person meant in the Song.While he was indulging which thought,to his happy Astonishment,he heard it encouraged by these Words:
'Unhappy Leonora (said she)how is thy poor unwary Heart misled?
Whither am I come?The false deluding Lights of an imaginary Flame,have led me,a poor benighted Victim,to a real Fire.I burn and am consumed with hopeless Love;those Beams in whose soft temperate warmth I wanton'd heretofore,now flash destruction to my Soul,my Treacherous greedy Eyes have suck'd the glaring Light,they have united all its Rays,and,like a burning-Glass,convey'd the pointed Meteor to my Heart--Ah!Aurelian,how quickly hast thou Conquer'd,and how quickly must thou Forsake.Oh Happy (to me unfortunately Happy)Juliana!I am to be the subject of thy Triumph--To thee Aurelian comes laden with the Tribute of my Heart and Glories in the Oblation of his broken Vows.--What then,is Aurelian False!False!
Alass,I know not what I say;How can he be False,or True,or any Thing to me?What Promises did he ere make or I receive?Sure Idream,or I am mad,and fansie it to be Love;Foolish Girl,recal thy banish'd Reason.--Ah!would it were no more,would I could rave,sure that would give me Ease,and rob me of the Sense of Pain;at least,among my wandring Thoughts,I should at sometime light upon Aurelian,and fansie him to be mine;kind Madness would flatter my poor feeble Wishes,and sometimes tell me Aurelian is not lost--not irrecoverably--not for ever lost.
Hippolito could hear no more,he had not Room for half his Transport.
When Leonora perceived a Man coming toward her,she fell a trembling,and could not speak.Hippolito approached with Reverence,as to a Sacred Shrine;when coming near enough to see her Consternation,he fell upon his Knees.
'Behold,O Adored Leonora (said he)'your ravished Aurelian,behold at your Feet the Happiest of Men,be not disturb'd at my Appearance,but think that Heaven conducted me to hear my Bliss pronounced by that dear Mouth alone,whose breath could fill me with new Life.
Here he would have come nearer,but Leonora (scarce come to her self)was getting up in haste to have gone away:he catch'd her Hand,and with all the Endearments of Love and Transport pressed her stay;she was a long time in great Confusion,at last,with many Blushes,she entreated him to let her go where she might hide her Guilty Head,and not expose her shame before his Eyes,since his Ears had been sufficient Witnesses of her Crime.He begg'd pardon for his Treachery in over-hearing,and confessed it to be a Crime he had now repeated.With a Thousand Submissions,Entreaties,Prayers,Praises,Blessings,and passionate Expressions he wrought upon her to stay and hear him.Here Hippolito made use of his Rhetorick,and it proved prevailing:'Twere tedious to tell the many ingenious Arguments he used,with all her Nice Distinctions and Objections.In short,he convinced her of his Passion,represented to her the necessity they were under,of being speedy in their Resolves:That his Father (for still he was Aurelian)would undoubtedly find him in the Morning,and then it would be too late to Repent.She on the other Hand,knew it was in vain to deny a Passion,which he had heard her so frankly own;(and no doubt was very glad it was past and done;)besides apprehending the danger of delay,and having some little Jealousies and Fears of what Effect might be produced between the Commands of his Father and the Beauties of Juliana;after some decent Denials,she consented to be Conducted by him through the Garden into the Convent,where she would prevail with her Confessor to Marry them.
He was a scrupulous Old Father whom they had to deal withal,insomuch that ere they had perswaded him,Don Mario was returned by the Way of his own House,where missing his Daughter,and her Woman not being able to give any farther Account of her,than that she left her in the Garden;he concluded she was gone again to her Devotions,and indeed he found her in the Chappel upon her Knees with Hippolito in her hand,receiving the Father's Benediction upon Conclusion of the Ceremony.
It would have asked a very skilful Hand,to have depicted to the Life the Faces of those Three Persons,at Don Mario's Appearance.He that has seen some admirable Piece of Transmutation by a Gorgon's Head,may form to himself the most probable Idea of the Prototype.The Old Gentleman was himself in a sort of a Wood,to find his Daughter with a Young Fellow and a Priest,but as yet he did not know the Worst,till Hippolito and Leonora came,and kneeling at his Feet,begg'd his Forgiveness and Blessing as his Son and Daughter.Don Mario,instead of that,fell into a most violent Passion,and would undoubtedly have committed some extravagant Action,had he not been restrained,more by the Sanctity of the Place,than the Perswasions of all the Religious,who were now come about him.Leonora stirr'd not off her Knees all this time,but continued begging of him that he would hear her.
'Ah!Ungrateful and Undutiful Wretch (cry'd he)'how hast thou requited all my Care and Tenderness of thee?Now when I might have expected some return of Comfort,to throw thy self away upon an unknown Person,and,for ought I know,a Villain;to me I'm sure he is a Villain,who has robb'd me of my Treasure,my Darling Joy,and all the future Happiness of my Life prevented.Go--go,thou now-to-be-forgotten Leonora,go and enjoy thy unprosperous Choice;you who wanted not a Father's Counsel,cannot need,or else will slight his Blessing.