
Li Peilin, Ph.D. of University Paris-I(Sorbonne), professor of sociology. academician and vice-president of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, chief editor of Sociological Studies. He is the member of State Council Academic Degree Committee and The National Planning Expert Committee. His main books in Chinese are: Another Invisible Hand: the China's Social Structure Transformation (2005), The End of Villiges (2004), Social Transformation and China Experience(2013), etc. His main publication in English are: Chinese Society: Changeand Transformation (ed. Routeledge, 2012), China's Internal and International Migration (co-ed. Brill, 2012), Hand book on Social Stratification in the BRIC Countries(co-ed. 2013), La Nouvelle Sociologie Chinoise (co-ed. CNRS, 2008), etc.