Word List 12

alive/ əˋlaIv / adj. 活着的,存在的

[用] alive 是典型的表语形容词,很少用作定语。 作定语时,应置于所修饰词之后。

[例] Will new anti⁃aging techniques keep us alive for centuries? 新的抗衰老技术会让我们长生不老吗?

whatever/ wɒtˋevə / conj./pron. 无论什么

[用] whatever既可以引导名词性从句,也可以引导让步状语从句,引导让步状语从句时相当于no matter what。如: Whatever I do, I do it for you.(=No matter what I do, I do it for you.) 无论我做什么,都是为了你。有类似用法的词还有:ever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however等。

[例] They eat whatever they can find. 他们能找到什么就吃什么。

produce/ prəˋdjuːs / v. 生产,制造

[例] That factory produces cars. 那家工厂生产小汽车。// mass⁃produced 大量生产的

[参] production(n. 生产,制造);producer(n. 生产商);reproduce(vt. 再生产;繁殖)

consequence/ ˋkɒnsIkwəns / n. 结果,后果

[记] 词根记忆:con+sequ(跟随)+ence→跟随其后→结果,后果

[例] You must be responsible for the consequences of your actions. 你必须对自己的行为结果负责。

incident/ ˋInsIdənt / n. 事件

[记] 词根记忆:in+cid(落下)+ent(表物)→从天而降的东西→事件

[例] Not long ago, an incident that happened at Disneyland touched me greatly. 不久前,发生在迪士尼乐园的一件事深深地触动了我。

envelope/ ˋenvələʊp / n. 信封

[记] 词根记忆:en(进入)+velop(包)+e→把信放进去,将信包起来的东西→信封

[例] I put a stamp on the envelope and mailed it. 我在信封上贴上邮票,然后把信寄了出去。

scan/ skæn / v.(scanned, scanned, scanning) 细看;浏览;扫描

[记] 发音记忆: “四看”→四下看→细看

[例] He scanned the newspaper while having his breakfast. 他在吃早饭的时候浏览了一下报纸。

attempt/ əˋtempt / vt./n. 试图,尝试

[记] 词根记忆:at(表加强)+tempt(尝试)→试图,尝试

[例] The teacher suggested that the students make an attempt at writing essays. 老师建议同学们尝试写论文。

contain/ kənˋteIn / vt. 包含;包括

[记] 词根记忆:con(全部)+tain(拿住)→全部拿住→包含;包括

[例] The bag contained a book. 包里装着一本书。

[参] container(n. 容器;集装箱)

business/ ˋbIznəs / n. 商业,生意;职业,事业

[例] Business is always brisk before New Year. 新年前生意总是很兴隆。// Mind your own business. 少管闲事。

[考] 1. have business with sb./sth.与某人或某事有关 2. on business 因公,有事 3. get down to business 言归正传;开始干正事

wish/ wIʃ / n./v. 祝愿;想要

[用] 1. wish to do sth.希望做某事: How I wish to go there! 我好想去那儿啊!2. wish+宾语从句(虚拟语气) ,表示无法或难以实现的愿望: I wish I were as strong as Tom. 我希望能像汤姆一样健壮。// I wish that it would stop snowing. 我希望雪能停。

keep/ kiːp / v.(kept, kept, keeping) 保留;保存;使…保持某种状态 link. v. 保持,继续

[用] 1. keep(on) doing sth. 继续做某事,一直做某事: Did he give up or keep on trying? 他是放弃了还是在继续努力? 2. keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事: What can you do to keep it from happening again? 你能做什么来阻止它再次发生? 3. keep可以接复合宾语,宾补常常是分词、形容词、副词和介词短语等,表示使…保持某种状态: Doctors will keep her in hospital for at least another week. 医生至少还会让她再住院一星期。// The noise kept him awake. 噪音使他睡不着。

[例] You can keep that book—I have another copy. 你可以留着那本书,我还有一本。// Keep that cat away from me! 别让那只猫靠近我!// Will the fish keep until tomorrow? 鱼能放到明天吗?// keep silent 保持沉默

[考] 1. keep in touch with sb. 和某人保持联系 2. keep off 禁止接近;防止 3. keep in mind 记住,牢记 4. keep up 保持;继续;不低落 5. keep up with 跟上,不落后

constant/ ˋkɒnstənt / adj. 经常的,不断的

[记] 词根记忆:con(表加强)+stant(站,立)→连续站在一起的→不断的

[例] The constant noise from the road gave Bill a headache. 公路上持续不断的噪音让比尔头疼。

from/ frɒm / prep. 从;从…起;距;来自

[考] 1. be/come from... 来自… 2. from time to time 不时 3. from now on 从现在起 4. from...to/till... 从…到…

open/ ˋəʊpən / adj. 公开的;开着的 v. 打开;公开

[例] The door is open. 门开着。// They are aiming at opening up new markets. 他们打算开拓新市场。

[考] 1. open⁃air 露天的 2. open up 展开;开张: She wanted to open up an Internet café. 她想开一家网吧。3. keep your eyes/ears open 保持警觉;注意

[参] openly(adv. 公开地);opening(n. 开放;口子)

earthquake/ ˋɜːθkweIk / n. 地震

[记] 组合词:earth(地球)+quake(震动)→地震

[例] The city was completely destroyed by the earthquake. 这个城市被地震夷为平地。

shadow/ ˋʃædəʊ / n. [C] 影子,阴影

[记] 联想记忆: 站在窗子(window)旁,看着自己的影子(shadow)

[例] On my way home, I saw a figure standing in the shadow. 在回家的路上,我看到阴影处站着一个人。

辨:shadow, shade


detective/ dIˋtektIv / n. 侦探

[记] 词根记忆:detect(发现,察觉)+ive(有…倾向的人)→侦探

quality/ ˋkwɒləti / n. 质量;品质

[例] Generally speaking, the more expensive the camera is, the better its quality is. 一般来说,相机的价格越高质量越好。// He has all the qualities of a good teacher. 他具有一位优秀教师的所有品质。

appoint/ əˋpɔInt / vt. 指定,任命

[记] 词根记忆:ap(表加强)+point(指向,指出)→指定某人做某事→任命

[例] I appointed Joe to be my assistant. 我指定乔当我的助理。

tour/ tʊə /n. [C] 参观,观光,旅行

[记] 联想记忆: 在世博,抓紧时时刻刻(hour)参观(tour)

[例] The tour of foreigners will last for two weeks at this place. 外国人在此地的观光将会持续两周。

辨:tour, travel, trip, journey


fellow/ ˋfeləʊ / n. 同伴,伙伴

[例] We were school fellows. 我们曾经是同学。

conclusion/ kənˋkluːʒn / n. [C] 结论;结束

[例] We must reach a final conclusion on how to deal with the problem. 我们必须就如何处理这个问题得出最终结论。

[参] conclusive(adj. 结论性的;决定性的)

react/ riˋækt / vi. 起反应,起作用;反抗

[记] 词根记忆:re(相反)+act(行动)→产生相反的行动→反抗

[考] react to... 对…做出反应: TV could react to the sudden event quickly. 电视能迅速对突发事件做出反应。

[参] reaction(n. 反应;反作用)

encourage/ InˋkʌrIdʒ / vt. 鼓励,激励

[记] 词根记忆:en(使…)+courage(精神)→使有精神→鼓励,激励

[考] encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事: His parents have encouraged him to overcome difficulties in life. 父母鼓励他克服生活中的困难。

[参] encouragement(n. 鼓励);encouraging(adj. 鼓励的,鼓舞的)

count/ kaʊnt / v. 数;计算;有价值

[例] Count your steps so that you know how far you have gone. 数着自己的步子你就知道已经走了多远了。

[考] 1. count on sb. 依靠某人,指望某人 2. count up 共计

[参] countless(adj. 无数的) ;counter(n. 计数器;柜台)

strength/ streŋθ / n. 力量,力气

[例] Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his strength. 比尔进行大量的体育运动以增长力气。

辨:strength, force, power

这三个词都有“力,力量”之意。 strength指内在力量,能用以从事、忍受或抵抗许多事物,如: By strength of will and optimism, he overcame his illness. 他凭着坚定的意志和乐观的心态战胜了病魔。power主要指人或事物潜在的力量、职权或政权,如: Only man of all animals has the power to reason. 所有动物中只有人类具有思考能力。force主要指自然界的力量、暴力、压制力等,如: If you drop something, the force of gravity will pull it to the floor. 如果你扔一样东西,地心引力会使它落到地面上。

may/ meI / modal v. 可以;也许,可能

[例] You may leave if you want to. 你想走就可以走了。// Something may have happened to her. 她可能出了什么事。

辨:may, might, could

might可以作为may的过去式,表示可以做的事情或可能发生的事情;might也可以代替may, 但是口气更委婉或是实现的可能性更小一些。表示可能性时may和might常用于肯定句或否定句,不用于疑问句,语气比could弱。might表示的可能性比may更小。

whose/ huːz / pron./conj. 谁的

[用] whose引导定语从句,在从句中充当定语,表示所属关系: I have a good friend whose name is Liu Mei. 我有一个好朋友叫刘梅。// Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, whose price was very reasonable. 最近我买了一个年代久远的陶瓷花瓶,价格非常公道。

bench/ bentʃ / n. 长凳;工作台

[例] He spent hours sitting on a bench in the park. 他在公园的长椅上坐了几个小时。

record/ ˋrekɔːd / n. 记录;唱片 / rIˋkɔːd / v. 录制,记录

[记] 联想记忆: 华纳兄弟唱片公司(Warner Bros. Records Inc.)

[例] The shrewd businessman has kept a record of his expenses for almost ten years. 这个精明的商人把自己将近10年的花销都记录下来了。

[参] recordable(adj. 可记录的)

ring/ rIŋ / v.(rang, rung, ringing)(钟、铃等) 响;打电话 n. 电话铃声;环形物(如环、圈、戒指等)

[例] He rang me at noon. 他中午打电话给我了。// growth rings of trees 树的年轮

already/ ɔːlˋredi / adv. 已经

[例] She had already gone when I arrived. 我到的时候她已经走了。

reject/ rIˋdʒekt / vt. 拒绝

[记] 词根记忆:re(反)+ject(扔)→被扔回来→拒绝

[例] The board of directors has rejected all the ideas which are not suitable for the interests of the company. 董事会驳回了所有与公司利益不符的观点。

辨:reject, refuse


alarm/ əˋlɑːm / n. 警报

[例] alarm clock 闹钟

hug/ hʌg / v.(hugged, hugged, hugging) 紧抱,拥抱 n. 拥抱

[例] The child was hugging her doll. 那孩子紧紧地抱着她的洋娃娃。// He gave his daughter a big hug. 他紧紧抱了一下自己的女儿。

downstairs/ ˌdaʊnˋsteəz / adv. 在楼下,到楼下

[例] go downstairs 下楼

quit/ kwIt / v.(quitted/quit, quitted/quit, quitting) 离开;停止

[记] 联想记忆: 我是该安静(quiet) 地走开(quit) ,还是勇敢地留下来

[例] If I don't get a pay raise, I'll quit. 如果不给我加薪,我就不干了。

appeal/ əˋpiːl / n./v. 呼吁,请求

[记] 词根记忆:ap(表加强)+peal(=pull,拉)→拉过来→呼吁

[考] appeal to 恳求,呼吁: He appealed to his neighbors for help. 他向邻居们求助。


1. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his______.

A. ability

B. force

C. strength

D. mind

2. — How did you like Nick's performance last night ?

— To be honest, his singing didn't ______ to me much.(2010安徽)

A. appeal

B. belong

C. refer

D. occur

3. The Forbidden City attracts a ______ stream of visitors every day, especially during national holidays.(2013福建)

A. constant

B. main

C. powerful

D. shallow

4. Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it ______.(2008全国2卷)

A. collected

B. contained

C. loaded

D. saved

5. You should learn to be independent, and don't always ______ others' help.

A. count for

B. count on

C. look for

D. look on

6. The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, ______ accompanied by an adult.(2010山东)

A. once

B. when

C. if

D. unless

7. ______ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.(2009天津)

A. Being encouraged

B. Encouraging

C. Encouraged

D. Having encouraged

8. It is generally considered unwise to give a child ______ he or she wants.(2009江苏)

A. however

B. whatever

C. whichever

D. whenever

9. — ______ I take the book out?

— I'm afraid not.(2010四川)

A. Will

B. May

C. Must

D. Need

10. The play ______ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.(2009安徽)

A. produced

B. being produced

C. to be produced

D. having been produced

11. The telephone ______,but by the time I got indoors, it stopped.(2008四川)

A. had rung

B. was ringing

C. rings

D. has rung

12. Believing these people have their special ______,the police have been keeping a ______ watch on them.

A. ideas; good

B. attempts; close

C. ways; tight

D. minds; serious

13. Children who are not active or ______ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.(2010北京)

A. what

B. whose

C. which

D. that

14. We ______ you a pleasant journey to Shanghai.

A. hope

B. wish

C. want

D. expect

15. Had she ______ her promise, she would have made it to Yale University.(2010湖北)

A. looked up to

B. lived up to

C. kept up with

D. come up with


Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them.


——以色列第一任总统 魏茨曼(C. Weizmann, the first President of Israel)