Word List 30

spoon/ spuːn / n. 勺,匙,调羹

[例] The cook is removing the onion from the oil with a spoon. 厨师正在用勺把油里的洋葱捞出来。

actual/ ˋæktʃuəl / adj. 实际的,现实的

[记] 词根记忆:act(做)+ual(…的)→做出来的→现实的

[例] in actual life 在现实生活中

check/ tʃek / v. 核对;检查;批改 n. 检查;批改

[例] Only when your identity has been checked, will you be allowed in. 只有核实身份后你才可以进入。

[考] 1. check in(at) 登记,报道 2. check out(of)(从宾馆等)结账退房3. check(up) on 检查 4. in check 受控制的

please/ pliːz / int. 请 v. 使人高兴,令人满意

[参] pleasing(adj. 令人高兴的)

without/ wIˋðaʊt / prep. 没有,不

[例] How long can you work without sleeping? 你不睡觉能连续工作多久?

abroad/ əˋbrɔːd / adv. 到国外;在国外

[记] 联想记忆:ab+road(道路)→上路→出国→到国外

[用] abroad 是一个副词,通常前面不加介词。但可以说from abroad, 表示从国外回来。

[考] be/go abroad 在/去国外: Emily usually travels abroad in summer. 埃米莉常在夏天出国旅行。

against/ əˋgenst / prep. 对着;反对

[例] The existence of this company is against the law, because it has not registered. 这家公司的存在是违法的,因为它没有注册。

major/ ˋmeIdʒə / adj. 主要的;成年的 n. 主修专业

[记] 词根记忆:maj(大)+or→较大的→主要的

[例] The waste produced by major industries is harmful to both nature and human life. 重点工业产生的废物对自然界和人类的生活都有危害。// What is your major ? 你的专业是什么?

[参] minor(adj. 次要的 n. 辅修专业;未成年人)

glad/ glæd / adj. 高兴的,乐意的

[考] be glad to do sth.乐意或高兴做某事: I am so glad to get your call. 接到你的电话我非常高兴。

[参] gladly(adv. 高兴地;乐意地)

neighbourhood/ ˋneIbəhʊd /(美neighborhood) n. 四邻,邻近地区

[记] 词根记忆:neighbour(邻居)+hood→四邻

[例] Tim and Jane live in the same neighbourhood. 蒂姆和简住得很近。

enjoyable/ InˋdʒɔIəbl / adj. 愉快的;有趣的

[例] I find hunting is more enjoyable than fishing at the weekends. 我觉得周末打猎比钓鱼更令人愉快。

symbol/ ˋsImbl / n. 符号,象征

[记] 联想记忆: 符号(symbol) 使意思的表达更简单(simple)

[例] The lion is a symbol of courage and power. 狮子是勇气和力量的象征。

line/ laIn / n. 直线;排 v. 画线于,(使) 成行

[例] We waited in line for an hour to buy tickets. 我们为了买票排了一个小时的队。

[考] be in line 排成一行,成直线

terrible/ ˋterəbl / adj. 可怕的;糟糕的

[例] That terrible experience left a deep wound in the little girl's heart. 那次可怕的经历在小女孩的心中留下了深深的创伤。

term/ tɜːm / n. 学期;术语;条款;项

[考] in terms of 就…而论;在…方面

[例] This term, many students in our class take on part⁃time jobs in that company. 这学期,我们班上有很多同学在那家公司做兼职。

辨:term, clause


devote/ dIˋvəʊt / vt. 奉献;致力;专心

[记] 联想记忆:de+vot(发誓)+e→发誓效忠祖国→奉献

[用] 1. devote oneself to 专心于: Energy engineers will devote themselves to modern technology. 能源工程师将全心投入现代技术的研发。2. be devoted to 专心于,致力于: Tom is not devoted to the job. 汤姆并没有专心工作。3. devote...to... 把…专用于…: They want me to devote all my time to my studies. 他们希望我把所有的时间都用在学习上。 注意: 与devote搭配的to是介词,后接名词或动名词。

[参] devoted(adj. 忠诚的;全心全意的)

passage/ ˋpæsIdʒ / n.(文章等的) 一节;走廊;通道

[记] 联想记忆:pass(通过、经过)+age→通道

[例] This is the only passage to cross the river. 这是过河的唯一通道。

accurate/ ˋækjərət / adj. 正确的,准确的

[记] 词根记忆:ac(表加强)+cur(关心)+ate→不断关心使之正确无误的→准确的

[例] Your statements about the cost of the house were not accurate. 你对这栋房子价格方面的说明不够准确。

[参] inaccurate(adj. 不正确的);accuracy(n. 准确性)

辨:accurate, correct, right

accurate强调“准确的,精准的”(肯定正确但更强调其准确性);correct强调“正确的”;right则既可以表示“恰当的”(同义词为suitable)又可以表示“正确的”(同义词为correct) 。

chart/ tʃaːt / n. 图表;航海图

[例] climatic chart 气候图

event/ Iˋvent / n. 事件,大事;竞赛

[例] characters, places and events of stories 故事的人物、地点和事件 // sports event 体育赛事

[考] event by event 逐渐地

guard/ gaːd / v. 保卫,看守 n. 防护装置;警戒

[例] They used poisonous snakes to guard the exhibition objects. 他们用毒蛇看守展品。

[参] guardian(n. 护卫,保护人);unguarded(adj. 没有设防的)

urge/ ɜːdʒ / vt. 催促,力劝

[记] 词根记忆:urg(驱动)+e→催促,力劝

[用] urge sb. to do sth. 催促某人做某事: He urged her to go to bed early. 他催促她早点睡觉。

would/ wʊd /modal v. 将;愿;会 aux. v.(will的过去式)

[用] 1. would作为情态动词,表示请求或邀请,常用于疑问句: Would you please count your change? 点一点找给你的钱好吗? 2. would作为情态动词还可以表示过去的习惯: She would sit for hours doing nothing in the afternoon. 她总是在午后连续坐上几个小时,什么也不干。3. 作为助动词,构成虚拟语气。与过去的事实相反时用would(not) have done... 本来会(不会) 做…: The ship would have sunk with all on board but for the efforts of the captain. 要是没有这位船长的努力,这艘船连同船上所有的人早就一块儿沉没了。与现在和未来的情况相反用would+do/be: If I had enough money, I would buy a car. 如果有足够的钱,我会买辆汽车。

aim/ eIm / n. 目的 v. 计划;瞄准;针对

[用] 1. aim(sth.) at... 瞄准,以…为目标: The archer aimed the arrow at the target. 弓箭手将箭瞄准靶子。// We aim at quality rather than quantity. 我们以质量而不是数量为目标。2. aim to do... 打算做…: Mary aimed to earn her college tuition during the summer. 玛丽打算暑假期间挣些自己的大学学费。

pause/ pɔːz / n./vi. 暂停,停止

[记] 联想记忆: 音乐播放器上的P,一个代表播放(Play),一个代表暂停(Pause)

[例] The careful spy paused at the door and looked back before he went into the room. 那个谨慎的间谍在进屋之前先停在门口向身后看了一下。

辨:pause, interrupt, hinder

pause意为“暂停,中止”,可作名词和动词,指短暂的中断或停止。interrupt则意为“打断”,强调正在进行的事受到外界干扰不得不停下来。 hinder意为“阻碍,妨碍”,强调使事情的进展速度变慢。

cancel/ ˋkænsl / vt. 取消

[例] cancel one's membership 取消某人的会员资格

play/ pleI / v. 玩;打(球) ;播放 n. 玩耍;戏剧

[考] 1. play with 玩耍,摆弄: John, you mustn't play with the knife, you may hurt yourself. 约翰,别摆弄刀子了,你会弄伤自己的。2. put on a play 上演话剧: The school usually puts on a play in the spring. 学校通常在春天上演一出话剧。3. play a part/role in 起作用;扮演角色: You played an important part in winning the game. 能赢得比赛你发挥了重要的作用。

[参] player(n. 选手;表演者);playful(adj. 好玩的,有趣的)

bury/ ˋberi / vt.(buried, buried, burying) 埋,葬

[考] bury(oneself) in 埋头于,专心于: He buried himself in reading. 他埋头苦读。

tendency/ ˋtendənsi / n. [C] 倾向,趋势

[记] 词根记忆:tend(伸展)+ency→向…伸展→倾向,趋势

[例] It's said that the mass media now has a tendency to focus on personal privacy. 据说,现在的大众媒体倾向于关注个人隐私。

[参] tendence(n. 趋势,趋向)

hesitate/ ˋhezIteIt / v. 犹豫,踌躇

[记] 词根记忆:hes(黏附)+it+ate(做)→做事拖泥带水→犹豫,踌躇


[用] hesitate to do... 做…犹犹豫豫: Don't hesitate to tell me what you want. 想要什么尽管说。

switch/ swItʃ / v./n. 更换,转换

[例] They switched seats. 他们交换了座位。

often/ ˋɒftən / adv. 经常地

[例] How often do you go to the library? 你多久去一次图书馆?

[考] more often than not 经常,多半

average/ ˋævərIdʒ / adj. 平均的;普通的 n. 平均数

[考] on average 平均: The companies spend, on average, 70 percent of the total cost of the product on packaging. 那些企业平均花费产品总成本的70%用于包装。

understand/ ˌʌndəˋstænd / v.(understood, understood, understanding) 懂得,理解

[例] Do you understand Spain? 你懂西班牙语吗?

[参] understanding(n. 谅解,理解)

weak/ wiːk / adj. 虚弱的;差的

[例] With nothing left to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out. 什么烧的都没有了,火势越来越弱,最后熄灭了。

[参] weakly(adv. 虚弱地;差地);weakness(n. 弱点)

export/ Ikˋspɔːt / vt. 输出 vi. 出口 / ˋekspɔːt / n. 出口(物)

[记] 词根记忆:ex(出)+port(运)→运出去(的东西)→出口(物)

[例] This country exports automobiles to the United States. 该国向美国出口汽车。// Wool is one of the chief export of Australia. 羊毛是澳大利亚的主要出口物之一。

candidate/ ˋkændIdət / n. 候选人

[例] The reporter asked the candidate some tough questions. 记者问了那位候选人一些棘手的问题。

devotion/ dIˋvəʊʃn / n. 奉献,奉献精神

[例] Mother's great devotion to her son left her with little free time. 母亲对儿子巨大的奉献使她没有一点空闲时间。


1. My father warned me ______ going to the West Coast because it was crowded with tourists.(2010天津)

A. by

B. on

C. for

D. against

2. Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached 200,000,a(n) ______ of 40,000 per year.(2010江西)

A. average

B. number

C. amount

D. quantity

3. — We have booked a room for today and tomorrow.

— ______,sir.(2007全国2卷)

A. I'm sure

B. My pleasure

C. It's all right

D. I'll check

4. If you have a job, ______ yourself to it and finally you'll succeed.(2010四川)

A. do devote

B. don't devote

C. devoting

D. not devoting

5. Dogs are kept to ______ the houses from thieves at night.

A. guard

B. defend

C. protect

D. prevent

6. We are at your service. Don't ______ to turn to us if you have any further problems.(2009福建)

A. beg

B. hesitate

C. desire

D. seek

7. — I wonder ______ you'll water this kind of flower.

— Every other day.(2009四川)

A. how often

B. how long

C. how soon

D. how much

8. He ______ football regularly for many years when he was young.(2008天津)

A. was playing

B. played

C. has played

D. had played

9. During the war there was a serious lack of food. It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to ______ bread for days.(2009湖北)

A. eat up

B. give away

C. do without

D. deal with

10. Don't ______ to correct me if I made a mistake.

A. pause

B. stop

C. mind

D. hesitate

11. My mother opened the drawer to ______ the knives and spoons.(2010全国2卷)

A. put away

B. put up

C. put on

D. put together

12. It has been announced that candidates ______ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.

A. can

B. will

C. may

D. shall

13. — Ann is in hospital.

— Oh, really? I ______ know. I ______ go and visit her.(2009江苏)

A. didn't; am going to

B. don't; would

C. don't; will

D. didn't; will

14. — Do you think you could do without help?

— ______. This is not the first time for me.(2010山东)

A. Take care

B. Hurry up

C. Not exactly

D. Don't worry

15. How much ______ she looked without her glasses!(2009全国1卷)

A. well

B. good

C. best

D. better