- 中华人民共和国对外贸易法(中英双语)
- 中国法制出版社
- 736字
- 2021-03-26 09:33:56
第一章 总则
Chapter Ⅰ General Provisions
第一条 为了扩大对外开放,发展对外贸易,维护对外贸易秩序,保护对外贸易经营者的合法权益,促进社会主义市场经济的健康发展,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is enacted with a view to opening wider to the outside world, developing foreign trade, maintaining foreign trade order, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of foreign trade dealers and promoting the sound development of the socialist market economy.
第二条 本法适用于对外贸易以及与对外贸易有关的知识产权保护。
Article 2 This Law is applicable to foreign trade and the protection of foreign-trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights.
For purposes of this Law, foreign trade refers to the import and export of goods and technologies, and international service trade.第三条 国务院对外贸易主管部门依照本法主管全国对外贸易工作。
Article 3 The department for foreign trade under the State Council is in charge of foreign trade throughout the country pursuant to this Law.
第四条 国家实行统一的对外贸易制度,鼓励发展对外贸易,维护公平、自由的对外贸易秩序。
Article 4 The State applies a unified system of foreign trade, encourages the development of foreign trade and preserves a fair and free foreign trade order.
第五条 中华人民共和国根据平等互利的原则,促进和发展同其他国家和地区的贸易关系,缔结或者参加关税同盟协定、自由贸易区协定等区域经济贸易协定,参加区域经济组织。
Article 5 The People's Republic of China, on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, promotes and develops trade relations with other countries and regions, concludes or accedes to such regional economic and trade agreements as tariff alliances agreement and free trade zone agreement, and joins regional economic organizations.
第六条 中华人民共和国在对外贸易方面根据所缔结或者参加的国际条约、协定,给予其他缔约方、参加方最惠国待遇、国民待遇等待遇,或者根据互惠、对等原则给予对方最惠国待遇、国民待遇等待遇。
Article 6 In the field of foreign trade, the People's Republic of China, in accordance with the international treaties and agreements it has signed or acceded to, grants the other signatories or acceding parties most-favored-nation treatment or national treatment, or on the principle of mutual benefit and reciprocity, grants the other party most-favored-nation treatment or national treatment, etc.
第七条 任何国家或者地区在贸易方面对中华人民共和国采取歧视性的禁止、限制或者其他类似措施的,中华人民共和国可以根据实际情况对该国家或者该地区采取相应的措施。
Article 7 In the event that any country or region adopts prohibitive, restrictive or other similar measures that are discriminatory in nature against the People's Republic of China in trade, the People's Republic of China may, in light of the actual conditions, take countermeasures against the country or region accordingly.