
Aman was trying to findthe villagevillage n.村庄 of Chirton. He could not find any signssign n.标牌 for it so he decided to drive up to a farmhouse and ask a farmer for directionsdirection n.方向.

He soon came to the entranceentrance n.入口 to a farm. Above the gate there was a sign: Please close the gate.

The man knew this meant there were cows in the fields, so he was very carefulcareful adj.小心翼翼的 to close the gate after him.

Before long he came to another gate. This too, had a sign: Please close the gate. Once again he got out of his car, opened the gate, got back in his car, drove through, stopped his car, got out, closed the gate, got back in his car and drove on.

It wasn't long before he came to a third gate. This too, had a sign: Please close the gate. Again the man got out of his car, opened the gate, got back in his car, drove through, stopped his car, got out, closed the gate, got back in his car and drove on.

He did this five times before he reachedreach v.到达 the farmhouse.Fortunatelyfortunately adv.幸运的, the farmer was standing at the door.

“What can I do for you? ” he asked the man.

“I'm looking for Chirton. Do you know where it is? ”

“Sorry, ” the farmer said. “I've only been here a few weeks. I don't know the areaarea n.地区.”

The man thanked him, and drove back to the road. On the way he had to open and close five gates.

When he reached the road he looked back at the farm. He could see the farmer wavingwave v.挥手示意 to him.“Ah! ”he thought,“he's remembered where Chirton is.”

He turned around, stopped his car, got out, opened the gate, got back in the car, drove through, stopped the car, got out, closed the gate, got back in the car and drove off. He had to do this five more times before he reached the farm.

“Have you remembered where Chirton is? ” he asked the farmer.

“No, ” the farmer replied, “but I asked my wife. She doesn't know eithereither adv.也(不).”