


周丽彬 张效通
〔周丽彬、张效通,中国文化大学环境设计 学院建 筑及都市设计学系。〕


Analyzing the Spatial Hierarchy of Traditional Settlements Based on Social Network Analysis: A Case Study of Three Lanes and Seven Alleys District in Fuzhou City


ZHOU Libin,Hsiao-Tung CHANG
(Graduate Institute of Architecture and Urban Design, Chinese Culture University, Taipei 111, Taiwan, China)


Abstract Based on social network analysis and basic theories of urban form, this article takes Three Lanes and Seven Alleys District in Fuzhou city as an example to establish a semantic model to display the social networks of the settlements, the streets, and the courtyards in the Jin Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, and Modern China. Further, a social network structure diagram is produced based on the Ucinet 6.0 platform. This article then constructs an evaluation system of social network, which consists of three aspects: network structure hierarchy, cohesion, and accessibility. This article then calculates and compares three indicators, including density of networks, graph hierarchy, and connectivity of networks, in order to identifying the spatial hierarchy of settlements, the street networks, and the courtyards. In the end, it proposes several strategies to protect the social network of traditional settlements on the level of social network structure
Keywords social network analysis; urban form; spatial hierarchy; Ucinet 6.0


摘 要 文章基于社会网络分析方法,结合城市形态学的基本理论,以福州三坊七巷传统聚落为例,选取晋代、唐代、宋代、明清时期及近现代五个时期,建构每个时期的聚落形态社会网络、街道形态社会网络及院落形态社会网络,在Ucinet 6.0 平台上构建社会网络结构图;建立由网络结构层级性、凝聚性与可达性三方面构成的聚落社会关系保护评价体系,计算并对比分析网络密度、等级度、关联度三项指标及其对应的聚落形态、街道网络、院落形态空间层级关系;并从社会网络结构自身层面,为传统聚落社会网络保护提出可行性策略。


关键词 社会网络分析;城市形态;空间层级;Ucinet 6.0