- 城市与区域规划研究(第10卷第1期,总第26期)
- 清华大学建筑学院
- 3358字
- 2022-09-02 02:50:52
Editor's Introduction
Urban and Regional Planning in the New Era
The socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era: China's average annual growth of GDP is over 7.2%, far exceeding the 2.5% world average, which make China the most powerful engine for the world economy. The growth rate of China's per capita income is higher than that of GDP, showing the outstanding improvement of people's living standard. With the Two-Child Policy in full operation, the demographic imbalance of China is gradually getting better. Moreover, the number of Chinese people living in poverty has decreased for 60 million, which equals the population of a European country. In the field of science and technology, China's high-speed train, spacelab, bathyscaph, radio telescope, quantum satellite, giant aircraft, super computer, and artificial intelligence industry has reached up or even overtaken the world's top level. In terms of natural resources, the strictest environmental protection system in Chinese history has been established, launching the biggest war against pollution ever. In the future, China will have built a moderately prosperous society in all aspects by 2020,and accomplished socialistic modernization by 2035. Before the middle of this century, China will have become a prosperous, democratic, civilized, harmonious, and beautiful modern socialistic power, which is a dream that everyone is longing and endeavoring for. Moreover, China will become the first country in the world that gets rid of poverty, enter modernization, and embrace common prosperity with an over-one-brillion population. Before long, China will become the world's biggest economy and international market.
In this new era, all kinds of industries in China are progressing swiftly, allowing urban and regional planning to have bigger impact on the field of science and technology. Urban planners, as social decision-maker and consultant, are absolutely becoming more significant. In this issue, articles are centered around urban and regional planning in the new era. They propose new values of urban planning, explore new branches of urban planning theories, develop new methodologies of urban planning research, and push the boundaries of innovation of urban and regional planning under new context.
In Feature Articles, UN-Habitat proposes an“International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (Chinese Version),”which includes 12 principles for planning practice and aims at guiding decision-makers to make and revise policies, planning, and design projects better. On the international level, it emphasizes on leading investment, fighting against environmental problems such as climate change and poor energy efficiency, promoting cross-regional integration and coordination, reducing risks of natural disasters, and improving sustainable management of common natural resources. On the national level, it insists on improving regional scale economy and economic agglomeration, improving productivity and prosperity, reinforcing urban-rural relation and capacity of solving climate change, reducing risks of natural disasters and energy consumption, solving social and spatial inequity, and promoting integration and coordination between developed and underdeveloped regions. On the city level, it advocating prioritizing investments, coordinating insular urban regions, and protecting environmentally sensitive areas through land-use planning. It also emphases on intensifying, economizing, and optimizing land-use, reducing traffic and basic service cost, creating more urban green space, intensifying residence and economy, and promoting interaction of different communities. On the community level, it calls on improving urban quality, cohesion, and inclusiveness, protecting local resources, pushing communities to join the management of public goods and financial budget, reducing spatial segregation, bettering spatial connectivity, improving social security and democracy, and strengthening people's sense of social responsibility. A Students' Forum themed on “Goals, Methods, and Values of Urban Planning” was held to explore related topics further. The article “Re-claiming the Value of Place and Multi-Participation: The Place-Making Act in America and Its Implication for China's Urban Renewal” introduces an insightful research on the concept of equal planning.
In Global Perspectives, Zhao Juanjuan, researcher from the department of urban development, school of architecture, Technical University Munich, illustrates the spatial preference for residence and workplace of knowledge workers. In this new era, the biggest challenge and task for China is to increase the quality of economic development and solve “the contradiction between people's growing need for a better life and uneven and insufficient development.” Given that, knowledge workers will be the engine for the innovation of knowledge-intensive industries, the core element for future development, and the key competence for our country. As people who carry, transmit, share, create, and use knowledge, knowledge workers have their own values, life styles, and spatial preference which remain unrevealed. Investigating their preference on residence, workplace, and commute will help us know how they impact on the prosperity of urban core area and metropolis.
It is inevitable that China will encounter new problems under new context. “The contradiction between people's growing need for a better life and uneven and insufficient development” firstly shows on the uneven and insufficient development of regions. As economic development and social transformation speeds up, this contradiction will be intensified, and the most effective way to solve it is to strengthen regional governance and insist on “multiple planning integration and coordination.” From this perspective, three articles have been selected. “Improving the System of Regional Spatial Planning” by Mr. Hu Xuwei, an outstanding urban and region planning scientist and economic geography scientist, is re-issued to talk about strengthening the management, technique, and practice of the planning of national, regional, and urban territory. It also encourages coordinating multi-level planning. In “Process and Trend of Spatial Planning in China” by Prof. Gu Chaolin, he systematically illustrates the evolution of China's regional (spatial) planning, and holds the point that it is necessary to strengthen the important position and role of spatial planning in order to finding out solutions for the problems of China's urban and regional development. Based on the pilot reform of the existing spatial planning system, China's urban planning system will be perfected by launching the “1 + X” spatial planning system. In “Government Power and Responsibility Division in the Reform of ‘Multiple Plans Coordination and Integration’” by Xuan Xiaowei, he discusses about how to divide government power and responsibility properly through adjusting the identical pattern of planning systems of central and local government. In central level, he recommends the integration mode of planning system. In local level, he recommends the coordination mode.
In terms of urban planning methodology, researches based on social network analysis as well as Space Syntax were selected. Moreover, “Study on Beijing's Industrial Upgrading and Its Regional Space Reformation” and “The Evolution of Living Environment in Xiong'an Region” were selected to discuss the planning of Beijing metropolitan region.
Rural revitalization strategy has been the starting point of China's new era. In this issue, two pioneer research results, “Technical Guidelines for the Compilation of Township Planning (Draft)” and “Transformation of Rural Villages and Habitat System Planning from the Perspective of Smart Shrinkage: A Case of Wuhan, China,” were selected to discuss planning in rural area.
China has now entered a new era. China's urban and regional planning, under new circumstances, will undoubtedly be full of vitality. Therefore, we look forward to establishing a better academic exchange platform and sharing more research achievements with our readers.
中国特色社会主义建设进入了新时代。中国经济年均增长7.2%,远远高于同期世界的2.5%,继续成为拉动世界经济的第一引擎;中国人民收入增幅超GDP增幅,生活更安全更舒适;全面实施两孩政策,正在改善国家人口不平衡结构;贫困人口减少6 000多万,相当于欧洲一个大国的人口;高速铁路、空间实验室、深潜器、射电望远镜、量子卫星、大飞机、超级计算机、人工智能等高新技术并行赶超世界水平;建立最严格的生态环境保护制度,发起史上最大规模污染治理之战。展望未来,在2020年中国全面建成小康社会后,到2035年基本实现社会主义现代化,到本世纪中叶将建成富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国。这样的新时代让人憧憬,令人神往。这将创造人类历史上第一个10亿以上人口共同迈入现代化的奇迹,这表明中国将历史性地摆脱绝对贫困并走向共同富裕。也就是说,一个经济总量世界第一、国际贸易最大市场将会展现在世界面前。
中国进入新时代,也会遇到新问题。“人民日益增长的对美好生活的需要和不平衡、不充分的发展之间的矛盾”首先表现为区域发展不平衡、不充分问题,而且随着经济增长加速和社会发展转型,矛盾将会进一步尖锐和激化。缓解和最终解决这一问题与矛盾最有效的手段是强化区域治理,推进“多规合一”的国家空间规划体制改革。本期就此刊发三篇文章,“经典集萃”重新刊出著名城市与区域规划学家、经济地理学家胡序威的“健全地域空间规划体系”,倡导从国家治理出发加大国土空间和城市与区域规划的行政、技术和实施力度,实现全国多层次的空间综合协调规划和治理;顾朝林的“论我国空间规划的过程和趋势”,比较系统地论述了我国区域(空间)规划的发展过程,认为面对中国城市与区域发展问题,需要强化空间规划的重要地位和作用,在现有空间规划体系改革试点的基础上,加快建立健全我国“1+X”空间规划体系;宣晓伟“‘多规合一’改革中的政府事权划分” 一文系统全面地论述了通过推进“多规合一”改革,以实现空间事权在横向职能部门之间和纵向各级政府之间合理划分的设想,即打破目前中央和地方“事权共担、部门同构”下各层级规划体系“上下一般粗”的格局,按照“治理现代化”的要求构建中央层面遵循“协调”模式和地方层面遵循“整合”模式的空间事权划分类型。