Word Processing

Word processing is another major application of computers for office management.The data processed is not numbers but text.With office costs rising yearly, businesses have begun to recognize the value of WP, a computerized system of hardware and software for transforming ideas into printed text.Computers can compose and format correspondence, and can edit, revise, update, duplicate, and file data for memoranda, contracts, reports, manuals, and reference materials.Word processors can also automate conversion of documents into machine-readable form,.Word processors can also automate conversion of documents into machinereadable form, ...文字处理机能自动将文件转换为机器可以读的形式,…… provide copy storage, and facilitate the flow of information in an office through reference and retrieval capabilities.In short, WP aids document creation and record keeping. When WP equipment is linked to communication equipment, a further benefit, electronic mail, is possible.

Nature of Word Processing

An overview of word processing is as follows.Input may be in the form of printed material, such as documents, or mail converted into machine readable text by means of OCR(optical character recognition)or facsimile equipment;it may be gathered by voice recognition equipment; or may be entered by keystroking on a hard copy terminal.by keystroking on a hard copy terminal 在有打印系统的终端上键入 or CRT system, a process similar to typing.Word processors may also draw upon data(text)stored in computer memory for input.For example, a computer memory can store an encyclopedia of statistics, quotations, standard responses to common queries, and text previously processed.Information from trade journals may also be extracted and placed in storage for reference, or articles may be entered in their entirety after being indexed for retrieval.....articles may be entered in their entirety after being indexed for retrieval.……所有文章可以在编目后输入,以供查询和调出。 There are currently 100,000 magazines on the market.Computer retrieval of information in these magazines helps businesspersons keep abreast of the latest developments in their fields for future document generation.

The text chosen for output is formatted under software control.This includes centering, left and right justification, and horizontal and vertical spacing on a page..This includes centering, left and right justification, and horizontal and vertical spacing on a page.这包括向中心对齐,左右边缘的调整及字间和行距的安排。 In conventional text preparation,38 percent of all copy goes into the wastebasket because of typewriting errors.The nervousness a typist feels, particularly near the end of a page when an error will require retyping the entire page, is eliminated in word processing since corrections can be made one letter, one word, one line, or one paragraph at a time after the page is typed, the word processor making all the necessary format adjustments for corrections automatically.....the word processor making all the necessary format adjustments for corrections automatically. ……文字处理机自动地对修改过的部分作必要的格式调整。 Insertions and deletions can also be performed easily by one command.A dictionary stored in the memory unit can be referenced quickly to check on spelling and syllable divisions.

Text stored in memory, once edited, can be reproduced without mistake, a tremendous saving over conventional typing where each retyped copy is subject to error.....a tremendous saving over conventional typing where each retyped copy is subj ect to error. ……由于不像用传统方法重复打时那样容易出错,所以就特别省事。 However, text in memory may have to be updated or revised.A final check must, therefore, take place after the output text is composed to be sure all editing has, in fact, been done.The document can then be printed.When the text has been prepared on a CRT, a code releases the text from the screen into memory and starts the printing.A second page of text can be composed while the first is being printed, or can be stored in auxiliary memory for later printing in batch mode if desired.

When the output is correspondence, the computer can be programmed to personalize letter, with names, addresses, and salutations added to the text. This capability was available in the mid-1960s with the magnetic tape Selectric Typewriter.What makes WP different is that sentences or entire paragraphs can be extracted from the data base and collated with other information provided through dictation, or reading by an OCR device in preparing the text. A change in wording, such as substituting the words“recreation vehicle”for“trailer”whenever it appears in the text can be done by a simple command under program control.Names and address lists can be drawn from computer memory, and letters for a selected list printed, such as letters to vicepresidents in a particular industry in zip code 88001.The system may also be directed to print letters and envelopes with a font chosen from a large variety of styles and sizes.....with a font chosen from a large variety of styles and sizes. ……字的式样和规格大小有许多形式可以选择。 In addition, the system can keep track of time spent on each job to facilitate charging customer accounts for service.....the system can keep track of time spent on each job to facilitate charging customer accounts for service. ……系统自动记录每项工作花费的时间,从而使收顾客服务费的工作变得容易了。 This feature is particularly valuable for law and consulting firms.

If the word processor has telecommunications equipment and addresses have terminals, electronic mail with instant delivery can be transmitted instead of preparing copies of text.Text storage can be in the computer memory, on microfilm, microfiche, floppy disk, or a computer peripheral instead of hard copy.

General Mills is an example of a company using WP for correspondence. Some 10,000 letters composed from a set of 550 paragraphs stores in memory are mailed each month in response to letters regarding Bettery Crocker products.The letters appear customized.So do documents, such as contracts and manuals, prepared by word processors.The wide variety of office applications for word processors, and their speed, accuracy, and convenience are reasons business people are turning to this office use of computers.

When Word Processing

Word processors will never replace secretaries entirely. Personal correspondence and documents directed to a particular situation or recipient require conventional methods of preparation.WP is of value primarily for documents with a large receivership, for messages that are repetitive, and for documents that must be regenerated periodically with only minor revisions and updating of text.For such documents, word processing reduces lead time up to 50 percent, and proofreading by 10-95 percent.In addition, reproductions are highly accurate and have cosmetic formatting and lettering.....reproductions are highly accurate and have cosmetic formatting and lettering. ……重复打印的文件不仅精确,并且有漂亮的格式和字形。

The need for word processing should be established by a cost-benefit analysis before firms invest in the equipment.Fortunately, WP can be acquired in modules so that receptive departments can initiate word processing and demonstrate its value to other departments in the firm.

By K.M.Hussain

KeyTerms and Concepts

OCR optical character recognition.The machine identification of printed characters through the use of light-sensitive devices.

centering to make line of word(s)on screen with equal margins on the left and right.

justification adjust the typed lines to fill the space on screen neatly.

syllable divisions divisions within a word, made in accordance with syllables.

batch mode putting data in a file for later printing.

Selectric Typewriter a device with the benefit of magnetic tape on which data can be stored by selective polarization of portions of the surface.

recreation vehicle vehicle with kitchen and restroom used for travelling and camping.

trailer small movable house pulled by vehicle for travelling and camping.

microfilm film used to store data.Its size is the same as the film used in a 135 camera.

microfiche film used to store data.Its size is much smaller than microfilm but similar to the film used in a 110 camera.

computer peripheral refers to magnetic tapes or other appurtenances used for data storage.

General Mills name of a company.

Bettery Crocker a brand name.

hard copy a piece of paper with data or information printed on it.

lead time period from design to production.

proofreading work done by a proofreader who reads and corrects printers' proof.

Suggestions for Further Study

Most times, to learn a foreign language, people learn words from reading.A prerequisite to effective listening is that one must be able to read and understand words in print before they can be aware of them in daily conversation or in news broadcasting.From this point of view, most problems people encounter in listening are not the problems of listening but of reading.

In modern society, there are many opportunities for students to improve their listening.These include English TV programs, English radio programs, as well as movies on VCD or DVD.Chinese students who go abroad to study find that their listening improves very fast, not only because of attending classes and reading textbooks, but also because of watching TV.Actually, TV shows are more helpful to the improvement of Chinese students'listening.Why? Normally, each week, a Chinese student away from their home country spends only eight or ten hours each week in class, but dozens of hours watching TV! Think of the impact of TV.

Key Words Listening