附 精深阅读导引

一 有关第一节的精深阅读

1.学界有关泰勒斯研究的争论,可以参阅梁中和:《理解“第一哲人”泰勒斯的四种路径》,《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2013年第4期。

关于泰勒斯及米利都学派是否创立了科学这一问题的讨论,可参阅David J. Furley and R. E. Allen (eds.) , ,Vol. 1(New York: Humanities Press1970)Cornford,Kirk,Popper等人的文章,有关争论的总结可参阅Lloyd, G. E. R., “Popper versus Kirk: A Controversy in the Interpretation of Greek Science.” (1967): 21138.

Kahn就米利都学派对自然哲学的贡献做了详细分析,参看Kahn, C. H., (New York: Columbia University Press, 1960)

2.关于毕达哥拉斯及其学派的一般研究可参阅Burkert, W., (Cambridge, Mass., 1972)

毕达哥拉斯学派与柏拉图的关系研究也是一个重点,可参阅Horky, Phillip Sidney, (Oxford University Press, 2013). Lloyd, G. E. R., “Plato and Archytas in the seventh letter.35.2 (1990) 159174. Bluck, R. S. , “Plato, Pindar, and Metempsychosis.” (1958): 4051414.

3.对于恩培多克勒,学者们一般更关注他的循环动力论,一些学者提出了四阶段的循环论,参阅Ox" xml:lang="en-USBrien, D., 2" xml:lang="en-US (Cambridge, 1969). Graham, Daniel W., “Symmetry in the Empedoclean cycle.” (New Series) 38.02 (1988): 2971312.

另一部分学者有不同看法,参Solmsen, F., “Love and Strife in Empedocles Cosmology.” 10 (1965) 109148. Long, A. A. , “EmpedoclesCosmic Cycle in the Sixties.”in Mourelatos (ed.), (Garden City, NY, 1974) pp: 3971425.

4.研究阿那克萨戈拉的著作可参阅Schofleld, M., (Cambridge, 1980).

有关努斯的讨论见Laks, A., “Mindx" xml:lang="en-USs crisis: on AnaxagorasNous,” 31 suppl. (1993) 19138. Lesher, J., “Mindx" xml:lang="en-USs Knowledge and Powers of Control in Anaxagoras DK B12,, 40 (1995): 1251142.

在阿那克萨戈拉的要素与混合的问题上,学者们也有分歧。一些学者认为基本要素就是相反的事物,所有事物都可以还原为相反的基本事物。参Inwood, B., “Anaxagoras and Infinite Divisibility,”, 11 (1986): 17133. Vlastos, G., “The Physical Theory of Anaxagoras,, 59 (1950): 31157.

一些学者则持不同观点,参Lewis, E., “Anaxagoras and the Seeds of a Physical
, 33 (2000): 1123. Graham, D. W., “The Postulates of Anaxagoras,”, 27 (1994): 771121.


5.原子论者的一般研究可见Furley, D. J., (Princeton, 1967)

原子论者的“碰撞”问题引起一些学者的兴趣,参Kline, A. D. and C. A. Matheson, “The Logical Impossibility of Collision,” 61 (1987) 509115.

对上文的回应见Godfrey, R. , “Democritus and the Impossibility of Collision, 65 (1990) 212117.

还有重量问题,参见Ox" xml:lang="en-USBrien, D. , , Vol. 1 (Paris/Leiden, 1981). Furley D. J. , “Weight and Motion in Democritustheory,”(Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 1 (1983), 1931209. Sedley, D. N. , “Two Conceptions of Vacuum,” 27 (1982) 175193.

二 有关第二节的精深阅读

1.一些学者将赫拉克利特与现代思想(尤其是维特根斯坦)相关联,参Stern, David G. , “Heraclitusand Wittgensteinx" xml:lang="en-USs River Images.” 74.4 (1991): 5791604. Shiner, R. “Wittgenstein and Heraclitus: Two River-images.” 49.188 (1974): 1911197. Gallagher, Kenneth T.“Wittgenstein, Heraclitus, andThe Common.” (1981): 45156.

另外还有Waugh, J. , “Heraclitus: The Postmodern Presocratic?” 74.4 (1991): 6051623.

柏拉图与赫拉克利特主义的问题参Kirk, Geoffrey S. ,“The Problem of Cratylus.” (1951): 2251253. 对此的回应参Allan, Donald James, “The Problem of Cratylus.” (1954): 2711287. Kahn, C. H. , “Plato and Heraclitus,” 1 (1986) 241158.

2.关于巴门尼德著名的“两条道路”的诠释,宋继杰概述了西方学界的三种研究进路,参宋继杰:《逻各斯的技术: 古希腊思想的语言哲学透视》(清华大学出版社,2013年)第1章。

持实在论观点的有Burnet, J. , (London: 1920). Cornford, F. M. , (London, 1939).

持观念论者的有Vlastos G., “‘ParmenidesTheory of Knowledge,” 77 ( 1946)pp. 66177. LongA. A. , “Parmenides on Thinking Being,” in J. Cleary ( ed. )12 ( New York1996) , pp. 1251115. SedleyD., “Parmenides and Melissus” ined. LongA. A. (Cambridge: 1999)pp. 1131133.

当代的英美学者大多采用语义学路径,但他们的具体论证并不相同,参Owen, Gwilyrn EL. , “Eleatic Questions, (1960): 841102. Kahn, C. H. , ( Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009); Furth, Montgomery, “Elements of Eleatic Ontology,” 6.2 (1968): 1111; Mourelatos, A. P. D. , , (Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing, 2008).