- Project Team Dynamics
- Lisa Ditullio
- 1393字
- 2025-02-25 06:42:12
In today’s competitive environment, conducting business requires collaborative involvement across an organization. Project teams must include a number of participants from different areas of the organization. Parties from external agencies will also likely be involved, whether they are consultants or vendors. And in today’s challenged economy, you are not guaranteed to get everyone you need, forcing you to make the most of your team and to do more with less. Regardless of who is on a project team and how many members it has, the project will not meet its deliverables and deadlines unless the group operates as a high-functioning team.
No matter what type of team you belong to, it’s challenging to keep everyone focused and productive. This is particularly true on project teams. The secret to managing successful team dynamics is to keep the practices as simple as possible.
I love simplicity. Throughout my personal and professional life, I have always aimed for the least complicated path to find the answer or to complete the task. When communicating with others, I strive to impart my messages using short, tangible descriptions instead of long, abstract discussions. When teaching, I go out of my way to introduce concepts that are easy to grasp; they are often underscored through interactive activities so learners can experience the message rather than simply hear it. When speaking in front of large audiences, I design presentations that contain few words. White space and pictures help to spotlight my messages in a memorable way.
The simpler our business practices, the more likely we are to follow them. The more consistent we are with easy practices, the more likely we are to evolve corporate culture—ultimately embracing simple, effective, successful practices.
Enhancing team dynamics to improve team performance does not need to be complicated or time-consuming. In fact, the simpler you keep team-focused practices, the more likely you are to practice them consistently.
The extraordinary success of Apple suggests we are drawn to simplicity. From the hip design of its personal computers to the clever intuitiveness of its software to the sleekness of the iPod and the genius of the iPad, Apple consistently redefines each market it enters by creating gadgets with brilliant simplicity and ease of use.
Some people have a knack for making things more complicated than they need to be. I’ve found that to be the case, particularly when project managers make incorrect assumptions and become intertwined in an endless but futile effort to prove themselves right among team members.
When things get too complicated, change your assumptions and try again. Keep it simple to be successful.
This book will help you understand the value of teamwork and the link between teamwork and project/business outcomes: you will appreciate how simple investments in project team dynamics can provide big returns, you will learn how to introduce the “right” set of behaviors to support productive teamwork, and you will become familiar with easy methods to improve team dynamics and reduce conflict.
Some of the concepts and practices discussed in this book are derived from my experience managing the enterprise project management office (EPMO) at Boston-based Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. As a core member of the turnaround team for an organization that went from being placed in state-supervised receivership in 1999 to being named the “Number One Health Plan in America” by US News & World Report five years in a row, I have firsthand experience with the power of teamwork and collaborative efforts.
Since leaving Harvard Pilgrim in early 2008 to establish my own training and consulting practice dedicated to introducing project management as a business competency, I have had the opportunity to work with many organizations across various industries that are looking to break down functional silos and deliver priority initiatives through effective and efficient means. This book is a compilation of best practices, tips, and techniques identified during my association with clients, colleagues, and project management professionals—all in support of healthy team dynamics.
You will find a number of tools and templates throughout the book, each designed to support a specific team need. An electronic version of each tool with a variety of templates, process tips, and techniques to support healthy teams is available for immediate download at the website www.yourprojectoffice.com. The tools and templates in this book and a variety of process tips and techniques to support healthy teams are available to download at www.yourprojectoffice.com. To access these resources, click on “Client Login” and enter username “Reader” and password “Team1.” All the tools are formatted in MS Word or Excel, so no special software is required. lf you have trouble accessing the site or its resources, please contact support@yourprojectoffice.com.
This book focuses on project teams. In the spirit of team achievement, many of the concepts, practices, and tools introduced in this book apply to all types of teams in business today. In fact, when you consistently apply similar practices across the different types of teams in your organization, you will slowly shift the organizational culture toward teamwork in a real and meaningful way. Organizations that appreciate the value of teamwork and perform in true team-like fashion tend to outperform those that only talk about teamwork. So feel free to share this book with other teams; they will thank you.
Introducing practical practices early in team development is critical to establishing healthy teams. Periodically evaluating the team’s well-being is equally important; having the ability to quickly diagnose team ailments and apply appropriate treatments is key to hale and hearty teams, which result in productive and efficient output. This book supports both team launch and team operations; they are equally important to sustaining productive team output.
Those of us who are familiar with managing projects know that the greatest cause of project failure is lack of sound project planning. Benchmarks tell us projects fail when there is poor planning or estimating, no clear assignment of authority or responsibility, and a lack of adequate tools and techniques. Conversely, projects succeed when there is a high degree of end-user involvement, realistic expectations are set, ownership (both responsibility and authority) is apparent, and a clear vision and objectives are shared by all.
When launching project teams, a similar philosophy applies. Unless you establish a firm foundation, with qualified members who understand their roles and responsibilities and are vested in the team’s success, the team will fail. Project team dynamics are just as critical to project success as proper project planning. Part I of this book focuses on launching a team. It guides you through a four-step process to properly establish a strong team foundation during early team formation—defining the team, clarifying team goals, implementing supporting behaviors, and establishing accountability.
In many organizations, project managers find themselves working with familiar faces with each new project assignment. Unfortunately, the comfort of familiarity often influences project managers to skip key team-building steps. The false sense of security aligned with the notion of “we’ve done okay before” often comes back to haunt such teams; teams that skip or skim over these steps frequently find themselves struggling later in the project. Remember, every project is unique; therefore, every team requires and deserves its own set of defined team goals, documented expected behaviors, and endorsed set of operating norms. The first part of this book, Launching the Team, will guide project teams through all four launching steps, offering practical advice and actionable steps for immediate results.
Once up and running, all teams inevitably face challenges that can cause tensions among members. Part II, Making the Team Work, addresses common ailments experienced by most project teams and offers straightforward techniques to address such disorders. Easy-to-use techniques, tools, and templates are included, offering you immediate opportunities to address and eradicate team afflictions. Four common aspects of poor team dynamics are addressed: managing team conflict, making effective decisions, actively sharing information, and holding productive meetings.
Because team dynamics are a key influence on project success, finding ways to better manage challenges from a management and communications perspective improves internal dynamics as well as group performance. Properly launching the team and quickly addressing team issues is a winning formula for enhancing performance and improving results.
Lisa DiTullio
Cohasset, Massachusetts