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Natural Science自然科学
List 1 Astronomy天文学
Planets in the Solar System 太阳系各行星名称

star ★★★★★美[stɑr]
n. 恒星;星
【例句】(TPO15–Mass Extinctions)
➢ The possibility that mass extinctions may recur periodically has given rise to such hypotheses as that of a companion star with a longperiod orbit deflecting other bodies from their normal orbits, making some of them fall to Earth as meteors and causing widespread devastation upon impact. “大灭绝会按周期发生”的可能性引发了这样的假说:一颗具有长周期轨道的伴星会使其他天体从正常轨道偏离,导致其中某些天体变成流星落到地球,并在撞击(地球地面)的时候造成大范围的灾难性破坏。
adj. 太阳的;太阳能的
【例句】(TPO16–Planets in Our Solar System)
➢ An estimated 99.85 percent of the mass of our solar system is contained within the Sun, while the planets collectively make up most of the remaining 0.15 percent. 我们所在的太阳系中,差不多99.85%的质量是太阳,与此同时,其他行星共同组成了剩下的0.15%的大部分质量。
n. 行星
【例句】(TPO16–Planets in Our Solar System)
➢ An estimated 99.85 percent of the mass of our solar system is contained within the Sun, while the planets collectively make up most of the remaining 0.15 percent. 我们所在的太阳系中,差不多99.85%的质量是太阳,与此同时,其他行星共同组成了剩下的0.15%的大部分质量。
n. 卫星;人造卫星
【例句】(TPO16–Planets in Our Solar System)
➢ The Sun is the hub of a huge rotating system consisting of eight planets, their satellites, and numerous small bodies, including asteroids, comets, and meteoroids. 太阳是这个由八大行星构成的巨大公转系统的核心,该系统中还有八大行星的卫星和大量的小星体,包括小行星、彗星和陨星体。
adj. 月亮的;阴历的;银的
【例句】(TPO13–Biological Clocks)
➢ Consequently, the timing and rhythms of biological functions must closely match periodic events like the solar day, the tides, the lunar cycle, and the seasons. 生物的计时与交替循环的机能也就理所应当地必须与像昼夜交替、潮涨潮落、月圆月缺和四季更替这样的周期性事件保持大体一致。
n. 轨迹
vt. 环绕……的轨道运行;使进入轨道
vi. 盘旋
【例句】(TPO16–Planets in Our Solar System)
➢ The possibility that mass extinctions may recur periodically has given rise to such hypotheses as that of a companion star with a longperiod orbit deflecting other bodies from their normal orbits, making some of them fall to Earth as meteors and causing widespread devastation upon impact. “大灭绝会按周期发生”的可能性引发了这样的假说:一颗具有长周期轨道的伴星会使其他天体从正常轨道偏离,导致其中某些天体变成流星落到地球,并在撞击(地球地面)的时候造成大范围的灾难性破坏。
surface ★★★★★美[‘sɜːrfɪs]
n. 表面;外表;平面
adj. 表面的;肤浅的
vt. 在……上加表层;使……成平面
vi. 浮到水面;显露;在表面工作
【例句】(TPO16–Planets in Our Solar System)
➢ The Jovian planets, because of their greater masses and thus higher surface gravities, have higher escape velocities (21–60 kilometers per second) than the terrestrial planets. 由于类木行星的质量较大并因此产生更高的表面引力,因此,类木行星的逃逸速度(21~60千米/秒)要比类地行星高得多。
terrestrial ★★★美[tə’restriəl]
adj. 陆地的;陆生的;地球的
n. 地球生物
【例句】(TPO16–Planets in Our Solar System)
➢ The planets in our solar system fall into two groups: the terrestrial (Earth-like) planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) and the Jovian (Jupiter-like) planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune). 太阳系中八大行星分为两类:类地行星(和地球类似,包括水星、金星、地球和火星)和类木行星(与木星类似,包括木星、土星、天王星和海王星) 。
Martian ★★★美[‘mɑrʃn]
n. 火星人
adj. 火星的
【例句】(TPO25–The Surface of Mars)
➢ None of these volcanoes was formed as a result of collisions between plates of the Martian crust—there is no plate motion on Mars. 这些火山都不是因火星表面的板块碰撞而形成的——火星上并无板块运动。
Jovian ★美[‘dVYJvIYn]
adj. 美[罗神]朱庇特的;木星的;威风凛凛的
【例句】(TPO16–Planets in Our Solar System)
➢ The planets in our solar system fall into two groups: the terrestrial (Earth-like) planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) and the Jovian (Jupiter-like) planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune). 太阳系中八大行星分为两类:类地行星(和地球类似,包括水星、金星、地球和火星)和类木行星(与木星类似,包括木星、土星、天王星和海王星) 。
chondrule ★美[kɑnd’ruːl]
【例句】(TPO22–The Allende Meteorite)
➢ These seeds are actually chondrules: millimeter-sized melted droplets of silicate material that were cooled into spheres of glass and crystal. 这些种子实际上是陨石球粒:被冷却成玻璃球和水晶球的硅酸盐物质的毫米大小的熔化的液滴。
crater ★★美[‘kreɪtər]
n. 坑(陨石坑、弹坑等) ;凹地;火山口
【例句】(TPO25–The Surface of Mars)
➢ As on our Moon, the smaller craters are often filled with surface matter—mostly dust—confirming that Mars is a dry desert world. 与我们的月球类似,那些较小的陨石坑经常被一些物质填满(主要是灰尘) ,这表明火星是一个干燥的沙漠世界。
gas ★★美[‘ɡæs]
n. 气体
【例句】(TPO22–The Allende Meteorite)
➢ The major difference is that Allende is depleted in the most volatile elements, like hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and the noble gases, relative to the Sun. 主要的差别是相比太阳,阿伦德陨星失去了大部分的挥发性元素,例如氢、碳、氧、氮以及惰性气体。
nebula ★美[‘nebjələ]
n. 【天】星云; 【医】角膜翳
【例句】(TPO22–The Allende Meteorite)
➢ When broken open, Allende stones are revealed to contain an assortment of small, distinctive objects, spherical or irregular in shape and embedded in a dark gray matrix (binding material), which were once constituents of the solar nebula—the interstellar cloud of gas and dust out of which our solar system was formed. 把阿伦德陨石破开,发现里面含有各种各样细小的、独特的物体,这些物体呈球状或者不规则状,嵌在深灰色的基质(结合物质)中,它们曾是太阳星云——形成太阳系的由气体和尘埃组成的星际云团的一部分。
shield ★★★★美[ʃild]
n. 盾;盾状物;防卫物
vt. 保护;庇护
【例句】(TPO25–The Surface of Mars)
➢ Instead, they are shield volcanoes—volcanoes with broad, sloping slides formed by molten rock. 这些火山其实是盾状火山——一种由熔岩形成的斜面宽阔并且坡度平缓的火山。
ejecta ★美[ɪ‘dʒektə]
n. 喷出物;废物;渣
【例句】(TPO25–The Surface of Mars)
➢ Martian craters are surrounded by ejecta (debris formed as a result of an impact) that looks quite different from its lunar counterparts. 火星陨石坑周边布满了喷出物(因撞击而形成的碎片) ,这与月球上的陨石坑看起来非常不同。
Jupiter ★★★美[‘dʒuːpɪtər]
n. 木星; 美[罗神]朱庇特
【例句】(TPO42–Callisto and Ganymede)
➢ Callisto, the outermost of Jupiter’s four largest satellites, orbits the planet in seventeen days at a distance from Jupiter of two million kilometers. 木卫四,木星的四个最大的卫星中最外层的一个,围绕木星转一圈需要17天,轨道半径200万公里。
moon ★★★★美[mun]
n. 月亮;月球
【例句】(TPO16–Planets in Our Solar System)
➢ On the other hand, a comparatively warm body with a small surface gravity, like Earth’s moon, is unable to hold even the heaviest gas and thus lacks an atmosphere. 而从另一个角度讲,一个相对温暖并且表面引力很小的天体,比如月球,甚至无法留住最重的气体,因此没有大气层。
Saturn ★美[‘sætɜːrn]
n. 土星; 美[罗神]农神
【例句】(TPO16–Planets in Our Solar System)
➢ One of the outer planets, Saturn, has a density of only 0.7 that of water, which means that Saturn would float in water. 外行星中土星的密度只有水的0.7倍,也就是说土星可以浮在水上。
inclusion ★美[ɪn‘kluːʒn]
n. 包含;内含物质
【例句】(TPO22–The Allende Meteorite)
➢ However, studies of the textures of inclusions reveal that the order in which the minerals appeared in the inclusions varies from inclusion to inclusion, and often does not match the theoretical condensation sequence for those metals. 然而,对内含物质的研究发现不同的内含物中矿物质出现的顺序并不相同,往往与理论上这些金属的凝结序列不一致。
meteorite ★美[‘mitiəraɪt]
n. 陨石;流星
【例句】(TPO22–The Allende Meteorite)
➢ All these diverse constituents are aggregated together to form chondritic meteorites, like Allende, that have chemical compositions much like that of the Sun. 所有这些各种各样的组分被凝聚到一起形成了球粒陨石,就像与太阳具有很多相似化学组分的阿伦德陨星。
n. 矩阵;发源地;基质
【例句】(TPO22–The Allende Meteorite)
➢ Chondrules and inclusions in Allende are held together by the chondrite matrix, a mixture of fine-grained, mostly silicate minerals that also includes grains of iron metal and iron sulfide. 阿伦德陨星里的陨石球粒和内含物是由球粒陨石基质结合到一起的,这是一种细粒混合物,主要是包括铁颗粒和硫化铁的硅酸盐矿物。
gravity ★★★美[‘ɡrævəti]
n. 重力
【例句】(TPO25–The Surface of Mars)
➢ The great height of Martian volcanoes is a direct consequence of the planet’s low surface gravity. 火星上火山的可观的高度是该行星(相对)较低的地表重力导致的直接结果。
bulge ★★★美[bʌldʒ]
n. 膨胀;暴增
v. 膨胀;充满
【例句】(TPO50–Star Death)
➢ Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is shaped like a flat disk surrounding a central bulge. 我们的星系——银河系,其形状类似于扁平的圆盘,围绕着核球。
Venusian ★美[vi’njuːˌʃiən]
adj. 【天】金星的;太白星的
【例句】(TPO41–Climate of Venus)
➢ Venus and Earth are similar in size and mass, so Venusian volcanoes may well have outgassed as much water vapor as on Earth, and both planets would have had about the same number of comets strike their surfaces. 金星与地球的大小和质量都差不多,所以两个星球的火山排出的水蒸气可能是一样多的,而且撞击到两个星球的彗星数量也相当。
nuclear ★★★★美[‘nuːkliər]
adj. 原子核的;原子能的;核心的
【例句】(TPO50–Star Death)
➢ It will expend more and more of its nuclear fuel, until little is left of its original hydrogen. 它会消耗越来越多的原子核燃料,直到原始氢原子几乎被耗尽。
fusion ★★★美[‘fjuːʒn]
n. 融合;结合;熔合;核聚变
【例句】(TPO50–Star Death)
➢ The fusion process begins when two hydrogen nuclei smash together to form a particle called the deuteron (a combination of a positive proton and a neutral neutron). 当两个氢原子碰撞在一起形成一个叫作氘核的微粒(一个正质子和一个中性中子的结合物) ,核聚变过程就开始了。
stellar ★美[‘stelər]
adj. 星(状的) ;和电影明星有关的;主要的;一流的
【例句】(TPO50–Star Death)
➢ A shock wave caused by the inner zone’s contraction will send ripples through the dying star, pushing the stellar exterior’s material farther and farther outward. 由内环区域收缩而引起的冲击波会呈波浪状在这个濒死的星球上扩散,使得星体的外壳物质一步步向外扩。
adj. 不听话的;执拗的;难治疗的;免疫的;耐火的
n. 倔强的人;耐火材料
【例句】(TPO22–The Allende Meteorite)
➢ They are composed of minerals uncommon on Earth, all rich in calcium, aluminum, and titanium, the most refractory (resistant to melting) of the major elements in the nebula. 它们是由地球上罕见的矿物质组成的,富含钙、铝以及在星云中最耐高温的(耐熔化的)主要元素钛。
n. 球粒状陨石
【例句】(TPO22–The Allende Meteorite)
➢ Chondrules and inclusions in Allende are held together by the chondrite matrix, a mixture of fine-grained, mostly silicate minerals that also includes grains of iron metal and iron sulfide. 阿伦德陨星里的陨石球粒和内含物是由球粒陨石基质结合到一起的,这是一种细粒混合物,主要是包括铁颗粒和硫化铁的硅酸盐矿物。
volatile ★★★美[‘vɑlətl]
adj. 不稳定的;反复无常的;易挥发的
n. 挥发物
【例句】(TPO22–The Allende Meteorite)
➢ Since practically all the solar system’s mass resides in the Sun, this similarity in chemistry means that chondrites have average solar system composition, except for the most volatile elements; they are truly lumps of nebular matter, probably similar in composition to the matter from which planets were assembled. 由于太阳系的质量几乎都集中于太阳,这种相似的化学组成意味着除了大部分的挥发性元素外,球粒陨石具有通常的太阳系组成;它们是真正星云物质的团块,很可能与形成行星的物质具有相似的成分。
adj. 陨星的
【例句】(TPO25–The Surface of Mars)
➢ The Martian atmosphere is an efficient erosive agent, with Martian winds transporting dust from place to place and erasing surface features much faster than meteoritic impacts alone can obliterate them. 火星大气是一种强效的腐蚀剂,加之火星上的风把灰尘从一个地方卷到另一个地方,较之仅仅是因流星冲击而形成的尘埃的作用, (火星上的)地表特征被消除得更快。
n. 相关者;相似之物;副本;对应物
【例句】(TPO25–The Surface of Mars)
➢ Martian craters are surrounded by ejecta (debris formed as a result of an impact) that looks quite different from its lunar counterparts. 火星陨石坑周边堆满了喷出物(因撞击而形成的碎片) ,这与月球上的陨石坑看起来非常不同。
velocity ★★美[və’lɑsəti]
n. 速度;迅速;速率
【例句】(TPO16–Planets in Our Solar System)
➢ Simply stated, a gas molecule can “evaporate” from a planet if it reaches a speed known as the escape velocity. 简单来说,如果气体达到逃逸速度,那么气体分子可以从行星上“蒸发” 。
methane ★★美[‘mɛθˌeɪn]
n. 甲烷;沼气
【例句】(TPO16–Planets in Our Solar System)
➢ The Jovian planets, on the other hand, contain a large percentage of the gases hydrogen and helium, with varying amounts of ices: mostly water, ammonia, and methane ices. 而类木行星恰恰相反,包含较大比例的气态氢和氦以及各种形态的冰:大部分是水、氨和甲烷冰。
hydrogen ★★★美[‘haɪdrədʒən]
n. 氢
【例句】(TPO22–The Allende Meteorite)
➢ The major difference is that Allende is depleted in the most volatile elements, like hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and the noble gases, relative to the Sun. 主要的差别是相比太阳,阿伦德陨星失去了大部分的挥发性元素,例如氢、碳、氧、氮以及惰性气体。
helium ★美[‘hiliəm]
n. 氦
【例句】(TPO50–Star Death)
➢ Though Population I stars consist mostly of hydrogen and helium gas, they also contain heavy elements (heavier than helium), which comprise about 1 or 2 percent of their mass. 尽管星族I型恒星的主要成分是氢气和氦气,它们也含有重元素(比氦重) ,占总质量的1%或2%。
diameter ★★★美[daɪ’æmɪtər]
n. 直径
【例句】(TPO25–The Surface of Mars)
➢ Northwest of Tharsis is the largest volcano of all: Olympus Mons, with a height of 25 kilometers and measuring some 700 kilometers in diameter at its base. 位于塔尔西斯西北的奥林帕斯山是其中最大的一座火山: 25千米高,测得其基部直径大约有700千米。
n. 彗星
【例句】(TPO41–Climate of Venus)
➢ Venus and Earth are similar in size and mass, so Venusian volcanoes may well have outgassed as much water vapor as on Earth, and both planets would have had about the same number of comets strike their surfaces. 金星和地球的大小和质量都差不多,所以两个星球的火山排出的水蒸气可能是一样多的,而且撞击到两个星球的彗星数量也相当。
merger ★★美[‘mɜːrdʒər]
【例句】(TPO50–Star Death)
➢ In atypical star, merger after merger takes place until significant quantities of heavy elements are built up. 在非典型恒星中,合并不断发生,直到形成大量重元素。
galaxy ★★★美[‘ɡæləksi]
n. 银河;星系;一群杰出的人
【例句】(TPO50–Star Death)
➢ Whereas Population I stars are found mainly in the galactic disk, Population II stars mostly reside in the central bulge of the galaxy and in the halo surrounding this bulge. 星族I型恒星主要是在银盘里,而星族 II型恒星则通常位于银河系的核球以及环绕着核球的光环上。
adj. 重力的;引力作用的
【例句】(TPO51–Surface Fluids on Venus and Earth)
➢ These processes derive their energy from the Sun and the gravitational forces of the planet itself. 这些地质过程从太阳和星球本身的引力作用中获取能量。
silicate ★美[‘sɪlɪkeɪt]
n. 硅酸盐
【例句】(TPO22–The Allende Meteorite)
➢ Chondrules and inclusions in Allende are held together by the chondrite matrix, a mixture of fine-grained, mostly silicate minerals that also includes grains of iron metal and iron sulfide. 阿伦德陨星里的陨石球粒和内含物是由球粒陨石基质结合到一起的,这是一种细粒混合物,主要是包括铁颗粒和硫化铁的硅酸盐矿物。
adj. 星际的
【例句】(TPO22–The Allende Meteorite)
➢ However, detailed studies of the chondrite matrix suggest that much of it, too, has been formed by condensation or melting in the nebula, although minute amounts of surviving interstellar dust are mixed with the processed materials. 不过,对球粒陨石基质的详细研究表明,多数基质的确是由星云的凝结和熔融形成的,尽管在这些被处理过的物质中还混有小部分残留的星际尘埃。
ammonia ★★美[ə‘moʊniə]
n. 氨
【例句】(TPO16–Planets in Our Solar System)
➢ The Jovian planets, on the other hand, contain a large percentage of the gases hydrogen and helium, with varying amounts of ices: mostly water, ammonia, and methane ices. 而类木行星恰恰相反,包含较大比例的气态氢和氦以及各种形态的冰:大部分是水、氨和甲烷冰。
ultraviolet ★美[ˌʌltrə‘vaɪələt]
adj. 紫外线的
n. 紫外线
【例句】(TPO41–Climate of Venus)
➢ Over time, the rising temperatures would have leveled off, solar ultraviolet radiation having broken down atmospheric water vapor molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. 随着时间的推移,温度上升会趋于平稳,太阳紫外线辐射会将大气中的水蒸气分子分解成氢和氧。
n. 风化
➢ On Earth, liquid water removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and combines it with calcium, from rock weathering, to form carbonate sedimentary rocks. 在地球上,液态水将二氧化碳从大气中移走,通过岩石风化作用将它和钙结合在一起,以形成碳酸盐沉积岩。
condensation ★美[ˌkɑnden‘seɪʃn]
n. 浓缩;凝结;液滴
【例句】(TPO22–The Allende Meteorite)
➢ However, detailed studies of the chondrite matrix suggest that much of it, too, has been formed by condensation or melting in the nebula, although minute amounts of surviving interstellar dust are mixed with the processed materials. 不过,对球粒陨石基质的详细研究表明,多数基质的确是由星云的凝结和熔融形成的,尽管在这些被处理过的物质中还混有小部分残留的星际尘埃。
titanium ★美[tɪ’teɪniəm]
n. 【化】钛
【例句】(TPO22–The Allende Meteorite)
➢ They are composed of minerals uncommon on Earth, all rich in calcium, aluminum, and titanium, the most refractory (resistant to melting) of the major elements in the nebula. 它们是由地球上罕见的矿物质组成的,富含钙、铝以及在星云中最耐高温的(耐熔化的)主要元素钛。
primordial ★美[praɪ’mɔrdiəl]
adj. 原始的; (从)原始时代存在的;最初的
【例句】(TPO16–Planets in Our Solar System)
➢ It is hypothesized that the primordial cloud of dust and gas from which all the planets are thought to have condensed had a composition somewhat similar to that of Jupiter. 天文学家们推测,所有行星原始状态的尘埃和气体形成的云状物凝聚,合成物与木星的有些类似。
shrink ★★★★美[ʃrɪŋk]
vi. 收缩;退缩;萎缩;畏惧,害怕
vt. 使收缩
n. 收缩;萎缩
n. 精神科医生
【例句】(TPO50–Star Death)
➢ The core will shrink, giving off the last of its energy, and the Sun will finally die. 内核会收缩,释放出最后的能量,最终死亡。
n. 核;核心;细胞核;原子核(nucleus 的复数形式)
【例句】(TPO50–Star Death)
➢ The fusion process begins when two hydrogen nuclei smash together to form a particle called the deuteron (a combination of a positive proton and a neutral neutron). 当两个氢原子碰撞在一起形成一个叫作氘核的微粒(一个正质子和一个中性中子的结合物) ,核聚变过程就开始了。
elliptical ★美[ɪ‘lɪptɪkl]
adj. 椭圆的;省略的;简要的
【例句】(TPO16–Planets in Our Solar System)
➢ Under the control of the Sun’s gravitational force, each planet maintains an elliptical orbit and all of them travel in the same direction. 在太阳引力的作用下,每个行星都沿着椭圆形的轨道,按照相同的方向公转。
halo ★★美[‘heɪloʊ]
n. (日月等)晕;神像之光环
【例句】(TPO50–Star Death)
➢ Whereas Population I stars are found mainly in the galactic disk, Population II stars mostly reside in the central bulge of the galaxy and in the halo surrounding this bulge. 星族I型恒星主要是在银盘里,而星族 II型恒星则通常位于银河系的核球以及环绕着核球的光环上。
exterior ★美[ɪk‘stɪriər]
n. 外部;外表;外景
adj. 外部的;表面的;对外的;户外的
【例句】(TPO50–Star Death)
➢ A shock wave caused by the inner zone’s contraction will send ripples through the dying star, pushing the stellar exterior’s material farther and farther outward. 由内环区域收缩而引起的冲击波会呈波浪状在这个濒死的星球上扩散,使得星体的外壳物质一步步向外扩。
n. 氘核(重氢核)
【例句】(TPO50–Star Death)
➢ The fusion process begins when two hydrogen nuclei smash together to form a particle called the deuteron (a combination of a positive proton and a neutral neutron). 当两个氢原子碰撞在一起形成一个叫作氘核的微粒(一个正质子和一个中性中子的结合物) ,核聚变过程就开始了。
cosmos ★★美[‘kɑzmoʊs]
n. 宇宙
【例句】(TPO50–Star Death)
➢ Formed when the cosmos was filled with hydrogen and helium gases, they initially contained virtually no heavy elements. 在宇宙充斥着氢气和氦气时,它们就已形成,最初几乎不包含重元素。
contraction ★★美[kən’trækʃn]
n. 收缩;痉挛;缩约形式
【例句】(TPO35–Earth’s Age)
➢ Two physicists during the nineteenth century both came up with ages for the Sun based on the Sun’s energy coming from gravitational contraction. 在19世纪有两个物理学家以重力收缩产生的太阳能量为依据,推断出了太阳的年龄。
dwarf ★★★美[dwɔrf]
n. 矮子;侏儒
vt. 使矮小
vi. 变小
【例句】(TPO50–Star Death)
➢ The Sun will have become a white dwarf star. 太阳会变成一颗白矮星。