- 决定民族兴衰的那些美文(环球时代美文读本)
- 吴中东 宫玉波
- 1940字
- 2020-08-30 00:49:09
June 6, 1944 一九四四年六月六日
Sixty years ago today, the free world held its breath. In America, daily life paused almost completely, subdued by the news that the invasion of Europe—D-Day—had begun. From the 21st century, we try to imagine the scale of what went forward in that gray dawn after years of preparation—the ships and men and materiel, the re serves of willpower and determination. What we some times forget to imagine is the almost prayerful nature of the day, the profound investment of hope and fear it entailed. It was a day in America and in Europe when civilians as surely as soldiers felt the whole of their lives concentrated on the outcome of a few hours. There has not been another time like it, when we knew that history was about to turn before our eyes.
In a way, D-Day sums up for us the whole of World War Ⅱ. It was the frontal clash of two ideas, a collision between the possibility of human freedom and its nullification. Even now, we are still learning what to make of it, still trying to know whether we are dwarfed by the scale of such an effort or whether what happened that day still en larges us. It certainly enlarges the veterans of Normandy and their friends who died in every zone of that war.
It's tempting to politicize the memory of a day so full of personal and national honor, too easy to allude to the wars of our times as if they naturally mirrored World War Ⅱ. The iconic starkness of the forces that met on the beaches of Normandy makes that temptation all the greater. But beyond the resemblance of young soldiers dying in wars 60 years apart, there is no analogy, and that is something we must remember today as well. D-Day was the result of broad in ternational accord. By D-Day, Europe had been at war—total war—for nearly five years, at profound cost to its civilian population. American civilians, in turn, had willingly made enormous material sacrifices to sustain the war effort. There was no pretense that ordinary life would go on unin terrupted and no assumption that America could go it alone.
We may find the heroics of D-Day stirring in the extreme. We may struggle to imagine the special hell of those beaches,the almost despairing lurch of the landing craft as they motored toward France. Those were brave times. But it was a bravery of shared sacrifice, a willing ness to rise to an occasion that everyone prayed would never need to come again. This is a day to respect the memory of 60 years ago and, perhaps, to wonder what we might rise to if only we asked it of ourselves.
Look at the following sentences and tell whether they are right or wrong.
1. From the passage, we know that remembering those heroes is most important thing.
2. The passage is titled June 6, 1944 to tell people to keep this war in mind and think about it and to draw a lesson from it.
3. In the text it says that the Normandy Landing sums up to the whole WWⅡ because it was between Germany and France.
4. The wars happened before and the wars that are happening and will happen in the future have the same goals exactly.
1. × 2. √ 3. × 4. ×
Emulation 美文自己写得出——学生仿写
For Equal Rights
Forty-five years ago, the world was all ears. In front of the Lincoln Memorial, the crowd gathered, all absorbed by the inspiring words that came out from a man who spoke up for his people who have remained repressed even after they were legally free of slavery. And nearly a hundred years ago before that, Abraham Lincoln, braving all the doubts and criticism against him, preserved the unity of the whole nation through the Civil War and liberated a people who had been suffered from discrimination and segregation the first time they stepped on this land. And today, an outstanding man of African origin has become the president of the United States of America, which marks a new chapter of the history of African Americans in the US and also of the history of this land of democracy and freedom.
Despite the difficulties beyond them, the African Americans have never ceased to continue their struggle for equal rights. Step by step, they are endeavored with formidable persistence and spared no effort to rewrite a new chapter of history of their own. Thus today, a man whose father more than fifty years ago was not given the right to vote can stand before hundreds of millions of people and make the most sacred oath as the president of a nation when segregation and discrimination against the African Americans used to be rampant.