- 六级高频率必考词汇 : 放口袋
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- 2021-04-02 00:05:02
Day 2 低频词
negligible [ˈneɡlɪdʒəbl] adj. 微不足道的,可以忽略的
例句 He is a negligible person in the government.
翻译 A difference of ten cents in prices is negligible.
同义替换 trivial adj. 不重要的,琐碎的bit adj. 很少的;微不足道的 inappreciable adj. 微不足道的 insignificant adj. 无关紧要的
nominate [ˈnɒmɪneɪt] v. 提名,推荐;任命,指派;挑选,指定(时间、日期、名称等)
例句 I will support whoever you nominate.
衍生 nomination n. 任命,提名;提名权
翻译 We failed to nominate him as club president.
同义替换 appoint v. 任命;指定;委派 name v. 任命;指定constitute v. 任命 install v. 任命
appease [əˈpiːz] vt. 平息,抚慰,姑息

例句 Nothing could appease the crying child.
衍生 appeasement n. 平息;满足;缓和;姑息
翻译 The experience of the past two years has proven beyond doubt that no nation can appease the Nazis(任何国家都不能姑息纳粹分子).
同义替换 calm v. 使镇定 ease v. 使放松,减轻 satisfy v. 使满意 quiet v. 使平静 allay v. 使平静;减轻 lessen v. 减弱;减轻 relieve v. 减轻;缓和 pacify v. 使平静 alleviate v.减轻,缓和 restrain v. 抑制;控制
novelty [ˈnɒvlti] n. 新奇;新奇的事物(或人、环境)
例句 At first I enjoyed all the parties, but the novelty soon wore off. 起初我喜欢参加一切聚会,但这种新奇感很快就消失了。
衍生 novel adj. 新奇的;与众不同的
翻译 by some outrageous novelty
同义替换 originality n. 独创性;新颖;独特性 newness n. 新奇;崭新
obstacle [ˈɒbstəkl] n. 障碍,干扰;绊脚石
拆分 ob(反)+ sta(站,立)+ acle(名词后缀)→反着站的东西→障碍物
例句 Blindness is an obstacle in most occupations.
翻译 an obstacle to the fulfilment of his plan
同义替换 barrier n. 障碍物;屏障 block n. 阻拦;障碍物interference n. 干涉;干扰 disturbance n. 打扰,防碍let n. 障碍;出租屋
opaque [əʊˈpeɪk] adj. 不透明的;不透光的;难理解的

例句 One source of concern about this company is its opaque ownership. 这家公司令人关切的一点是其所有权不够透明。
衍生 opaqueness n. 不透明性
翻译 The window is made of opaque glass.(这扇窗是用不透明的玻璃做的。)
同义替换 dull adj. 迟钝的;呆滞的;阴暗的 non-transparent adj. 不透明的
adore [əˈdɔː(r)] v. 崇拜,敬慕,爱慕(某人),非常喜欢
拆分 ad(表示强调)+ ore( = ora 说)→表示强调说到某人某事→热爱
例句 His staff adored him, his men worshiped him and his enemies hated him.他的幕僚敬慕他,他的部下崇拜他,他的仇人痛恨他。
衍生 adoration n. 崇拜,敬爱;倾慕 adorer n. 爱慕者;崇拜者
翻译 All the girls in our school adore the handsome mathematics teacher(我们学校里所有女孩子都崇拜那个英俊的数学老师) who happens to be a bachelor.
同义替换 idolize v. 醉心于;极端崇拜 worship v. 崇拜;尊敬cherish v. 珍爱;爱护 admire v. 钦佩;仰慕 revere v.崇敬;尊敬
orientation [ˌɔːriənˈteɪʃn] n. 方向;目标;定位
例句 I needed some orientation at this stage.
翻译 make clear the orientation and focal point of investment
同义替换 direction n. 方向;指导;目的 way n. 道路;方向aspect n. 方面;方向;方位
outrage [ˈaʊtreɪdʒ] n. 暴行;侮辱;愤怒,愤慨
例句 When he heard the news he reacted with a sense of outrage. 当他得悉此消息时义愤填膺。
衍生 outrageous adj. 粗暴的;可恶的;令人吃惊的;无法容忍的
翻译 an outrage against society(反社会的暴行)
同义替换 indignance n. 愤怒 anger n. 愤怒 wrath n. 愤怒;震怒atrocity n. 暴行;残暴 insult n. 侮辱 affront n. 侮辱
pamphlet [ˈpæmflət] n. 小册子
例句 She expressed her views in a pamphlet.
翻译 This kind of pamphlet are free.
同义替换 booklet n. 小册子brochure n. 资料(或广告)手册
pendulum [ˈpendjələm] n. 钟摆;摇锤;摇摆不定,趋于变化
例句 Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings.
翻译 the pendulum of public opinion(摇摆不定的舆论)
perception [pəˈsepʃn] n. 感觉;知觉;洞察力
拆分 per(完全)+ cept + ion(名词后缀)→完全拿到→理解力
例句 We should improve our powers of perception.
翻译 their children’s perception of the world
同义替换 consciousness n. 意识;知觉;觉悟 sense n. 感觉 feel n. 感觉;感受 insight n. 洞察力;直觉 discernment n.洞察力
pest [pest] n. 害虫;有害之物;讨厌的人(或物)

例句 That guy is a regular pest.
翻译 a chemical used in pest control
同义替换 verm n.害虫 nuisance n. 讨厌的人(或东西) blighter n. 讨厌的人(通常指男性)perisher n. 讨厌的人;淘气鬼
pinpoint [ˈpɪnpɔɪnt] v. 查明;精确地找到;准确描述 n. 针尖;光点,极小的范围
例句 The generel pinpointed the enemy’s position on the map. 将军在地图上确定了敌人的位置。
翻译 pinpoints the failings of the welfare system
同义替换 ascertain v. 确定;查明
plea [pliː] n. 恳求,请求;辩解,辩护
例句 A plea hearing is set for next Monday.
翻译 made a desperate plea for her to contact them
同义替换 appeal v. 呼吁,恳求 explanation n. 解释;辩解asking n. 请求 request n. 请求;要求 prayer n. 祈祷;恳求petition n. 请求;祈求;请愿书
plead [pliːd] v. 为……辩护,恳求
例句 He pleaded with us to let him go to the rock concert.
翻译 pleaded with her mother to let her go out
同义替换 request v. 要求;请求 petition v. 请求;请愿 appeal v.呼吁;恳求 implore v. 恳求;乞求 pray v. 祈祷;恳求adjure v. 要求;恳请 entreat v. 恳求;请求
potent [ˈpəʊtnt] adj. 有效的;强有力的;有说服力的
例句 He, as a potent statesman, knows very well that the demonstration is a potential political crisis. 作为一位能干的政治家,他完全明白那场示威是一场潜在的政治危机。
衍生 potence n. 潜能;权力
翻译 The medicine had a potent effect on your disease.
同义替换 powerful adj. 强大的;强有力的 valid adj. 有效的available adj. 有效的;可得到的 effective adj. 有效的,起作用的 forceful adj. 强有力的;有说服力的convictive adj. 使人信服的 forcible adj. 强有力的
precede [prɪˈsiːd] v. 领先,在……之前发生(或出现)
例句 He dissatisfied that I am promoted precede him.
衍生 precedence n. 优先;居先
翻译 the man who preceded him
同义替换 lead v. 领导;引导;指挥;引领;带路
predecessor [ˈpriːdɪsesə(r)] n. 前任,前辈
例句 The decision was made by my predecessor.
翻译 from his predecessor(从前任那里)
同义替换 forerunner n. 先行者;先驱 precursor n. 前辈;先驱
premium [ˈpriːmɪəm] n. 奖金;保险费,额外费用
例句 How about the market risk premium?
翻译 have to pay a premium(不得不付额外的费用)
同义替换 bonus n. 奖金;红利;意外收获
presume [prɪˈzjuːm] v. 假定;推测;擅自,越权行事
例句 I presume that an agreement will eventually be reached.
衍生 presumed adj. 假定的;推测的
翻译 I presume that you are hungry.(我估计你饿了。)
同义替换 suppose v. 假设;认为;推想 guess v. 猜测 speculate v. 推测
probe [prəʊb] v. 调查;探查;探究;追问
例句 The lawyer probed the witness’s truthfulness by asking questions. 律师通过提问探查证人是否讲真话。
翻译 probe the cause of the strike(调查罢工的起因)
同义替换 search v. 搜寻;调查;探求 examine v. 检查;调查 explore v. 探索;探测 investigate v. 调查;侦查(某事)
propel [prəˈpel] v. 推进;驱使;驱动;激励
例句 His addiction to drugs propelled him toward a life of crime. 吸毒成瘾使他走上犯罪的道路。
衍生 propelling adj. 正在推进的
翻译 propelled countless rocks high into the sky
同义替换 drive v. 驱赶;推动 stimulate v. 刺激;激动 impel v.推动;驱使;激励 power v. 驱动;推动
ramp [ræmp] n. 斜坡,坡道;敲诈
例句 You will eventually come to a room with a ramp.
翻译 drove the car up the ramp(将车开上了斜坡)
同义替换 slope n. 斜坡 blackmail n. 敲诈 extort v. 敲诈
recession [rɪˈseʃn] n. 衰退;不景气
拆分 re(回)+ cess(行走,前进)+ ion(名词后缀)→走回去→撤退
例句 Industry is reviving after the recession.
衍生 recess n. 休息;休会;凹处
翻译 in the period of recession(在经济不景气时期)
同义替换 depression n. 沮丧;不景气 downturn n. 衰退 decline n. 下降;衰退
recipient [rɪˈsɪpiənt] n. 接受者;容纳者
例句 The postman delivered some mails to the company, but we don’t know who the recipient was. 邮递员送了些信件到公司,但我们不知道谁是接收者。
翻译 the recipients of the prizes(获奖者)
同义替换 receiver n. 接收器;接受者
reconcile [ˈrekənsaɪl] v. 使一致;使和解;调停,调解
例句 Since we couldn’t reconcile our difference, we decided to get a divorce. 由于无法调和我们之间的分歧,我们决定离婚。
衍生 reconciliation n. 和解;调和;和谐
翻译 He has been reconciled with his family.
同义替换 settle v. 解决;安排 unify v. 使一体 accord v. 使一致placate v. 使和解 mediate v. 调解;斡旋 intervene v.调停
reliable [rɪˈlaɪəbl] adj. 可靠的;可信赖的
例句 I don’t think he is a reliable man.
衍生 reliability n. 可靠性
翻译 Judged by the ordinary standards, he was reliable.
同义替换 trustworthy adj. 可信赖的;可靠的 dependable adj.可靠的;可依赖的 faithworthy adj. 可信赖的;值得信赖的
retrieve [rɪˈtriːv] v. 重新得到;恢复;取回
例句 She tried hard to retrieve her luxurious life.
翻译 I retrieved the bag.(我取回了包。)
同义替换 recover v. 恢复;重新获得 regain v. 恢复;重新获得
revenge [rɪˈvendʒ] n. 复仇;报复 v. 报复;向……报仇
例句 Living well is the best revenge. 活得好就是最好的报复。
衍生 revengeful adj. 深藏仇恨的;燃起复仇念头的
翻译 the best way to revenge(最好的报复方法)
同义替换 retaliate v. 报复 avenge v. 报复;报仇
appraisal [əˈpreɪzl] n. 估计,估量,评价
拆分 apprais [ap(表强调)+ prais(价值)→给予价值→评估](e)+ al(形容词后缀)→评价,鉴定
例句 The collector made an appraisal of $2,000 on the drawing.
衍生 appraise v. 评价;鉴定;估价 appraisement n. 评价;估价
翻译 That my heart has been troubled, that I have not sought this nomination, that I could not seek it in good conscience, that I would not seek it in honest self appraisal(更没有给自己一个正确的评价), is not to say that I value it the less.
salute [səˈluːt] v. 行礼致敬,欢迎
例句 I salute to all the soldiers that died for our country!

衍生 salution n. 称呼;致敬
翻译 The guard saluted me smartly.
同义替换 greet v. 欢迎,迎接;致敬
scent [sent] n. 气味;痕迹;嗅觉
例句 Her hair exudes the scent of shampoo.
衍生 scentless adj. 无气味的,无嗅觉的
翻译 The air was scented with spring flowers.
同义替换 odor n.(尤指难闻的)气味 smell n. 气味;嗅觉
sculpture [ˈskʌlptʃə(r)] n. 雕塑;雕刻术
例句 Michelangelo held an important belief about the art of sculpture. 米开朗基罗对于雕刻艺术有一个重要的信念。
衍生 sculptor n. 雕刻家
翻译 his sculpture of a horse(他雕塑的一匹马)
同义替换 carving n. 雕刻术;雕刻品 incision n. 雕刻;切割
sequence [ˈsiːkwəns] n. 序列;顺序;一连串,一系列
拆分 sequ(跟随)+ ence(表示名词)→跟随→连续;次序
例句 I recall that this sequence was quite a tricky task given the very complicated camera work. 我记得这道工序是一个相当困难的任务,使得摄影工作十分复杂。
衍生 sequent adj. 连续的;接续而来的
翻译 The numbers are not in sequence(这些号码不按顺序排列) and they are all jumbled up.
同义替换 succession n. 连续;继位 order n. 顺序 list n. 列表
shear [ʃɪə(r)] v. 修剪;剪n. 切;切断

例句 I’ll go to see you after shearing.
翻译 The farmer is shearing his sheep.
同义替换 clip v. 修剪 crop v. 收割;修剪 trim v. 修剪;整理
shrewd [ʃruːd] adj. 精明的;机灵的
例句 He is too shrewd to be trusted in business matters.
衍生 shrewdness n. 精明;机灵
翻译 He is a shrewd businessman.(他是一个精明的商人。)
同义替换 smart adj. 聪明的;巧妙的 astute adj. 机敏的;狡猾的 canny adj. 精明的;谨慎的;老谋深算的clever adj. 聪明的,机灵的 argute adj. 机灵的
situated [ˈsɪtʃueɪtɪd] adj. 位于;坐落在;处于……境遇的
例句 Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine. 巴黎是法国的首都,也是最大的城市,位于塞纳河畔。
衍生 situation n. 位置;形势;情况
翻译 She was very badly situated.(她的处境很不好。)
同义替换 located adj. 处于,位于;坐落在……的
slope [sləʊp] n. 倾斜;斜度;斜坡v. 倾斜
例句 The climbers went up the steep slope.
翻译 on both slopes of the roof(屋顶的两个斜面)
同义替换 slant v.(使)倾斜 tilt v.(使)倾斜 lean v. 倾斜;倚靠 incline n. 斜坡 v. 倾斜