


One painting I have seen that I found memorable was a painting called “Nighthawks.” This painting shows people sitting around at a diner on a late night sometime in the 1930s. I found the painting memorable because it reminded me of many things we learned about in history class, such as the Great Depression, Prohibition in the 1920s, and gangsters like Al Capone. I find that period of history very interesting, and the painting seems to contain many elements of that period in one place.




I believe that having one career for most of one’s life is better than having different kinds of work at different points in life. Changing careers bring a lot of uncertainty along with it. Between the time gaps of the two different jobs, will you have income? Will you be able to support your family? I believe that keeping one type of career is more stable and will always provide money to buy food and necessities for your family. Keeping one type of job is safer, and this is better for supporting a family.





Tim is proposing to the school newspaper that the three-hour history seminar the university offers should be shortened to only two hours; however, this woman disagrees strongly. The woman gives a few reasons for her opposition to his opinion. For one, she knows that Tim goes out and parties a lot almost every day of the week, and so he sleeps during class. He wants the class to be shorter because he only gets tired during class. Also, she says that a lot of the best conversation in the seminar occurs in the last hour. During that time all of the students exchange their ideas, and if the seminar is shortened, they will lose the most worthwhile part.





While the things we know as memories are things we remember, these are only explicit memories. In fact, we also have implicit memories, or memories that we cannot remember automatically but exist nonetheless, and our brains show evidence that we have experienced or seen them. In the example, the professor describes a highway billboard that has a picture of a car with the word “panther” above it. If you ask someone whether he or she saw the billboard, he or she might not clearly remember it and say no. However, if you ask the same person to name an animal that begins with a “p”, he or she would almost certainly say “panther”. While he or she doesn’t remember the billboard explicitly, the word “panther” sticks in the person’s mind implicitly.




The woman seeks the professor’s help because her study group for the professor’s class isn’t getting much studying done, and the students in the group are receiving bad grades because they do more joking than studying. The professor recommends that the woman either reschedule the day the study group meets or leads the group. I would recommend that she become the leader of the group. Changing the day of their meeting would force some students not to attend because they have other activities. Instead, the woman should take on a little extra work and become the leader so that the meetings are better organized. This way, she will get more studying done and also earn respect as a leader.




There are two types of attention: active attention and passive attention. Active attention requires effort; it is when people force themselves to pay attention and so oftentimes doesn’t last a long time. Passive attention occurs when we involuntarily pay attention, which happens when we find something very interesting. The professor describes an example of each. If a biology professor gives an experiment-free lecture on frogs, the students will have to use active attention to listen to the lecture, since it will be boring. But such effort will not last long. However, if the professor shows the students a live frog, they will be naturally interested, and will pay attention all the time without any conscious effort.