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generous [ˈdʒenərəs] 慷慨的
He is generous to a fault. 他这人太过慷慨。
例句 She is generous to fault. She gave away nearly all her money to the poor.
genius [ˈdʒi:nɪəs] 天才
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.天才是百分之一的天赋加百分之九十九的汗水。
例句 If you work hard, you can do it too. Remember, genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
补充①:托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison,1847年2月11日~1931年10月18日)是举世闻名的美国物理学家和发明家,被誉为“世界发明大王”。爱迪生同时也是一位伟大的企业家,1879年,爱迪生创办了“爱迪生电力照明公司”,1890年,爱迪生将其各种业务组建成为爱迪生通用电气公司。1892年,汤姆·休斯顿公司与爱迪生电力照明公司合并成立了通用电气公司,开始了通用电气在电气领域长达一个世纪的统治地位。至今为止还没有人能打破他持有的发明专利权的记录,人们称他为“发明之王”。
补充②:尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla,1856年7月10日~1943年1月7日),塞尔维亚人,出生在克罗地亚,是世界知名的发明家、物理学家、机械工程师和电机工程师。
get [ɡet] 得到
I got a buzz out of it. 我从那里得到了乐趣。
用法说明:后面也可以接sb。句中buzz是美国俚语,指兴奋或乐趣。也可以用get a charge out of, get a bang out of, get a kick out of等。
例句 1. You can always get a buzz out of Tom. He is fun.
2. I can always get a kick out of Tom's jokes.
3. He really got a bang out of the gift we gave him.
Get a hurry on. 赶快。/抓紧。
用法说明:也可以说get a move on,相当于hurry up。
例句 Get a hurry on! We don't have much time.
He can always get a laugh. 他总是能让人们大笑。
例句 I don't know how to get a laugh. I am not good at telling jokes.
Get a life! 改变你自己的生活,活得更快乐些!
例句 Your life is boring. Get a life! Have some fun.
补充:英文里life有时候指“多姿多彩的生活”,还可以指社交活动、聚会、约会等诸如此类的事情。所以如果说某人生活沉闷,希望他能更开心一点,你可以直接说Get a life,如果说自己生活丰富多彩,可以说I have a life等。
Get a load of that! 看一眼那个!/好好看看那个!
例句 Get a load of this, you will be interested.
Wait till you get a load of me. 你会知道我是什么样的人的。/先去打听一下我是谁吧。
例句 You are asking me to do that? Wait till you get a load of me.
补充:歌曲《非法入侵》(Trespassing)是2012年很火的一首流行歌曲,同名专辑是著名歌手Adam Lambert出道以来的第二张专辑,反响颇大。这首歌里就有这一句歌词:“Wait till you get a load of me(先去打听打听我是谁吧)”。另外这句话也是漫画《蝙蝠侠》里小丑(joker,蝙蝠侠最大的敌人)的经典台词。
I got a lot of mileage out of that. 那个我用了很多次。
例句 1. I got a lot of mileage out my old bike.
2. He always gets a lot of mileage out of one joke.
It got a rise from him. 这把他激怒了。
用法说明:也可以用get a rise out of him。
例句 I said something inappropriate, and got a rise out of him.
I got a ticket. 我领到一张交通罚款单。
例句 If you keep driving at this speed, you will get a ticket.
I can't get a word in edgewise. 我插不上嘴。/我插不上话。
用法说明:短语get a word in edgewise是指在别人说话或交谈时试图加入谈话,一般只用于否定形式。
例句 He is speaking too quickly and nobody could get a word in edgewise.
Get aboard the ship. 上船。(也可以只说get aboard)
例句 We can get aboard in the afternoon.
I can't get around too much. 我现在不方便走动。
用法说明:句中的around指“在周围活动”的意思,此表达在英式英语中多用about,所以也可以用get about。
例句 I hurt my leg but I can still get around.
Get around it. 把它围起来。
例句 Get around the dog. Don't let it run away.
I finally got around to doing that. 我终于有机会做这件事了。
用法说明:短语get around to doing sth指在相当长的等待或延误后终于做了某件事。
例句 1. I finally got around to traveling around the world.
2. It took him two years to get around to buying a new house.
Get across it. 穿过去。/越过去。
例句 We need to get across the river.
I get ahead in... 在某一方面取得了领先。
例句 1. Finally, I got ahead in my job.
2. I want to get ahead in school.
You need to get along with others. 你应该跟别人好好相处。
例句 1. These two just can not get along.
2. I get along well with my classmates.
I need to get along on a shoestring. 我需要靠很少的钱维持生活。
用法说明:句中shoestring的本意是“鞋带”,在这里指“很少的钱”。也可以用get by on a shoestring。
例句 It is so hard to get along on the shoestring.
Get along with you! 你放心走吧。
用法说明:这是送行的话,只能用with you,不能用别的人称代词。
例句 Get along with you, Tom!
I can't get along without it. 我不能没有它。
用法说明:短语get along without后面也可以接人,意思是一样的。
例句 1. I can not get along without my favorite book. So I took it wherever I went.
2. I can't get along without my assistant. She is irreplaceable.
How much did they get for it? 他们把它卖了多少钱?
例句 1. How much did you get your car?
2. I got three hundred US dollars for my X-box.
➡我的X-box(微软的一种家用游戏机,类似play station)卖了三百美金。
I don't want to get at him. 我不想伤害他。(精神或肉体上)
例句 He is always trying to get at his teacher.
Get at him. 揍他!
例句 He is the guy I mentioned. Get at him!
I am trying to get at it. 我努力想理解你说的话。
用法说明:短语get at除了有“理解”的意思,也可以指“解释”。
例句 1. I still can not get at it. Can you explain to me again?
2. That is exactly what I am trying to get at.
I will get at it. 我会去做这件事的。/这件事我会处理的。
例句 1. I will get at it tomorrow morning.
2. I won't be able to get at it until next week.
Get away. 走开。(相当于go away)
例句 1.“Get away! ” he shouted.
2. I tried to get away, but he wouldn't agree.
Get away from it. 离开那里。/离那个东西远一点。(一般指远离危险)
例句 1. Get away from the dog. It is a really mean dog.
2. He managed to get away from the prison.
Get away with that. 带上那件东西离开这里。
例句 The robber got away with cash.
You can not get away with that. 你不能逃避惩罚。
例句 1. She got away with the lie.
2. He got away with murder.
He got axed. 他被辞退了。/他被炒鱿鱼了。
例句 Mary got axed today.
Get back to him. 再找他谈谈。
用法说明:短语get back to后也可以接sth,指回去继续做某事。
例句 1. I will get back to you on this problem.
2. I will have to get back to my work.
It's getting better. 情况比原来好了。
例句 1. It's the worst year for a long time, but I hope things will get better soon.
2. A Where were you, Tom?
B I went to hospital. I got a fever.
A I am sorry to hear that. I hope you are getting better.
Get busy. 开始工作。/忙于工作。
例句 1. The boss is back. You had better get busy.
2. I will have to get busy and finish all my homework.
Don't get carried away. 别太激动(难过了)。
例句 Calm down. Take it easy. Don't get carried away.
Get cracking. 开始工作。
例句 1. You had better get cracking before it was too late.
2. Go back to your homework and get cracking!
Get down to work. 开始工作。/集中精力工作。
例句 Kid, you should get down and do your reading.
Get down! 下来!
例句 1. Let's get down from the hill and go back to dinner.
2. Get down before you fall!
Get down off your high horse. 放下你的傲慢。
例句 You should get down off your high horse and talk to me, otherwise I won't be able to help.
He got down on all fours. 他趴了下来。/他趴在地上。(四肢着地的状态)
用法说明:句中all fours指四肢都着地,当然这里指双膝(而不是双脚)和双手。还可以只说get down。
例句 He got down on all fours and play with the kids.
Let's get down to brass tacks. 让我们开始谈重要的事。/让我们说点儿正经的。
用法说明:brass tacks直译是“黄铜钉子”,但另外一个意思是“基本事实”。本句的含义是“让我们不要再说那些没用的了,开始谈重要的事吧”。
例句 Let's get down to brass tacks. We have wasted too much time.
Let's get down to business. 开始工作吧。/开始谈判吧。
用法说明:也可以用get down to work或get down to cases。
例句 After dinner, we will get down to business.
补充:短语get down to work, get down to brass tacks, get down to business几乎都可以指商务谈判,用于这种含义时用法区别不大。但这三个句子因为所接宾语的不同,还是略有差别:get down to work可以泛指开始集中精力工作,get down to brass tacks强调开始谈重要事务,以区别于此前谈的非重要事务(一般隐含此前只是在闲聊),而get down to business几乎只用于商务谈判,意思就是“咱们来谈谈生意吧”。虽然get down to business有时也可以用于其他方面谈判,比如政治家的谈判,但其实际意义是一样的,只不过后者可能不牵涉金钱交易而已。
Let's get down to cases. 我们开始工作吧。
例句 OK, now everyone is here, let's get down to cases. Tom, give us a brief.
I have to get down to (doing sth). 我得开始工作了。
例句 1. I got a new idea. I need to get down to writing now.
2. I got a lot of work to do. I will have to get down to typing.
Let's get down to the facts. 让我们回到事实上来。
例句 1. The judge told the lawyer to get down to the facts.
2. OK, now let's get down to the facts. Where were you last night from 9 to 11?
Get down to the nitty-gritty. 回到事实上面。
用法说明:nitty-gritty是美国俚语,在这里指“基本事实”。也可以说“Get down to the nuts and bolts.”(nuts and bolts也是美国俚语,同样是“基本细节”的意思)
例句 1. Stop messing around and get down to the nitty-gritty.
2. Stop fooling around and get down to the nuts and bolts.
He got enough courage up to do it. 他建立了足够的信心和勇气来做这件事。
用法说明:类似的说法有很多,比如get enough guts up to do sth, get enough nerve up to do sth, get enough pluck up to do sth等。除此之外,还可以说get the courage up to do sth, get the nerve up to do sth等。
例句 1. Poor Jack, he doesn't get enough courage to ask Rose out.
2. I hope that I get the nerve to speak to her.
I got euchred out of it. 我被人把这个骗走了。
例句 I got euchred out of 200 bucks. It was a lot of money for me.
I want to get free of it. 我想摆脱这件事。
例句 1. Can you help me get free of the problem?
2. I really wish to get free of him, but he just kept on talking.
Let's get going. 咱们走吧。
例句 When shall we get going? The train leaves at 2 p.m.
I want to get home. 我想回家。
例句 1. I want to get home to my children.
2. I really want to get home to dinner.
Get inside. 进去。
用法说明:指进入某个空间或某个组织。如果指空间,还可以用get into。
例句 1. Get inside the house.
2. Finally I got inside the company.
He got into a mess. 他把自己弄得一团糟。
例句 Look at your shirt. You are getting into a mess again.
I got into a mess. 我陷入了麻烦。
用法说明:也可以说get into trouble或者get into a jam。
例句 I got myself into a mess. You need to help me out.
I don't want to get into an argument. 我不想卷入争论。/我不想吵架。
例句 1. I don't want to get into an argument with you.
2. She got into an argument about kids with her husband.
We are getting into bed with them. 我们要跟他们(公司)合并了。
例句 1. You hear that? We are getting into bed with that company.
2. I want you to get into bed with his department. Is that clear?
Get into your stride. 进入你自己的节奏。
例句 1. Get into your own stride, or you won't win the race.
2. When I get into my own stride, I will be the best.
3. He will work more efficiently when he gets into his stride.
Get into it. 进去。
用法说明:指进入某个空间,如房间,汽车等。短语get into有很多不同的含义,参见下面的例句。
例句 1. Get into the car and wait for me.
2. Who has got into my work? It was not like this when I left.
3. Get into your boots, I will wait for you.
4. I tried, but I just can't get into opera.
5. No, I don't want to get into trouble.
6. I used to work for the government, but now I got into auto industry.
I want to get in(to) the act. 我想参与进来。
例句 Everyone wants to get into the act, but unfortunately we don't have enough room.
Get into the swing of things. 多参加社交活动。
例句 1. You need to get into the swing of things. It will do you a lot of good.
2. There could be something wrong with him. He just can not get into swing of things.
I am getting it together. 我在整理思绪。
用法说明:短语get it together指整理思路或梳理思绪,或者指放松心情,(在激动的情绪过后)开始思考,有“振作精神”的意思。也可以用get it all together。
例句 I hope he will get it all together soon. His life is such a mess.
I got it in the neck. 我受了惩罚。
用法说明:短语get it in the neck指受了惩罚或遇到些麻烦。
例句 If you can't get home before dinner, you'll get it in the neck.
give [ɡɪv] 给予
I gave an ear to him. 我听到了他说的话。
例句 She didn't give her ear to me.
She gave birth to a baby boy. 她生了个小男孩。
用法说明:短语give birth to指产下婴儿,也可以指产生新的想法、发明等。
例句 1. The female dog gave birth to six lovely puppies.
2. The technical department gave birth to a new technology.
You should give credence to him. 你应该相信他。
用法说明:短语give credence to sb指对某人或其所说的话给予信任,credence在这里是“信任”的意思。
例句 You shouldn't have given credence to him. He is a liar.
Give credit where credit is due. 应该赞誉的时候就要给予赞誉。
例句 1. A Well done, man, you did really good job.
B Well, I should give credit where credit is due. I can't have done that without your help.
2. A He is really worthless. I haven't seen such a lazy man.
B You should give credit where credit is due. He is at least harmless.
I can't give currency to what he said. 我不会向别人去传他的话。(表示对这些话怀疑)
用法说明:短语give currency to指传话,把消息或故事说给别人听。如果用否定形式,则表示对这些话持怀疑态度。
例句 We will give no currency to these stories.
I gave free rein to him. 我让他全权负责。
用法说明:短语give free rein to sb指赋予某人某事的权力。原意来自赶马车。
例句 I won't give him free rein. He is too young to take charge.
They gave ground. 他们撤退了。
例句 1. I walked towards the mean dog, trying to get it out of my way. It didn't give ground, so I did.
2. She never gave ground in argument.
go [ɡəʊ] 去
It goes a long way toward...(doing sth)这件事对……(我们的目的)有很大的推动。/这件事几乎解决了问题。
用法说明:短语go a long way toward是指在某一方面走了很长一段路,几乎就要到达目的地了,也就是说差不多解决了问题(但没有完全解决)。也可以用go a long way in doing sth。
例句 1. This new technology goes a long way toward meeting our needs.
2. You really went a long way in helping us out. Thank you.
It is going around.(流言,疾病等)正在传播。
补充:也可以用go about。如“There is a flu going about.”表示“一场严重的流感正在传播。”
例句 Your story is going around.
It goes above and beyond my duty. 这超出了我的职责范围。
用法说明:也可以用go above and beyond my call of duty。
例句 Following your orders goes above and beyond my call of duty.
God [ɡɒd] 上帝
God helps them that help themselves. 自救者得天救。
例句 If you want to succeed, you need to work hard and always try your best. God helps them that help themselves.
He is her godfather. 他是她的教父。
例句 My godfather is a teacher. He is a very nice guy.
gold [ɡəʊld] 金子(golden [ˈɡəuldən] 金色的)
Not all that glitters is gold. 会发光的不全是金子。
例句 Sure he is cute, but not all that glitters is gold.
A golden key can open any door. 有钱能使鬼推磨。
例句 A How did he get into this university? He is stupid.
B His parents are loaded. A golden key can open any door.
good [ɡʊd] 好的
Good morning. 早上好。
用法说明:打招呼时的礼貌用语。当然还有good afternoon(下午好), good evening(晚上好)之类的。
例句 Good morning, world!
Good day. 日安。(可以用于打招呼,也可以用于白天分手时作为道别的话)
例句 Good night. Have a good dream.
补充:实际上,短语good day一般更多的是作为道别的话,它的意思是“Have a good day.”就是道别时,祝对方今天(剩下的时间)过得好。相对地,good night也是指have a good night,意指“睡一个好觉”。要注意的是good evening和good night意义完全不同,前者是晚上见了面打招呼,后者是道别,也就是常说的互道晚安。
It is as good as done. 这件事差不多(几乎)做好了。
用法说明:短语as good as是表示“一样,差不多”的意思。句中的done可以用其他动词的过去分词来代替。
例句 The job is as good as finished. It will take only another second.
Goodbye. 再见。
例句 Goodbye Norma Jean, though I never knew you at all.
➡永别了,诺玛·珍,虽然我从未有缘认识你。(Norma Jean是美国著名电影明星玛丽莲·梦露的本名。出自歌曲《风中之烛》)
补充①:《风中之烛》(Candle in the Wind)原为献给玛丽莲·梦露的歌,后来经修改后,成了戴安娜王妃的奠歌。这首歌在1997年9月发行时,一周内就卖出约三百五十万张,打破了历年单曲单周销售纪录。这首歌也是史上最卖座的单曲。又名《再见,英格兰玫瑰》。
补充②:艾尔顿·约翰(Elton John),英国著名流行音乐创作歌手,享誉盛名的顶级音乐艺术家,被誉为“英国乐坛常青树”,1999年,获得格莱美传奇奖。
She is as good as gold. 她可乖了。
例句 A Thank you so much for taking care of him. I hope he didn't cause any trouble.
B Not at all. He is as good as gold.
It is as good as new. 它和新的一样。
例句 1. My old car is as good as new.
2. Take more exercises, and no drink, you will be as good as new.
graceful [ˈɡreɪsfl] 优雅的
She is as graceful as swan. 她像天鹅一般优雅。
例句 The actress dances as graceful as swan.
great [ɡreɪt] 伟大的
Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。
例句 A What about going to movies?
B I was thinking about doing that too. You see, great minds think alike.
补充:《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)是美国二十世纪最杰出的作家之一,菲茨·杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)的代表作,发表于1925年。该小说的主题是“美国梦”的破灭,讲述了20年代的美国社会上流阶层的隐秘故事。小说通过一个名叫尼克·卡罗维(Nick Caraway)的穷人,亲眼目睹并讲述了大富翁杰伊·盖茨比(Jay Gatsby)的个人感情经历。在美国学术界选出的100部最优秀的小说名单中,《了不起的盖茨比》高居第二位,是一部传世经典之作。
grow [ɡrəʊ] 成长
A growing youth has a wolf in his belly. 年轻人,在成长,吃起饭来像饿狼。
例句 If you see how much my little brother eats every meal, you won't doubt that a growing youth has a wolf in his belly.
补充:《成长的烦恼》(The Growing Pain)是美国1985年至1992年间收视率最高的情景喜剧。西佛一家人乐天豁达的性格给观众留下难忘的印象。该剧的演员阵容曾被制作人迈克尔·沙利文誉为“A级阵容”。这部情景喜剧不仅在美国创下了超高收视率的纪录,还出口到很多国家,甚至成为后来电视情景喜剧的风向标。