3.2 课后习题详解

第一节 名词的抽象译法


1. 两袖清风

【答案】clean hands

2. 半斤八两

【答案】six of one and half a dozen of the other

3. 沧海一粟

【答案】a drop in the ocean

4. 空中楼阁

【答案】castle in the air

5. 远见卓识


6. 君子协定

【答案】a gentleman’s agreement

7. 大暴雨

【答案】rain cats and dogs

8. 一贫如洗

【答案】as poor as a church mouse

9. 试金石


10. 灌迷汤

【答案】butter sb. up


1. 他老是磨磨蹭蹭马马虎虎,脾气又是惊人地好,我们都拿他没办法。

【答案】With his tardiness, carelessness and appalling good humor, we were sorely perplexed.

2. 没有消息就是好消息。

【答案】No news is good news.

3. 他们的乐观主义精神令我们大为感动。

【答案】Their optimism moved us a lot.

4. 目前公司的经营情况已经有所好转。

【答案】At present, the business in our company is turning for the better.

5. 我国社会主义工业化的建设及其成就,正在日益促进他们的这种积极性

【答案】Their enthusiasm is being constantly heightened by China’s socialist industrialization and its achievement.

6. 现在节制生育已经成为一种可行的办法了。

【答案】Now birth control has become a possibility.

7. 他们承认弥尔敦是一个伟大的诗人,但却否认他有高尚的人格

【答案】They admitted the greatness of Milton as a poet, but denied his goodness as a man.

8. 对于他向你做出这种粗陋无礼的行为,我深感抱歉。

【答案】I am sorry for the rudeness of his behavior toward you.

9. 我们要敢于同各种无纪律、无效率的现象作斗争。

【答案】We should dare to fight against indiscipline and inefficiency.

10. 会谈中,双方集中讨论了保护知识产权方面的问题。

【答案】During the talks, their discussion has been centered around protection of intellectual property rights.

第二节 名词的具体译法


1. 个子很高

【答案】as tall as Maypole

2. 轻松的事情

【答案】a piece of cake

3. 胃口很好的人

【答案】a capital knife and fork

4. 赖以生存的东西

【答案】bread and butter

5. 粗茶淡饭

【答案】bread and cheese

6. 空谈不如实践。

【答案】The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

7. 他出身在富贵之家。

【答案】He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.


1. 皮鞋声

【答案】the clicker-clack of the leather shoes

2. 锣声

【答案】the clangor of the gong

3. 表的响声

【答案】the tick-tack of the watch

4. 雷声

【答案】the rumbling (rolling) of the thunder

5. 收音机的声音

【答案】the squeaking of the radio

6. 公共汽车声

【答案】the thumping of the bus

7. 麻将声

【答案】the clatter of mahjong

8. 门铃声

【答案】the jingle of the door bell

9. 乌鸣和这溪水的流水声,在春风里轻轻地回荡。

【答案】The bird-song and the babbling of the streams danced lightly in the spring breeze.

10. 屋里院外静悄悄的,光听见人的喊声和马嚼草料的声音,此外就是一两只鹅叫。

【答案】All was quiet in and out of the house except for some people snoring, the horses chewing mash, and the geese cackling at intervals.