- 英汉对照护理英语会话(第2版)
- 王文秀 王颖
- 2099字
- 2020-08-28 10:06:29
11.Postoperative Care术后护理
A.Sentences Commonly Used(常用语)
1.The operation went very well.
2.Please turn from side to side every two or three hours.
3.I’m going to empty the bedpan.
4.You have to stay here for another two weeks.
5.How are you feeling?
6.Are you in any pain?
7.The doctor will prescribe some stronger pain killers(pain relief).
8.Your operation went well,no complications.
9.The histology results will be back tomorrow.
10.You will be discharged in a few days.
11.I’m going to look at your wound.
12.Does your wound feel sore or uncomfortable?
13.Is your wound painful if I touch it?
14.There is no blood or fuid in the drainage bag,the doctor has told us to take it out for you.
15.Have you passed urine?
16.Have you had your bowels open?
17.Have you passed any wind/gas/fatulence?
18.Are you drinking OK?
19.If you are drinking OK,the intravenous drip will come down.
20.Have you had anything to eat?
21.You need to get out of bed and walk around for a little while,it will help your circulation.
22.Do you have any questions?
B.Situational Conversation(情景会话)
Nurse: You look a little better today.
护士: 今天看来你精神好一些。
Patient: Yes,but lying in bed all day,I feel uncomfortable all over.
病人: 是的,不过整天躺着我觉得全身不舒服。
Nurse: You can get out of bed today. First,sit on the edge of the bed and if you don’t feel dizzy then you can get out of bed.
护士: 你今天可以下床了,但在下床前先要在床边坐坐,不感到头晕才能下床。
Patient: But I feel distended in the abdomen.
病人: 不过我感到腹胀得很。
Nurse: Did you pass any wind by rectum?
护士: 有气从肛门排出吗?
Patient: No.
病人: 没有。
Nurse: You can lie on your side more often,and if the wound does not hurt,you can get out of bed and walk around,that will help peristalsis of the intestine,which will help to pass gas,and lessens distension.
护士: 你可以多翻身,如果伤口不疼可下床活动,那样有助于恢复肠蠕动,使气体排出减轻腹胀。
Patient: The wound is painful and the sputum is diffcult to expectorate.
病人: 伤口疼,而且有痰又难咳出来。
Nurse: You should sit up. That will help your deep breathing,and help you to expectorate and prevent the sputum from accumulating in your lungs to cause pneumonia.
护士: 你应该坐起来,那样可以帮助你深呼吸,使痰较容易咳出,以防痰积在肺内引起肺炎。
Patient: All right.
病人: 好的。
Nurse: Did you drink any water?
护士: 你喝过水了吗?
Patient: Yes.
病人: 喝过了。
Nurse: Do you feel distended and nausea?
护士: 你感觉胃胀和恶心吗?
Patient: No.
病人: 没有。
Nurse: That’s good. You can start on a fuid diet and porridge in two days.
护士: 那很好,你可以开始吃流质,过两天吃稀饭。
Patient: Thank you.
病人: 谢谢。
Patient: How long must I stay in hospital?
病人: 我住院还需多久?
Nurse: You can go home in about a week.
护士: 一周左右就可出院了。
Nurse: Good morning,doctor.
护士: 医生,早晨好。
Doctor: Good morning. How is the patient after surgery?
医生: 早晨好,病人手术后情况如何?
Nurse: The patient has a slight pain in the wound. Some blood has been oozing from the draining wound; the dressing has been changed once.
护士: 伤口有点疼。伤口引流有些渗血,换过一次敷料。
Doctor: That’s good.
医生: 那很好。
Nurse: Does he still need intravenous infusion and penicillin?
护士: 是否继续静脉输液和青霉素?
Doctor: Yes.
医生: 继续。
Post-operative Ward Round 术后巡诊
Nurse: Hello,Mrs. Jones,how are you feeling?
护士: 你好,琼斯夫人,感觉怎么样?
Patient: Not too great,nurse.
病人: 不是太好,护士小姐。
Nurse: Are you in any pain?
护士: 你感到疼痛吗?
Patient: Yes,I’m in a lot of pain.
病人: 是的,我很疼。
Nurse: I will ask the doctor to prescribe something stronger for you,and a nurse will come and give you an intramuscular injection.
护士: 我会让医生给你开一些强止痛药,护士会给你进行肌内注射。
Patient: Thank you,I would really appreciate it.
病人: 谢谢,我真的非常感谢。
Nurse: You operation went well,no complications,and the histology results will be back tomorrow.
护士: 你的手术很成功,没有并发症。组织检测结果明天出来。
Patient: Oh,good.
病人: 哦,真好!
Nurse: You will have intravenous fuids for more days,and I’m afraid you can only have sips of water today.
护士: 你将要在未来几天内进行静脉输液,恐怕今天你只能喝少量水。
Patient: Is that all? I’m very thirsty.
病人: 就这点水么?我很渴。
Nurse: Yes,I’m sorry,but you need to give your bowel a rest. Have you passed any wind/gas?
护士: 是的,非常抱歉,但是得让你的肠胃休息。你放过屁了吗?
Patient: No,I don’t think so. I’ve been in too much pain to notice.
病人: 我觉得没有。我太疼了而无法关注这个。
Nurse: You also have a drain coming from your wound,and a urinary catheter to help you pass urine.
护士: 我们会接个引流管在你的伤口处,还会接一条导尿管帮助你排尿。
Patient: Yes,I know. I don’t like the catheter,it’s very uncomfortable when you are going to take it out.
病人: 是的,我知道。我不喜欢排尿管,因为当你将其取出来的时候很不舒服。
Nurse: A nurse will take it out in a couple of days,when you are feeling better and walking around. The drain will be removed tomorrow.
护士: 两天后,当你感觉好点并能走动时护士会把它取出来。伤口处的引流管在明天被撤下。
Patient: I guess I’ll have to wait then.
病人: 我想我不得不等了。
Nurse: I’m going to look at your wound.
护士: 我接着要检查一下你的伤口。
Patient: OK,be careful.
病人: 好的,当心点。
Nurse: That looks OK,the doctor will be around later and he will put another dressing on it,do you have any questions for me.
护士: 看起来不错,医生在附近,他一会过来给你放敷料,你还有什么问题吗?
Patient: When do you think I’ll be able to go home?
病人: 你认为我什么时候可以回家?
Nurse: You should be discharged in about seven days,it depends on your progress.
护士: 你7天之后可以出院,这具体取决于康复的进展。
Patient: That long OK,what is that other bag of fuid that they are putting in my vein?
病人: 好的,将给我输的另一包药液是什么?
Nurse: You are having intravenous antibiotics three times a day,you have been prescribed antibiotics for seven days,when you are eating and drinking you can take the antibiotics orally.
护士: 你现在需要每天静脉注射3次抗生素。另外已经开了7天的抗生素,当你能吃饭、喝水时,可以用于口服。
Patient: OK,thanks,no more questions.
病人: 好的,谢谢,没有其他的问题了。
Nurse: OK,Mrs. Jones,I’ll see you later.
护士: 好的,琼斯夫人,一会见。