- 英汉对照护理英语会话(第2版)
- 王文秀 王颖
- 856字
- 2020-08-28 10:06:30
25.Trans-esophageal Echocardiography经食管超声心动图检查
Nurse: Hello,Miss Fang,you look a little pale. Please sit down for a little while,OK? Are you a little nervous?
护士: 方小姐,看起来你脸色不太好,你先坐一会儿,好吗?是不是有点紧张?
Patient: Yes. I am very nervous. Is the trans-esophageal echocardiography a very uncomfortable procedure? Does it take very long? Will I be able to handle it?
病人: 是的,我非常紧张。做经食管超声心电图检查是不是很难受?时间会不会很长?我能受得了吗?
Nurse: We’ll give you anesthesia prior to the test. So you won’t feel too uncomfortable. When the tube is inserted into the esophagus,you will feel some discomfort. As it reaches the throat,it may make you feel nausea. At this point,when that happens,try to swallow which will allow the doctor to insert the tube smoothly. Once the tube is inserted,there won’t be more irritation and you won’t feel too much discomfort. The whole procedure takes about ten minutes. I trust you can do it. During the procedure,it will help if you can take deep breaths to relax and reduce tension.
护士: 检查前我们会给你用一些麻醉药,这会让你感觉不是非常难受。当管子插入食管,到达咽喉部时,你会感到有点不舒服,可能会引起恶心反射。这时,你只要配合做吞咽动作,医生插管就会很顺利。管子插入以后就不会再有什么刺激了,你也就不会太难受了。整个过程大约需要10分钟左右,我相信你一定可以坚持下来的。在检查过程中,你可以做深呼吸,用以放松身体、减少紧张。
Patient: Really? How?
病人: 有用吗?怎么做?
Nurse: A lot of people find it helpful. During the test,lie on your side,let your legs bent naturally,take deep and slow abdominal respiration. This will help you reduce the feeling of nausea. Here,will you follow my demonstration and give it a try?
护士: 很多人这么做了都有用。检查时,你侧卧,双下肢自然弯曲,用腹部深而慢地呼吸,这样呼吸会帮助你减少恶心感。来,现在请你跟着我的提示做一遍试试,好吗?
Patient: All right!(After several deep breaths)I no longer feel as fustered. Well,can my mom stay with me during the procedure?
病人: 好。(几次深呼吸以后)我好像不像刚才那样心慌得厉害了。嗯……等会儿检查时,我可以让我母亲陪在我身边吗?
Nurse: If you really need her,she certainly can. However,I’ll be by your side for the entire procedure to help you relax and cooperate with the doctor. We’ll do it together. Is this all right?
护士: 如果你真的需要母亲陪在身边,当然可以。不过,整个过程中,我会一直陪在你身边,及时提醒你放松身体,配合医生检查。让我们一起来完成,好吗?
Patient: This makes me feel much better. Then just let my mom wait outside. She won’t be nervous this way.
病人: 这样我就放心了。那就叫我母亲在外面等着吧,免得她也紧张。
Nurse: You are such a good daughter.
护士: 你真是个好女儿。
Patient: Thank you!
病人: 谢谢你。