- 英汉对照护理英语会话(第2版)
- 王文秀 王颖
- 1334字
- 2020-08-28 10:06:31
41.Injury and Fracture外伤和骨折
Nurse: How did it happen?
护士: 你怎么受伤的?
Patient: When I was riding my bike to my offce,a bus came from behind and struck me.I fell down and felt a severe pain in my left leg.
病人: 我骑车上班,一辆汽车从后面撞了上来。我立即跌倒,感到左腿剧痛。
Nurse: When did it happen?
护士: 这在什么时候发生的?
Patient: An hour ago.
病人: 一小时前。
Nurse: Did you faint?
护士: 你昏倒了吗?
Patient: I think I did for a little while.
病人: 是的,但时间很短。
Nurse: Could you stand on your legs and walk after the accident?
护士: 出事以后你能站起来走路吗?
Patient: No,I couldn’t stand up at all.
病人: 不行。我一点也站不起来了。
Nurse: Can you bend your knees?
护士: 膝盖能弯吗?
Patient: I cannot bend my left knee.
病人: 左膝不能弯。
Nurse: Did you receive any treatment before you came to the hospital?
护士: 来医院前做过什么治疗吗?
Patient: No. I was brought straight here immediately after the accident.
病人: 没有。出事后我被立即送到了这里。
Nurse: Please point out where it hurts the most.
护士: 请告诉我哪里最疼?
Patient: Here.In my left lower leg.
病人: 这里。就在左侧小腿。
Nurse: I see. It looks swollen.Let us send you to the X-ray DEPARTMENT. We’ll see if there is a fracture in your leg.
护士: 唔,你的小腿已经肿了。我们送你到放射科去检查一下你的小腿是否有骨折。
(After the X-ray)
Nurse: The X-ray shows that the bone in your leg is broken.But don’t worry. Dr. Zhang will make a cast for you.I Think the bone will knit in ten weeks if there is no complication.
护士: X线检查表明你的小腿有骨折。但不要紧张。张医生会给你上石膏的。我想,如果没有并发症,10周后断骨将接上。
Patient: Is there anything I should pay attention to when I go home?
病人: 我回家后应注意些什么?
Nurse: Yes.There are two things you must remember.First,you should move all the joints in your foot from time to time,and check the color of the toes.And second,if you feel any pain or numbness in your toes,please immediately notify me or Dr. Zhang.
护士: 你应该注意两件事。第一,经常活动趾关节,并注意脚趾的颜色。其次,若足趾感到疼或麻木,立即找我或张医生。
Patient: I’ll try to remember.Thank you.
病人: 我一定记住。谢谢你。
Nurse: You are welcome.
护士: 别客气。
Nurse: How were you injured?
护士: 你是怎么受伤的?
Patient: I was hit by a stone,banging my forehead quite hard. The frst aid wrapped a bandage around it to stop bleeding.
病人: 我被石头砸伤了,前额部碰得很重,那个急救人员用绷带给我缠上止住了血。
Nurse: Did you lose a lot of blood?
护士: 出了很多血吗?
Patient: Not too much.
病人: 不太多。
Nurse: Were you unconscious?
护士: 你晕过去了吗?
Patient: No.
病人: 没有。
Nurse: The wound is rather large,so the doctor will stitch it up.
护士: 这伤口相当的大,得找医生把它缝上。
Patient: Will it hurt ?
病人: 痛吗?
Nurse: Oh,no. It won’t be painful. Have you had an anti-tetanus injection lately?
护士: 不,不会痛的。你最近打过抗破伤风注射液吗?
Patient: I think the only one I have had was about fve years ago.
病人: 我记得5年前打过一次。
Nurse: Well,I think you’d better have another one.
护士: 我认为你需要重新打一次。
Patient: Whatever you say.
病人: 按你说的做吧。
Nurse: What seems to be the problem?
护士: 你哪里不舒服?
Patient: Well,I was knocked by a stone to the ground,and when I got up,my left arm and elbow were grazed,and now I have a pain in my ribs.
病人: 唉,我被撞倒在地,从地上爬起来时,我发现我的右臂和肘部也擦伤了。现在我感到肋骨有点疼痛。
Nurse: I’ll just take a look. Where does it hurt?
护士: 让我检查一下吧。你哪里痛啊?
Patient: It’s hard to say. It hurts all over.
病人: 这很难说清楚,好像浑身都痛。
Nurse: Does it hurt when I do this?
护士: 我按这儿,你痛不痛?
Patient: Ouch! The pain is very bad when you press here.
病人: 哎呀!你一按这儿我就痛得要命。
Nurse: You arm and elbow seem to be all right. But,to be on the safe side,you’d better go to the X-ray Department. When the X-rays are ready,bring them back to me to examine.
护士: 你的胳膊和肘部好像没什么问题。但是出于安全考虑,你还是最好去做X线检查。检查之后,把X线片马上拿过来让我看看。
Patient: OK. See you later.
病人: 好的,那么待会儿再见吧!
Nurse: See you then!
护士: 待会儿见!