- 中国建筑设计作品年鉴·第11卷
- 《中国建筑设计作品年鉴》编委会 北京城市画卷文化传媒有限公司 北京主语空间文化发展有限公司
- 1814字
- 2025-02-17 19:52:47

James·Wang Design Associates Inc.
James·Wang建筑师事务所创办人James·Wang是美籍华人,1949年出生于中国台湾台北市,1974年获得台湾淡江大学建筑学学士学位,1979年获得美国伊利诺州立大学建筑系研究所建筑硕士学位,是美国建筑师协会会员;1987年在洛杉矶创立James Wang Design Associates Inc.,2000年在北京成立北京杰地亚建筑咨询有限公司,现有设计人员近100人。James·Wang建筑师事务所最具个性的设计特点是预算分析与设计方案相结合,每一个设计作品根据其项目所在地的特点拥有各自独特的理念,并经过仔细的预算及估价分析。在整个设计过程中,公司会提供不同的设计构思,探讨可行性,并保证工程造价及持久性与设计目标相吻合。公司会与业主及估价师审核所有系统及每一个细部环节。公司努力的方向是在符合设计目标的前提下,保证在预定时间、指定预算内打造理想的设计作品。在中国经过10多年的经营,设计作品达数千件,范围覆盖全国多个省市地区。
Add: Suite 1101, Tower 2, Kunsha Building, 16 Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Tel: +86-10-88510711
Fax: +86-10-88510892
E-mail: jwda@vip.163.com

Beijing Jinhai Lake Bibo Garden
Location: Beijing
Site Area: 280800m2
Relying on the advantages of the landscape, this project develops supporting facilities for the hotel and low-density residential buildings. As the unique low-density residential area in the suburb of Beijing, the project makes the best use of its excellent location so that every building is entitled to have sufficient lakeshore landscape view. This project contains a wide variety of stylish buildings such as American country, English, French, modern, art deco, grassland, and new-classical buildings, which integrates the essence of excellent architectural styles from all over the world, making it possible for people to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the garden at the same time to appreciate the exotic scenery of different countries. Design scope: planning and design, hotel, low-density residential unit design.

Kunming Dianchi Lake Wanjing Garden Resort
项目地点:云南 昆明
Location: Kunming, Yun'nan
Site Area: 17hm2
Building Area: 270000m
The project enjoys the superior geographical position and beautiful natural environment, the planning principle and product positioning of which is to highlight the characteristics of tourism, to raise the quality of tourism, to improve the quality of business cooperation. The project takes full advantage of Dianchi Lake, Caohai Sea, Xishan Mountain, Ethnic Park and other national natural humane conditions to build a five-star hotel with independent hotel with the aim of creating a top business hotel zone of high standard and high quality.

Milky Bay Office and Business Center in Taihu
Location: Beijing
Site Area: 37972m2
Building Area: 75944m2
Plot Ratio: 2.0
Site Area: 31401m2
Building Area: 62802m2
Plot Ratio: 2.0

Oceanwide Dongfeng Sales Office
高挑而开阔的空间,更适合展现大气磅礴的气势,室内主体采用大量的直线条,挺拔而厚重,局部点缀装饰性极强的Art Deco图案,以石材及金属的质感穿插其间,重新诠释了低调奢华的内涵。
It is more suitable to express the grandness and magnificence of the sales office with tall and open space. A large number of lines are used in the interior main body to show the height, straightness and dignity of the office. Decorative Art Deco pattern is dotted with stone and metal to reinterpret the connotation of low-key luxury.

Oceanwide Contemporary Gallery
This gallery is located in the main building of Minsheng Financial Center which is adjacent to the Chang'an Avenue. Either its geographical position or its building location is extremely noble and unique, which meets the very positioning requirement of high-end art. Accordingly, the design style matches the gallery's positioning in terms of its interior decoration. Simple and magnificent design techniques together with exquisite detail modeling treatment and high-end material combination are adopted to present the gallery space with unique artistic temperament and atmosphere, which enables it to provide an exhibition platform consistent with high-end art exhibits and to bring people a sense of high-end, modesty, magnificence and spirituality.

Club of Wuhan Oceanwide City (PhaseⅡ)
The project is located in Wuhan, Hubei Province with an area of 900m2. This project is an urban complex integrating hotel, apartment, shopping mall with club, the functional design of which meets the requirements of business people and apartment owners. The entire surface of stone and wooden decoration is used in the interior of the club to create a pure space atmosphere. Delicate shell nosing treatment that adopts metal lines in closing-up and blank holding reflects the emphasis on details of the club. The use of grey and dark yellow in the whole space and blue in some area forms color contrast, which gives people the feeling of comfort and vitality.