- 《孙子兵法》新解:东方智慧的现代商业应用
- (加)陈万华
- 6425字
- 2020-07-09 15:37:38
① 全:保全,使……不遭受损坏。《说文》:“全,完也。”全本义为完整、完全的意思。这里做动词,表示保全,使……不遭受损坏。
② 破:损坏,破坏。《说文》:“破,石碎也。”破本义为一个完整的石头碎裂成几块,引申为损坏。
③ 善之善:卓越而伟大的。《说文》:“善,吉也。”《玉篇》:“善,良也,佳也。”善本义为吉祥、优秀、满意。善之善,即超越了优秀,超越了满意,相当于卓越和伟大。
④ 屈:消耗,毁坏。
⑤ 伐:征伐,讨伐。《说文》:“伐,击也。”伐本义为砍,如砍杀、砍断,引申为挫败、战胜。
⑥ 谋:主意,打算。《说文》:“谋,虑难曰谋。”谋本义为讨论、筹划解决困难的办法,引申为主意。
⑦ 顿:挫伤,折坏。《说文》:“顿,下首也。”顿本义为以头叩地,引申为挫伤、折坏。
⑧ 辅:辅佐。《说文》:“辅,人颊骨也。”辅本义为人的上颌骨,与牙齿相互依存,后引申为下级对上级的支持和辅佐。
⑨ 周:周密。《说文》:“周,密也。”周本义为周密,周到而没有疏漏。
⑩ 隙:疏漏。《说文》:“隙,壁际孔也。”隙本义为墙壁相连处的孔,引申为疏漏。
⑪ 縻(mí):束缚,牵制。《说文》:“縻,牛辔(pèi)也。”縻本义为驾驭牲口的嚼子和缰绳,引申为牵制。
⑫ 同:共同。《说文》:“同,合会也。”同本义为一同、共同。
⑬ 任:担任职务。《说文》:“任,符也。”任本义为委任状,引申为担任职务。
⑭ 虞:谋虑,防范。《说文》:“虞,驺虞,白虎黑文,尾长于身,仁兽,食自死之肉。”《广雅》:“虞,安也。”虞本义为古代汉族神话传说中的仁兽,在传说中它是一种虎身狮头、白毛黑纹、尾巴很长的动物。据说生性仁慈,连青草也不忍心践踏,不是自然死亡的生物不吃,引申为安全,用作动词,为谋虑、防范。
⑮ 殆:危险。《说文》:“殆,危也。”殆本义为危险。
Business Application
Without any doubt, the most famous quotation in the entire book of The Art of War is embedded in the every paragraph of this chapter.The saying, “… knowing ourselves and knowing our opponents will guarantee success every time…”goes on to say that, “… knowing only ourselves but not our opponents will only guarantee half a chance of winning all the battles, and knowing neither ourselves nor our opponents will definitely lose all the battle…”Even Chairman Mao Zedong used the quote of “… knowing ourselves and knowing our opponents will guarantee success every time”.In fact, this statement can be applied to all and any warfare, any confrontation, any competition and any business endeavour.
In this age of Information Technology, it is vitally critical to fully study and understand the current business situation and the current business affairs of business opponents.To separate what is real from what is not essential in our approach to understanding our opponents.The application of Offensive Strategy in the context of business is geared towards business takeover, merger and acquisition, market expansion, resource acquisition,competition for finance capital, human capital, new technology, and research and development.This is an allinclusive concept and is not narrowly defined or limited to business takeover.
With information explosion, we can acquire information from printed media, from the internet and from all sources of multimedia.The question is whether such information is reliable and trust worthy.Misinformation and fake information is a form of offensive strategy as well.This is a means to confuse and mislead our enemies and opponents.More specifically, it can be used as a powerful way to engage in psychological warfare to capture the minds and the souls of our enemies.In the words of Sunzi, it is better to engage in psychological warfare to conquer our enemies than to engage in physical warfare.Physical warfare is more expensive and more consuming in resources in every means and every sense of the way.
In business, the deployment of psychological warfare can come in many different forms.Deployment of fake information or false information in the corporate environment is,of course, immoral, and perhaps, illegal.But to question the legitimacy or the truthfulness of your opponents claims is morally and legally acceptable.However, there is a big difference between the two approaches.The first approach being unlawful and the second is not.If the question of doubt is raised time and time again, it will begin to sink into the minds of our consumers, suppliers and other competitors.Such pressure can be detrimental to the operation and perhaps, survival of our targeted firms.
When our targeted firm is weak or hurt, what is our next move to capture said firm? In accordance to Sunzi and this is also where the wisdom of Sunzi comes in.We need to use diplomacy, strategy and dismantle our targeted firms if needed.Whether we use diplomacy or strategy for peaceful or hostile takeover, all these should be considered as offense moves.Of course, these offensive moves can be further divided into friendly offensive moves or aggravated offensive takeover.
Before we engage in any offensive moves, we must first and foremost ask ourselves the purpose of such offensive moves.Is it for expanding our market share or to expand our market influence? Is this a horizontal expansion? If it is, then according to the teachings of Sunzi, we must keep our targeted firm in its totality.If we need to dismantle part of the operation, we should do that only after the takeover and the offensive actions are completed.Such philosophy should also be applied in the case of vertical integration.That is, if we intend to take over the supply chain or the market channels, we must keep the original operation intact.This is the most cost effective way of achieving our intended objective.
Much has changed since Sunzi wrote his book but for business operation there is one element of the offensive move which is still very relevant to the current environment of offensive business strategy.This is “capture and destroy”.We can find many examples in business.Take the pharmaceutical industry as an example.Time and time again, when a certain large pharmaceutical company identifies a smaller company or groups of scientists engaged in the development of a process or a product that will infringe on their operation and in particular their long term profitability, they will take an offensive move and buy up or provide funding to support their work with the ultimate objective of controlling their intellectual property, their growth or their survival at the very early stage.This is almost like“capture and destroy”or capture and choose the best, useful parts and keep that part for our own use.
This kind of business practise is even more profound, obvious and fierce in the IT industry.The development of niche programs and applications is very common.Such development can be carried out by a small group of talented individuals.Actual size of such groups can vary and it could start with as few as a few individuals and grow into tens of hundreds in members.Such groups are very nimble in the market place and often find some applications that we will find to be very useful or deal with a common interest or a common need.Such developments are not often captured by large IT enterprises.We can find many examples of large IT companies like IBM, Google, Facebook and the list goes on and on.When such companies identify any such niche companies, they will aggressively pursue them.Acquire them in whole to minimize competition and integrate any useful programs into their overall development program.
Unlike military offensive strategy which involves conquer, take over and amalgamate.In offensive strategy for business, apart from conquer, take over and amalgamate, we can also replicate.For replication can cite many interesting examples in the pharmaceutical industry.As we know, brand name drug companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars in research and development in coming up with new drugs to deal with different disease treatments.For their spending in research and development and marketing and promotion,they are granted the proprietorial right of owning the patent and the exclusive right to produce the medication for a given number of years.Without any doubt, all those medications are sold at a very high price.Understandably, these high prices are justified on the grounds of the cost of research and development, the marketing and promotion cost and the limited time duration to recapture their cost and make a profit.Once the patent is expired,the generic manufacturers jump in to produce the same or a very similar product by a different name but using very similar ingredients.Normally, all the generic medications are sold at a fraction of the price of the brand name product.Very simply, the generic manufacturers do not have to incur any research and development cost and minimum marketing cost.For the generic manufacturers, this is an offensive strategy involving replication.For the original drug manufacturers, it is virtually impossible to defend themselves from such invasion.The only recourse for the original drug manufacturers is to reduce cost around the time that their patents are to be expired as to fend off the generic manufacturers.This is a classic example of slow and reactive replication, a very effective offensive strategy.
There is also the aggressive replication in the offensive strategy in business.If Company A sees an excellent product in the market produced by Company B, Company A can aggressively develop a similar product to protect their market share and market dominance.A classic example in this respect is the development of consumer video in 1970.Sony, the electronics giant, came up with the BETA video machine with its unique technology and tape size.Without any doubt, BETA was an excellent product and was used by many professionals including television program production.This is due to its high quality and ease of use.Panasonic, another electronics giant, realized that consumer video was the current trend enjoyed by many consumers.It came up very quickly with the VHS format machine and tape size.
This is a form of aggressive replication.So, who won in this war? It was Panasonic.Sony lost big and was quickly displaced in the video market.The interesting point question is, why? Panasonic won in this offensive war because it followed the offensive strategy advocated by Sunzis Offensive Strategy by understanding the weakness of Sony.Sony had a great product but Sony wanted to control the technology and wanted to be the exclusive producer of the BETA machine.Panasonic seized the opportunity and allowed other consumer electronic companies to produce VHS machines.The outcome was obvious.VHS won and took over the video format and BETA, a far better machine from the technology point of view, was squeezed out.