- 《孙子兵法》新解:东方智慧的现代商业应用
- (加)陈万华
- 6996字
- 2020-07-09 15:37:38
① 察:认真翔实地进行研究。《说文》:“察,复审也。”察本义为反复地审察,对其本质了然于胸。
② 经:以……为研究的基础。《说文》:“经,织也。”经本义为织布的经线,即用经线把纬线串起来,引申为研究的基础和依据。
③ 校:校正,校准。《说文》:“校,木囚也。”《广雅》:“校,度也。”校本义为用木头做的囚车,用于固定囚犯身体的各个部位,后引申为校正、校准。
④ 计:收集和记录到的敌对双方的情报资料。《说文》:“计,会也,算也。”计本义为计数、核算,引申为账本,这里指收集和记录到的敌对双方的情报资料。
⑤ 索:探索。《说文》:“索,草有茎叶,可做绳索。”《尔雅》:“小者谓之绳,大者谓之索。”索本义为粗大的绳子,引申为搜索、探索。
⑥ 情:本性,本质。《荀子·正名》:“情者,性之质也。”情本义为本性。
⑦ 听:认同,听从。《说文》:“听,聆也。”听本义为用耳朵感知声音,引申为听从,即言听计从。
⑧ 势:内在的动力。《说文》:“势,盛力权也。”势本义为充满权与力。
⑨ 制:控制。《说文》:“制,裁也。”制本义为切割,引申为控制。
⑩ 权:控制点,关键点。《玉篇》:“权,秤锤也。”权本义为秤锤,引申为控制点、关键点。
⑪ 诡:欺骗,诡诈。《说文》:“诡,责也。”诡本义为责成、要求,后引申为隐藏、欺骗,再引申为诡诈。
⑫ 传:《说文》:“传,递也。”传本义为用驿站转递文件,引申为规定下来并传达下去。
⑬ 庙算:在宗庙进行决议、决定。《说文》:“算,数也,从竹从具。”算本义为数,引申为决议、决定。
⑭ 见:通“现”,呈现。
Business Application
“Laying Plans”, the first Chapter of The Art of War by Sunzi is without any doubt the most important chapter in this classic of warfare strategy.When the book is applied to management strategy it is equally important.For laying a good foundation in any business organization is the very basis for its survival and growth.
It is for this reason that we would like to spend a little more time in exploring the essence of this Chapter.In strategic warfare, this Chapter outlines five important criteria to forecast the outcome of success or failure of a war.These criteria can be applied to business and modern management.The question we have to ask ourselves is how morality, heaven,land(earth),the commander and disciple be applied to modern business practice and management.
What does morality mean in business? Morality defines what is right and what is wrong.What should be done or followed.It also defines how it should be done or what not to do.
In the corporate or business environment, we must define the purpose of our existence.The basic question is who we are, what we do, why we do, where we do it and when we do it.These are the classic questions of the “5W”or “W5”.Honest answers to these five questions define the purpose of a corporation and also ultimately determine the success or failure of the corporation.
Let us try to define our “5Ws”into more practical terms in a corporate environment.To answer the “5Ws”is actually another way to establish the Mission and Vision Statements of a corporation.What is the Mission Statement of a company and what is the Vision Statement? And, how do these two statements relate to each other?
Mission Statements define the purpose of the corporation.Mission Statements are usually simple, short and to the point.To construct a meaningful and achievable Mission Statement involves all the stakeholders of the organization, the top management team,representative of middle management and rank and file.It also sometimes involves the ultimate consumers or buyers of the product or service.
Without exception, all the Fortune 500 companies in the world have Mission and Vision Statements for their corporations.Very often, these Statements are clearly displayed at Corporate Headquarters,in their Annual Reports, and for all the stakeholders.This practice is very common in western corporations and has a fairly long tradition.Unfortunately,this is not commonly practised in China.Mainly because for a long time, most and if not all, the companies are in manufacturing or service and are not publicly traded or privately owned.This does not mean that publicly owned organizations including state owned enterprises should not publicly announce their mandates and visions.
If we learn anything from The Art of War, we should take this lesson very seriously, and very carefully and to heart! Remember, this message and the importance of this message was advocated in China over 2 500 years ago.
What does a wellarticulated Mission Statement mean to an organization? It states very clearly and in short who we are, what we do, how we do it and who the people we serve are.Mission Statements are reminders of our objectives and how we try to achieve those objectives.Such Statements are dynamic statements meaning that they do change when the needs arise.However, the Mission Statement is not something that changes on a short term basis.Mission Statements reflect the medium and longer term directions of the organization and the operational philosophy.
In these days of competition, we see hospitals, universities and many nonprofit organizations trying to articulate their missions clearly so that the customers or users of the service understand what they are striving for.
Vision Statements work in conjunction with Mission Statements.Usually, Vision Statements are more specific in terms of actions.They spell out how the different functional areas of the organization work together to achieve the Mission of the organization.
The genius of Sunzi and his writing is fully demonstrated in his discussion and inclusion of heaven and land, or earth, as a means of providing a necessary and sufficient condition to win a war.With respect to management, this is profoundly enriching and meaningful.We often talk about the macroeconomic condition to do planning for a successful business operation.Far ahead of his time, Sunzi mentioned the heavenly condition as a precursor for success.The meaning of heaven implies“everything under the sun”which means Sunzi was concerned about global economic and political conditions as conditions for success.Matters of global condition are something that we need to analyze, to study and to understand before a successful venture can be achieved.Such examples of internationalization in trade can be easily found in the history of China.Our silk road to trade and commerce can be traced back way before a thousand years ago.We talk about international student exchange as if it is new and fashionable phenomenon.But shortterm internationalize of scholarly movement was advocated and practised in Europe during the Middle Ages when universities were established.So, there is nothing new about internationalization.However, let us keep in mind that the entire concept of globalization is a relative new concept.We must admit and admire the wisdom of our forefathers and how their simple words have made us realize things that were way before our time.
Now, let us see how the concept of land relates to management.Land refers to local environment and beyond.Without a good understanding of the local situation and its surrounding environment, how can we be successful in your business planning, business operation and business survival? Business is like warfare.If we cannot sustain, we cannot survive and we cannot succeed.
Understanding the global and local macro environment is advocated as a means that we must strive to achieve.Very often, organizations excuse themselves by stating that neither the global condition nor the local macro conditions are elements that they can control or have the resources to fully study or be concerned about.Such fallacy! Indeed, for many small and medium size companies will not have the resources to conduct their own analysis, or perform impact analysis.However, this should not be used as excuses to minimize the importance of such factors on a successful business.In fact, many of such analysis, both global and local are readily available for the curious.Of course, many large organizations conduct their own global and macroeconomic analysis.But even for such organizations and when they conduct planning, it is much better to spend time in reading, thinking and rethinking than rush into action.
Finally, the role of a good commander for a good business operation is highlighted and discussed.In warfare, we talked about Generals and how good leadership can win a war.In the corporate environment, the role of a good Chief Executive Officer, the CEO, is just as important.In fact, in the corporate world, the role of the CEO is not just to command, but to lead and to coordinate.The ability to lead and coordinate is far more important.Perhaps,this is an important difference between a military general and a good CEO.To command in warfare is absolutely important, but to coordinate and lead in the business environment is even more critical.
The role of a good CEO is not to command but to lead and to coordinate.A good CEO is like the driver of horse drawn carriage leading a group of horses.Each horse represents a unique and important part of the corporation.Depending on the nature of the corporation,one horse represents the marketing and sales department, one horse; the finance department,one horse; the production and manufacturing department, one horse; the research and development department, one horse; the human resources department and one horse; the brand development and government relations department.Each and every horse is important to the organization.One can never say any particular department is more important than the other.Each serves a unique purpose and carries a unique function.A good CEO leads all the horses and make sure that they are moving in the right direction and the same direction.More importantly, they all move in the same speed.A good CEO will not let one particular horse to move faster or slower than the others.If one moves too fast or too slow, the horsedrawn carriage will flip and cause a total stop or disarray and the company will fail.There are plenty of examples of that.Look at Blackberry, a company that has excellent technology and great research and development.So, which horse is causing the carriage to collapse? Or was the direction wrong?
Finally, let us tie leadership with discipline.At approximately 1000BC, the great Chinese philosopher Jiang Shang in his classical writing of Liu Tao pointed out the important attributes of a good leader.These attributes can be defined as follows:
Define visions and objectives for everyone to follow.This is totally inline with what Sunzis emphasis of morality.This is not a complete coincidence.It demonstrates the important of setting a vision and direction to follow the basic principle of a good leader.
Love your subordinates as our sons and daughters.This is where we have to be concerned not about how much money the company can or will make but the welfare and benefit of the staff and employees.As a start, how many of the employees can you remember by their first and last name?
Make your followers and your country (organization) prosperous.In the modern business context, the concept of profit sharing is not only an empty concept but something that should be put into practise.Like dividend payout to shareholders who are the owners of the company, a good company sets aside a certain amount of profit to its employees.The danger here is many corporations set aside or build into a contract for senior management.The basic idea is good but if this does not include many of the rank and files, it could only create problems and friction.
Make clear identification of reward and punishment, treat everyone the same.
Set yourselves as example for your subordinates.
Promote the ones with ability and demote those without.
These last three points reflect the notion of discipline as outlined in The Art of War.