(10)关系代词及疑问代词(Relative and Interrogative Pronouns)
1. same 之后的关系代词须用 that。
2. such 之后的关系代词须用 as。
例:This is the same man that came before.
He is not such a man as I wanted.
3. 当 as 之后的动词省略时,则 same 之后用 as。
例:This book is the same as mine(is).
A. 用适当的关系代词填入空白处:
1. This is the boy____I recommended.
2. The boy____I recommended is a Swede.
3. The boy____brought the letter is,not the one____I recommended.
4. I told Anna,____I knew would keep my secret.
5. I told Anna,____I knew I could trust.
6. I told Anna,____I knew to be trustworthy.
7. I told Anna,____I knew intimately.
8. No one____you know lives in this street.
9. All____I can say is,I am sorry.
10. Give me the same horse____I had yesterday.
11. A dog,____showed his teeth and growled,blocked the way.
12. Choose the partner____you like best.
13. The policeman was leading a little child____had lost its mother.
14. Take such measures____you deem necessary.
15. Take____measures seem necessary.
16. Take the measures____seem to you necessary.
17. My hat is of the same size____yours.
18. This is the picture____I am so fond of.
19. This is the picture of____I am so proud.
20. The man____is talking to Henry is the one____owns this house.
B. 将 who(ever)或 whom(ever)填入空白处:
1. ____do you think will be the next Mayor of Taipei?
2. He is the student____was chosen to speak for his class.
3. Students____some teachers would call“naughty”are often very clever.
4. ____shall we have for the president of our English Club?
5. ____is that man standing on the platform?
6. To____are you sending the letter?
7. It was they____visited our school last month.
8. The company wants a man____it can trust.
9. To____did you give the book?
10. We never discovered____the thief was.
11. ____was it?
12. ____do you think will help us?
13. ____did you promise?
14. ____shall we choose secretary?
15. I know____you are.
16. You may work with____you wish.
17. You are the person____I wish to see.
18. There will be a price for____makes the highest score.
19. ____could it have been that broke the window pane?
20. We sent invitations to all____we believed to be interested in the school.
21. He asked me____was elected.
22. ____do you regard as the better scholar of the two?
23. ____did you see when you called?
24. ____do you think is the best physician in town?
25. ____do you suppose I am?
C. 用 which 或 what 填入空白处:
1. Is this the book____you want?
2. The man refused to tell me____he wanted.
3. This is the one____he means.
4. She wants to know____you are going to do tonight.
5. He took everything____he wanted.
6. She didn’t believe anything____I said to her.
7. Did he tell you____he wanted you to do?
8. I’ll do anything____he asks me to do.
9. Is this the letter____you are referring to?
10. He asked me____I was doing.
11. This is the book____Mr. Smith sent me.
12. That is the one____he wants.
13. I told him____the word meant.
14. This was a development____no one had expected.
15. These are the ones____I want.
16. Is this the book____he asked you for?
17. I couldn’t imagine____he was trying to say.
18. She has all the money____she needs.
19. He took with him everything____he needed for his trip.
20. A man is judged by the books____he reads.
21. He lost all the money____he had so carefully saved.
22. Have you taken everything____you need?
D. 依例句所示将下列句中的关系代词省去(注意变更介词的位置):
例: |
He is the man to whom I spoke. He is the man(whom)I spoke to. |
That is a problem on which we must spend some time. That is a problem we must spend some time on. |
1. The man to whom you spoke is here now.
2. I have bought the book about which I spoke to you yesterday on the telephone.
3. He is the man whom I mean.
4. I should like to buy the book at which I was looking yesterday.
5. Is this the letter for which you asked me yesterday?
6. That is a subject on which we will have to spend considerable time and money.
7. That is a question about which I must speak to you.
8. Which is the door at which you knocked?
9. That is the file out of which I got the letter.
10. That is the shelf from which I took the book down.
11. Which is the tree under which they hid the money?
12. That is the question over which they argued.
13. That is the story at which we were laughing so hard.
14. This is the room about which he enquired.
15. This is the one which he wants.
16. He is the man that I saw in the room.
17. Was Mr. Smith the man to whom you talked?
18. A simple relative pronoun must always have an antecedent to which it refers.
E. 将省去的关系代词补出:
1. It was a bold step she had taken.
2. I am not altogether unqualified for the business I have in hand.
3. His taste of books is a little too just for the age he lives in.
4. Censure is the tax a man pays to the public for being eminent.
5. Who is the wittiest man you know?
6. Morton was the only friend I had.
7. That sonata was the first piece I learned.
8. Ten dollars is the price he asks.
9. Are you the man I bought the coat of?
10. This is the book we are reading evenings.
11. Take any seat you like.
12.“Faust” is the only opera I care for.
13. I have done all I can.
A. 用适当的代词填入空白处:
1. She behaved____like a lady.
2. ____must be nice to have all your sons and daughters around you.
3. Was____you who sent me the box?
4. He flattered____that he had told that tale very well.
5. ____was possible that they might not return till late the next day.
6. I think____highly probable that she should come to help us at once.
7. ____is very kind,that aunt of yours.
B. 用适当的指示代词填入空白处:
1. Our greeting was like____of old friends.
2. You must help him,and____immediately.
3. There was no objection on the part of____present.
4. ____which is good to be done must be done at once.
5. ____who believe it are very stupid.
C. 将括号中错误的词划去:
1. Have you |
some any |
lessons to prepare? |
2. I haven’t |
some any |
lessons to prepare. |
3. Will you ring me |
some any |
water? |
4. I have |
some any |
new books at home. |
5. The street was lined with spectators on |
either both |
side. |
6. Have you ever seen an airship?Yes,I have seen |
one. it. |
7. Each of us has |
his our |
claims. |
D. 将括号中错误的关系代词划去:
1. My older brother |
whose who |
name is Daniel,is a Christian preacher. |
2. It was a poor weapon,but perhaps the best |
that which who |
he could lay his hands on at the moment. |
3. Among his friends in the town there was one man |
who that whom |
he loved dearly. |
4. People endeavoured to improve the society in |
that which |
they lived. |
5. She had already refused several offers of marriage with a grand air, |
which that |
had got her hard names among the neighbours. |
6. The dogs,not one of |
which that |
he recognized for an old acquaintance,barked at him as he passed. |
7. The expression with |
that which |
he regarded me had much intelligence. |
8. People came to hear |
what that |
he had to relate. |
9. He never saw such big ships |
that as |
you may see any day at our seaports. |
10. I cannot repeat all |
which what that |
I heard. |
E. 用疑问代词填入空白处:
1. ____began the quarrel?
2. About____were you speaking?
3. ____book is this?
4. ____of the two players do you like better?
5. ____do you think I wanted?
6. ____play of Shakespeare do you like best?
7. ____did you say won the prize?
8. ____was she,do you suppose?
9. ____do you think has done it?
10. ____do men say that I am?
F. 代词的用法有错误者,改正之:
1. The grass as grows in this lawn is very coarse.
2. Such a man who came today is not fit for the work.
3. I return the book what you lent me three days ago.
4. I do not like any one as does not speak truth.
5. The class what you teach is getting on well.
6. The carpenter as made that box is a very good workman.
7. I will tell you everything what I know about it.
8. Such things which they say are not to be believed.
9. The mason as built that wall built it crooked.
10. The matter what you inquire about does not concern you.
11. Such news that you brought spread quickly through the town.
12. Friendship is the virtue what I admired most.
13. He,not I,was the man as deceived you.
14. Most of all I like such scent that comes from roses.
15. A boy as is always talking can neither learn nor work.
16. The man what does not pay his debt is not honest.
17. The same book what you read last week I am reading now.
18. A bad potato is the worst thing as you will find anywhere.
19. This is the thing as he was meaning all the time.
20. Such things that do harm should be avoided.