凡有意义的一个字母(letter),或两个字母以上结合而成的文字,就叫作单词。英文的单词,依其词性可分为八大词类(Eight Parts of Speech),即所谓名词(Noun)、代词(Pronoun)、动词(Verb)、形容词(Adjective)、副词(Adverb)、介词(Preposition)、连词(Conjunction)、感叹词(Interjection)。
两个以上的单词组合而成的短辞,就叫作短语。一个短语中是不包含主语和谓语的,但它却有一定的意义。依照它的作用,我们可以把短语分为四类:①名词短语(Noun Phrase),②形容词短语(Adjective Phrase),③副词短语(Adverb Phrase),④其他短语。现就以上四类,分别举例说明如下:
名词短语:To tell a lie is wrong.(撒谎是不对的。)
Now I must decide what to do.(现在我必须决定怎么办。)
例句中 to tell a lie 是 is 的主语,what to do 是 decide 的宾语,凡主语和宾语都是要用名词的,所以这是名词短语。
形容词短语:He is a man of courage.(他是一个勇者。)
A man without courage is a knife without an edge.(人而无勇犹刀之无锋。)
Be always in time;too late is a crime.(要常守时;迟误为罪。)
所谓 man of courage = courageous man,可见都是用来修饰 man 的;without courage 也是修饰 man 的,without an edge 就是修饰 knife 的;in time 是 be 的补足语,也是当作形容词用的,所以以上都是形容词短语。
副词短语:He studies with diligence.(他勤读。)
I was born in this town.(我生在此城。)
There is a book on the desk.(桌上有一本书。)
例句中的 with diligence、in this town 和 on the desk,都是副词短语,第一个短语是修饰动词 studies,第二个短语是修饰动词 was born,第三个短语是修饰动词 is 的。
1. 动词短语(Verb-phrase),如:a. Take good care of yourself.(好生保养。)b. He did not take part in the meeting.(他未曾参加那会。)
2. 介词短语(Prepositional-phrase),如:a. He is cheerful in spite of illness.(他不顾生病还是很快活。)b. He was obliged to leave the office on account of ill health.(他因病不得不停止办公。)
3. 连词短语(Conjunction-phrase),如:a. I shall lend you the book as soon as I have done with it.(等我读完了这本书,我就借给你。)b. Any will do,so long as it is interesting.(只要是有趣味的什么都可以。)
4. 感叹词短语(Interjection-phrase),如:a. You are not going to pay the money?For shame!(你不付钱吗?真不要脸!)b. Come now,don’t joke.(喂,喂,不要开玩笑。)
语句中的小语句,就叫作分句。每个分句都是有一个主语和一个谓语的。分句可分为①名词分句(Noun Clause),②形容词分句(Adjective Clause),③副词分句(Adverb Clause)三种。现分别举例说明如下:
名词分句:What he says is true.(他所说的是真的。)
He asked me where I was going.(他问我往何处去。)
例句中的 what he says 是动词 is 的主语;where I was going 是动词 asked 的宾语,所以都是名词分句。
形容词分句:This is the house where he lives.(这就是他住的屋子。)
Students who are diligent are sure to succeed.(勤勉的学生一定会成功的。)
例句中的 where he lives 是修饰 house 的,而 who are diligent 是修饰 students 的,所以都是形容词分句。
副词分句:I did as he told me.(我照他说的做了。)
Look before you leap.(看好再跳。)
例句中的 as he told me 是修饰动词 did 的,before you leap 是修饰动词 look 的,所以都是副词分句。