- 有限元分析常用材料参数手册
- 辛春亮 薛再清 涂建 王新泉 孙富韬编著
- 125字
- 2025-02-18 03:32:27
Weldox 460E钢
表2-264 Johnson-Cook模型参数(一)

A ARIAS, J A RODRIGUEZ-MARTINEZ, A RUSINEK. Numerical simulations of impact behavior of thin steel plates subjected to cylindrical, conical and hemispherical non-deformable projectiles [J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2008, 75(6):1635-1656.
表2-265 动态力学特性参数

表2-266 Johnson-Cook模型及失效参数

表2-267 Zerilli-Armstrong模型参数

S DEY, T BØRVIKA, O S HOPPERSTAD, et al. On the influence of constitutive relation in projectile impact of steel plates [J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2007, 34:464-486.
表2-268 Johnson-Cook模型参数(二)

MIN HUANG. Ballistic Resistance of Multi-layered Steel Shields [D]. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007.