02 官方评分标准解析
2.1 考试数据权威解读:自我定位 快速提升



Part 1
Question:Do you work or study?
I am a student.I studying in university.I am Grade 2.
回答内容简单,句式单一,并且出现了很多语法错误。I am studying为现在进行时,回答中缺少be动词。I am Grade 2中则遗漏了介词in。抛开表达流畅度、语音等因素,较明显的问题是句式简单。考生如果将三句话进行升级整理可以快速提升表达的难度。如:I am a well-qualified college student who is a sophomore.(我是一名素质良好的大二学生。)使用定语从句并运用sophomore(大二学生),表达的难度和准确度就迅速提升了。再如:I am a sophomore at XXX University.
I am a student of Peking University.My major is finance and I am in Grade 2.I am very exciting to study here because I know a lot of talented students from the whole country.Also it's the best university in China,so I am very proud of myself to be a student here.I think I will graduate in 2 years.
能够正确使用状语从句,并准确使用talented这个单词,是加分项。句式总体偏简单。句子中出现了一些表达错误,但不属于低级错误,且不影响句意理解。excited说成了exciting,混淆了动词两种分词形式做形容词时的用法。I know应该说成I have met,未理解meet和know的区别。该回答虽然表述的内容已经较5分答案的词汇、语法难度和准确度有明显的提升,但各部分之间并没有明确的逻辑关系,因此Fluency&Coherence方面得分较低。
Ah,I'm currently doing my bachelor's degree in the subject of finance at Peking University,and this is my second year of study.
Part 2
Describe a success your friend has achieved
You should say:
Who your friend is
What the success was
What he or she did
And how you felt about the success
I have a very good friend and his name is Peter.Peter is a doctor and she work very hard at hospital.He give operation to liver and now he's pretty famous in the country.He is very young to do liver operation and become very successful doctor.Many people go to him and they cure after the operation,so they were really thank him.She is now national doctor association,sorry,he is now national doctor association.All those people are 45 or 50 years old and he is only 35.They all liked him because he is an easy going person and I think he is success because he is never proud.Every time we talk to him he just laugh and say she is still learning.
·词汇方面:词汇量有限,存在较多搭配错误以及一些中式表达。如:doctor意为“医生”,而“外科医生”应为surgeon;he give operation to change liver很显然是不知道如何表达“肝移植”;national doctor association是一个非常奇怪的名称,应该是对照中文意思断章取义的;“他很谦虚”并不是never proud;最后一句中的laugh也不合适。
I have a friend called Peter and he is a very successful doctor.He is only about 35 years old,but he is already doing liver surgeries.This is a miracle for a doctor of his age.He got his success not easily,you know,he studied in medical school for 8 years and got his doctor degree.Then he started working for his hospital with his supervisor.At first he couldn't do surgeries himself,so he must assist his supervisor.But he learns very fast so a few years later when he was only 30,he was already the main doctor to do the surgeries.What's more,his teacher ordered him to do liver transplant surgeries,he was very surprised but you know these kinds of surgeries are very important to the patients'lives,so he worked very hard and tried his best.Luckily,he succeeded in the surgeries and saved many lives of people.Now he is a member of the National Association of Organ Transplantation,and he is the youngest member in it.All other people are around their 50s or so.I am very proud of his success in his career and feel happy for his patients because they have met him and were treated so well.He is still working hard on it,so I believe his success will become better and better.
·词汇方面:考生具备一定的词汇量,但较多表达不够地道。例如:he got his success not easily显然应表述为:success didn't come easy;doctor degree表述不准确,“博士学位”应为PhD;try one's best也是不够地道的表达,try本身表示“尽最大努力”,使用do one's best或try即可。better and better虽然表述清晰,但可以使用更高级的表述进行替换。
What I'd like to talk about today is a career success marked by my best friend Peter,who's a prominent gastro-surgeon who's specialized in liver transplantation and many other high-end surgeries.Because of his outstanding performance and contribution to the field,he was admitted as a member of the National Organ Transplantation Board,which is the top official panel of their field with all of its members either president or vice-president of top tier hospitals across the country.Even the candidates of this board are at least in the same positions of their hospitals with significant experience in this field.If you make a guess of Peter's age,you'd probably say he must be in his 50s or something,but in fact he is only 35 years old,which is unprecedented in his industry.
Outsiders are surprised to see his success and a great many of his peers are jealous of it.However,success doesn't come easy.Several years ago he was merely a young talented surgeon,and never did anyone expect him to be where he is now.Back in those days,his supervisor was attempting to revive a regional liver transplantation centre at their hospital,but was quite restricted with experienced specialists.With no prior experience at all,he opted to join the team and started from scratch.Only I,his best friend,know how much effort he had put in before he was confident enough to step in the OR and perform this ridiculously complex operation for the first time.
I'd be willing to say that I do admire his success,but it's actually his drive to success alongside his dedication that impressed me the most.Success never comes easy;if we want it,earn it!
Part 3
Question:Do you think hard work is the most important part in achieving success?Why?
Yes,I think so.You know if not work hard,we will never achieve anything.We maybe have many ideas,and we want to do things,but we don't work hard,the things will not come true.
·逻辑方面:考生能直接对问题作答,但答案中并没有针对most important也就是“最重要”这个概念给出任何有效的解释,只是在不断强调要努力工作,才能取得成就,却没有与其他因素进行比较;
·语法方面:该回答中出现了一些基础语法错误,例如if not work hard;句子结构过于简单;
·词汇方面:we maybe have表述错误,应为we may have;使用的词汇过于简单。
Yes,I think so.Working hard is the most important thing to succeed because no matter what do we want to do,what ideas do we have and what plans do we make,we always need to carry out the work and this can only be done through hard work.We may be very creative or smart,but as said by Thomas Edison,genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent hard work.So I fully agree that hard work is the most important part in achieving success.
·逻辑方面:考生能够直接对问题作答,并且能切中“most important”这个要点,但逻辑不够严谨,前后内容存在重复或衔接生硬的问题;
·语法方面:出现了一个常见语病,即no matter what we do,what ideas we have and what plan we make,应该是陈述句而非疑问句,不应该用助动词do。其他部分并无明显语法错误,但句式单一,除简单定语从句外,并没有复杂的语法结构;
·词汇方面:用词较为匮乏,没有体现多样性,但错误不多。回答中的一个严重问题是引用的爱迪生的话。提醒:大家如果不知道准确的引文,一定不要在考试中使用。“天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的汗水”译文应为:Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration.
Yeah,absolutely.As I've just mentioned,success never comes easy.Take business success as an example.It normally originates from an innovative idea,followed by systematic planning and highly efficient execution.This innovative idea could come from anyone around us,but it's the difficulties in the later stages that bar the majority of people from realizing their ideas.Both planning and execution require hard work.Not only do we need to invest a great deal of effort and time,but also we need to be determined enough to battle all the challenges and obstacles in the way.Real success only awaits those who work their way through,not those who cheat.
·该回答逻辑清晰,以商业成功为例,列举出了成功所需的步骤,并且对比了提出想法和采取行动的重要性,突出了hard work是取得成功的最重要的因素;