- GB50730-2011冶金机械液压、润滑和气动设备工程施工规范(英文版)
- 中国冶金建设协会
- 106字
- 2021-03-31 18:32:37
4.8 Filter
4.8.1 The installation of filters shall comply with the following requirements:
1 The longitudinal and horizontal center lines shall be adjusted,and the measurement by plumb wire should be carried out,with the allowable deviation of 10.0mm.
2 The elevation shall be adjusted,and the measurement by optical instrument or ruler should be carried out,with the allowable deviation of±10.0mm.
3 The levelness or verticality shall be adjusted,and the measurement by leveler or suspension wire should be carried out,with the allowable deviation of 3.0/1000 for vacuum belt filter and 1.5/1000 for electric back-flush filter.