- 2018中国肿瘤登记年报
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- 1160字
- 2025-02-20 02:34:47
2 本年报数据
2.1 数据上报地区及范围
本年报数据收集截止时间为2018年6月30日,数据上报数据范围为2015年1月1日至2015年12月31日全年新发癌症发病和死亡个案数据(ICD-10编码范围:C00-97,D32-33,D42-43,D45-47),及各肿瘤登记处2015年年中人口数据。上报2015年肿瘤登记数据的登记处分布在31个省(自治区、直辖市)及新疆生产建设兵团(未包括香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾省),合计登记处501个,覆盖人口387 872 825人,其中城市登记处174个,农村登记处327个。
2.2 数据质量控制及最终纳入数据
全国388个肿瘤登记处2015年覆盖人口320 915 849人(男性162 763 047人,女性158 152 802人),占全国2015年年末人口数的23.35%。其中城市地区肿瘤登记处142个,覆盖人口154 124 856人,占中国肿瘤登记地区人口数的48.03%;农村地区肿瘤登记处246个,覆盖人口166 790 993人,占51.97%。
2 Data specification in this annual report
2.1 Data collection scope
NCC China required all population-based cancer registries to submit new diagnoses and deaths from cancer in 2015(ICD-10:C00-C97,D32-33,D42-43,D45,D47),as well as the corresponding population data before 30th,June,2018.A total of 501 cancer registries submitted data to NCC China,covering a total of 387 872 825 population.Among the 501 cancer registries,174 were urban cancer registries and 327 were rural cancer registries.
2.2 Data quality control and qualified data
According to the Chinese cancer registration guidelines 2016 and the standards of International Agency for Research on Cancer/InternationalAssociation of Cancer Registries(IARC/IACR)on Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, Vol.Ⅺ,we have published a national criterion on data quality for Chinese cancer registration data from aspects of comparability,completeness and validity.We applied strict quality control on data and also consider the wide coverage of different geographic areas in China.A total of 388 cancer registries were included in the present China Cancer Registration Annual Report.
The 388 cancer registries covered a total of 320 915 849 population (162 763 047 males,158 152 802 females),accounting for 23.35%of the national population in 2015.Especially,there were 142 urban cancer registries covering 154 124 856 population(48.03%)and 246 rural cancer registries with population coverage of 166 790 993(51.97%).
2.3 年报内容简介
2.3 Content of this annual report
The present annual report summarized data of the cancer incidence,mortality and demography through 388 cancer registration sites in 2015.We reported the quality control indicators including mortality incidence rate ratio(M/I),percentage of morphological verification(MV%),percentage of death certificate only(DCO%),et al,overall and by registration site.We reported data of new cases and deaths of all cancers and by site,including crude incidence,mortality,age-standardized rate(ASR)of China population,ASR of Segi’ s world population,cumulative rates,and age and sex-specific rates.Moreover,we presented detailed distribution of subsite and morphology for some cancers.We compared cancer incidence and mortality rates by urban and rural areas,three geographic areas(eastern areas,central areas,and western areas),and by the seven administrative districts(North China,Northeast China,East China,Central China,South China,Southwest China,and Northwest China).