Passage 5

Answer the questions.(根据以下内容回答问题)(12分)

A jobless man wanted to apply for the position(职位)of“office boy”at a company.The manager interviewed(面试)him and then gave him a test:clean the floor.The man passed the test; he cleaned floor very well.

“You are hired(雇用), ”the manager told the man with a big smile.“Give me your email address,and I'll send you the table(表格)to fill out to be hired here.”

The man replied, “I don't have a computer, or email! ”

“I'm sorry, ”said the manager.“If you don't have email,that means you do not exist(存在). And we cannot hire persons who do not exist.”

The man was very disappointed. He didn't know what to do. He only has $10 with him. Once that was spent, he wouldn't have any money to buy even food. He went to the supermarket and bought a box of tomatoes with his $10. He went from door to door and sold the tomatoes in small bags in less than two hours.

He doubled his money. He went on doing this three times, and went back with $80 that day. He realized that he could make a living this way.

Five years later, the man became one of the biggest food sellers in the company. He started to plan his family's future.He decided to take out insurance(保险)on his life so that if he were to die,they would have enough money.He called an insurance broker(经纪人), a man who sells insurance. At the end of the conversation, the broker asked him for his email address.

The man replied, “I don't have email.”

The broker was very surprised. “You don't have email, and yet have become so rich. Can you imagine what you could have been if you had email? ” he explained.

The man thought for a while, and replied, “An office boy in a company! ”

If you have lost your job or just failed an interview, it doesn't matter. Think of the positive... Good days are on the way and something better will happen to you.

1. Was the manager satisfied with what the jobless man did in the test?


2. Why didn't the manager hire the jobless man?


3. From the underlined sentence “He doubled his money”, how much did the man have then?


4. What did the man do in order to plan his family's future?


5. In the broker's opinion, how would the man be if he had email?


6.Which personality(性格)do you think makes the jobless man successful?Give your reason.
