Passage 5

Answer the questions.(根据以下内容回答问题)(12分)

Going camping is the best fun in the world if we know how to do it. Every healthy boy and girl, if possible, should enjoy living outdoors for a week or two like an Indian every year.

A party of four boys makes a good number for a camping trip. They will probably agree better than two or three. They can do much of the camp work in pairs. No one need to be left alone to look after the camp while others go fishing or hunting or to some nearby town for food and drinks.

It is always better to take along someone who has “camped out” before. If he cannot be found, then make your plans, decide what you will do and how you will do it, take a few cooking lessons from your mother or someone else.

First, choose a leader, not because he is any more important than the rest but because if someone goes ahead and gives directions, the life in camp will run much more easily and everyone will have a better time.

If it is your first experience in camping, you had better go somewhere near home. The best place is one that can be reached by car. If we have to carry our suppliers on our backs or in a canoe, the amount we can take will be much less.

After you have had some experience near home you can safely try the other way. Where you go is of little importance. Near every large city there are some lakes or rivers where you can find a good camping site. Campers always have more fun if they are near some water, but if such a place is not easily found where you live, go into the forest. Try to get away from towns or villages. The wider place is, the better.

1. Is it a good idea for children to go camping for a week or two every year?


2. How many boys make a good number for a camping trip?


3. Who can you learn from before you go camping?


4. What does a leader usually do for the life in camp?


5. Where should you go if it is your first time to go camping?


6. Where will you go camping, near a river or in the forest? Give your reasons (at least two).
