Setting up your database on a GoDaddy.Com® server

This recipe is for websites that are hosted on® or® resellers such as™.

These steps detail how to set up your database on a® server.® offers a wide range of tools equal to the tools discussed in previous section. However® handles setting up your new hosting in a very different manner.

By following these steps you will have your site's database up and running in no time.

Getting ready

What you will need:

  •® username / number and password
  • Your four digit security code or credit card information - this information is required should you need to contact technical support.

How to do it...

  1. Login to® using your username and password.
  2. To reach the database setup, we have to navigate through the menu. Follow these steps:
  3. Click Hosting.
  4. Under My Products choose Hosting - this will take you to the control panel:
    How to do it...

    The preceding screenshot shows (in our example) two accounts - yours will show the number of accounts you have purchased.

  5. Now click on Manage Account next to the Hosting Account you wish to set up.
  6. You will be taken to the Hosting Control Center control panel - choose Databases - you will see the following icon.
    How to do it...
  7. Once you click the MySQL icon you are taken into the set up system. Click the Database button on the upper right:
    How to do it...
  8. This screen is where you will enter all your information.
    How to do it...
  9. How to complete this screen:
    • Provide a Description (example: Joomla! 1.5 website)
    • Provide a MySQL Database/User Name. Note that on® this means both the database name and the Username are identical. This will be important for your Joomla! installation
    • Create a strong password and repeat it. See the tips® provides for creating a strong password - labeled How to Generate a Strong Password.
    • For our purposes you can leave the Read-Only User Name, New Password/Confirm Password sections blank
    • Choose MySQL Version 5.0
    • Click OK


    It is important that you select 5.0 as your database. 4.1 is provided for older applications that cannot support the new database.

  10. The next step on® can take a few hours in some cases. So don't panic if it states Pending Setup for a very long time. You will see a screen like the following until the database is set up:
    How to do it...
  11. In your database list (see the preceding screenshot) once it is complete click the pencil icon on the right:
    How to do it...

    Clicking this will provide the critical details you will need to set up Joomla! You should see a screen similar to the one shown in the following screenshot:

    How to do it...
  12. Record your details here:

    Status: Should read Setup

    Host Name: ______________________________

    Database Name: __________________________

    User Name: ______________________________

    Password: _________________________________ (optional as you should have recorded it earlier)

  13. Check database to ensure it is working

    On the same screen you are currently looking at, click Open Manager in the upper right corner:

    How to do it...

    This will open the database manager for you. You will see the following screen and you will need your Username and Password:

    How to do it...
  14. Populate the Username and Password and click Go.

    This will take you to a screen similar to this:

    How to do it...

    You will see on the left your database under information_schema. It should say (0) next to it. In our case it reads: joomlacookbook(0).

    This indicates your database is set up. In the next recipe you will install Joomla!

How it works...® process works behind the scenes the same way the cPanel system works. It issues the commands to set up and configure a database server. The steps are different due to the method in which their hosting systems have been designed.