About the authors

Kaizhe Huang is a security researcher at Sysdig, where he researches how to defend Kubernetes and containers from attacks ranging from web attacks to kernel attacks. Kaizhe is one of the maintainers of Falco, an incubation-level CNCF project, and the original author of multiple open source projects, such as kube-psp-advisor. Before joining Sysdig, as an employee at Stackrox, Kaizhe helped build a detection data pipeline, conducted security research, and innovated detection based on machine learning. Previously, as a senior security engineer at Oracle, he helped build security products: Database Vault, Database Privilege Analyzer, and Database Assessment Tool. Kaizhe holds an MS degree in information security from Carnegie Mellon University.

I want to thank my lovely wife, Melody, and my family members – without your support and prayers, I wouldn't have been able to finish the book. Thanks to my manager, Omer, for giving me the opportunity and freedom to explore and innovate. Thanks to my Sysdig coworkers; you always inspire me. Thank you, Pranjal – without your commitment, I wouldn't have been able to do this. Thanks to everyone on my publishing team. Thanks to my dog, Emma, who helped me relax during writing.

Pranjal Jumde is a senior security engineer at Brave Inc. In the security industry, he has worked on different aspects of security, such as browser security, OS/kernel security, DevSecOps, web application security, reverse engineering malware, security automation, and the development of security/privacy features. Before joining Brave, as an employee at Stackrox, Pranjal helped in the development of detection and enforcement features for the runtime detection platform. He has also worked at Apple and Adobe, where he worked on the development of features to harden various platforms. Pranjal holds an MS degree in information security from Carnegie Mellon University. He has also presented his research at different conferences, such as ACM CCS and BSides SF/Delhi.

I would like to thank my co-author, Kaizhe, for all his trust in me. Without your support and commitment, completing this book wouldn't have been possible. Family is the strongest support that anyone can have – without the support of mine, this book would not have been possible. A special thanks to my wife, Swetha, for her patience, encouragement, and support. A special thanks to the editorial team for all their help.