Inserting a cover page quick part

Cover pages make documents look professional and also offer the user an efficient way of adding a first-page introduction to a long document. There are many styles to choose from, either within Word 2019 and online, and we can control where to place the cover page in the document:

  1. For this demonstration, we will open the document called CoverPages.docx.
  2. Click the Insert tab.
  3. In the Pages group (at the very left of the ribbon), choose the Cover Page drop-down arrow. A gallery of pages will appear:
  1. To view more pages, click on the More Cover Pages from option. Please note that an active internet connection is necessary.
  2. Click to insert the desired cover page into the document or right-click to access more options to control where you would like to place the page.
  3. Once the cover page has been inserted into the document, you will be able to add or format the information as desired.
  4. Deleting the cover page is easy – simply access the Cover Page drop-down menu from the Insert tab and select Remove Current Cover Page.