Editing AutoFormat Options

It is important to know how Word 2019 works and where to adjust options within the environment. The AutoFormat option is located in the Word Options dialog box. Let's have a look at where the Replace text as you type option is located for bulleted and numbered lists, as follows:

  1. Create a new document, or open an existing document in Word 2019.
  2. Click on File | Options
  3. Choose the Proofing category on the left of the screen, as illustrated in the following screenshot:
  1. Click on the AutoCorrect Options... button to change how Word corrects and formats text as you type.
  2. There are numerous tabs displayed in the AutoCorrect dialog box. These contain lots of options that allow you to customize the environment efficiently. Select the AutoFormat As You Type tab, shown in the following screenshot:
  1. The options that enable automatic bulleted and numbered lists are located under the Apply as you type section. These are enabled, as they contain a checkmark. If you disable these two options, automatic lists will not be created as you type in Word 2019. 

If any changes are made to these options, you will need to commit the changes by clicking on the OK button at the very bottom of the dialog box.

Note that when changing options in the Word environment, the changes replace the default settings in the whole of the Word 2019 environment and not just for the current document.