Creating an outline (multilevel list) after typing a list

It is beneficial to type a list using tabs to denote one level from another, before selecting the list type from the multilevel list options. At times, lists can cause a few hurdles, but if you follow the general guidelines in this section, you will become a whiz at multilevel list creation. Proceed as follows: 

  1. Create a new document, or open an existing document in which to insert a multilevel list.
  2. When typing up a multilevel list, you will use tabs to specify the list level, and use the Enter key at the end of each line (see the following list example).
  3. For the purpose of indicating where tabs (arrows) and paragraph markers (use of the Enter key) have been inserted in the document, the Show/Hide icon has been activated for the example shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Type the list, as in the following example:

  1. Be sure to highlight the entire list before converting it to a multilevel list.
  2. Click on the multilevel list icon residing in the Paragraph group, as illustrated in the following screenshot:

  1. Select a style to apply to the highlighted list.