About the author

Naren Yellavula, known in the developer community as Naren Arya, started his programming career in a somewhat surprising manner. He ditched mechanical engineering in favor of computer science after watching The Matrix for the first time. With domain expertise in cloud telephony and e-commerce, Naren has a total of 6 years' professional experience and 10 years of programming experience. His articles on open source have been read over a million times worldwide.

Naren has spoken at the PyCon India conference on two occasions. He currently works as a software engineer, building microservices for Tradebyte Software GmbH (a Zalando enterprise). In his spare time, he travels to new places. He also loves reading – nonfiction most of the time, and Victorian and Russian fiction on occasion.

For me, writing this book was not simple. With daily commitments, vacation plans, and relocating to a new country, it proved to be a tough transition period with lots of emotional moments and experiences. However, all my efforts spent compiling this book were worthwhile knowing that this book will help you, the reader.
On this occasion, I would like to thank my parents and my younger brother,   Saikiran Yellavula,   who was very patient with me all the time spent writing this book. I am also happy to have a wonderful friend in the shape of   Zahra Zaredar,   who has earnestly wished me success throughout my life. Lots of love to you guys!
I am greatly indebted to my mentor, 
Chandrashekar Munibudha , Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, for his encouragement and guidance throughout my career.
This book would not have been possible without
 the help of  Denim Pinto , Acquisition Editor at Packt, and a good friend of mine. He was the one who approached me for both editions of my book. I would also like to thank   Divya Vijayan , my content editor, who was very patient throughout the book's timeline and   monitored its progress closely. I also want to thank   Vincent Smith   for reviewing the chapters and providing insightful feedback. If you were anticipating this book much sooner, forgive me, but I am responsible. There were a few awkward moments when I annoyed the editorial team owing to poor communication. Ultimately, I am human too, but the Packt team always supported me with the necessary tools and resources. Kudos!