To get the most out of this book

The reader is expected to have a basic idea of programming, preferably using Java because we take the reader through several features of WebDriver using code examples.  The following software is required for the book:

  1. Java JDK 1.8
  2. IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3+
  3. Selenium WebDriver 3.7.1+ JAR
  4. Selenium Stand-alone Server 3.7.1+ JAR
  5. Appium Java Client 5.0.4+ JAR
  6. Appium Server 1.7.1 JAR for iOS or Linux


  1. TestNG 6.11 JAR
  2. ExtentReports 3.1.0 JAR
  3. Browsers: Google Chrome 62.0, Mozilla Firefox 57.0, Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0
  4. Drivers: chromedriver.exe 2.33, geckodriver.exe 0.19.1, IEDriverServer.exe 3.7.1+
  5. Apple Xcode and iPhone Simulators for iOS
  6. Google Android SDK and Samsung Galaxy emulators for Linux
  7. VMware virtual machines